Grace Hanshaw and James Shinkle measure the chlorophyll levels in grasses that undergo different UV treatments


Wherever the Grass Is Greenest

Biology professor James Shinkle adapts research to challenges posed by COVID-19
by Madison Semro ’21

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Collage of theatre design mockups


Shift Happens

How ÐÔ°®ÌìÌÃ’s creative minds re-imagined and transformed the pandemic-era classroom
by Jeremy Gerlach

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Dante Suarez speaks with two students and a faculty member in the CSI Cube


Zooming Across Borders

Finance professor creates community through international real-world experiences
by Jeanna Goodrich Balreira '08

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Editor's Note

We don’t typically include an editor’s note in IMPACT.Ìý We also don’t typically wear masks while singing socially distanced choir concerts or drive across the state to set up a summer research project in a student’s backyard.

Nothing about this year was typical—yet somehow everything inherent to ÐÔ°®ÌìÌÃ’s core, to our mission, went well beyond that. Faculty dedicated countless hours to migrating their courses to the TigerFlex learning model; or, they found creative solutions to socially distance in-person learning, leading, and doing.

This issue of IMPACT magazine isn’t typical, either. To steward crucial resources, we’ve moved our content online. The listings of publications, awards, and accomplishments are a highlight reel that accompanies the online format as a downloadable and shareable PDF. We hope this issue will reach beyond the printed page to reach digital corners we haven’t in the past.

cover of IMPACT No 5 featuring Kelly Lyons

Accolades and Achievements

Read a list of faculty and staff accolades and achievements from the 2019-20 academic year.

Read the Current Issue