Laptops and lysol
Shift Happens
How 性爱天堂鈥檚 creative minds re-imagined and transformed the pandemic-era classroom

性爱天堂 is not a warzone.听

But in the spring of 2020, with the Covid-19 pandemic establishing a foothold in the United States, 性爱天堂 instructor Katherine Troyer says the University鈥檚 scramble to move classes online was about as close to that experience as academia gets.

鈥淭he spring was like wartime conditions: do whatever you can to save as many souls as possible, and worry about yourself later,鈥 Troyer says.

Troyer is assistant director for programs with The Collaborative for Learning and Teaching, a braintrust for 性爱天堂 faculty and teaching staff that shares best practices for effective teaching and learning and organizes reflective discussions, presentations, workshops, and scholarly communication. The Collaborative, in partnership with 性爱天堂鈥檚 information technology services department, faculty and staff across multiple departments, and University leadership, was tasked in 2020-21 with shifting 性爱天堂鈥檚 classrooms towards new models of learning and instruction they鈥檇 need to survive鈥攁nd thrive鈥攊n the COVID-19 era.

This shift has taken many forms, from the implementation of new technology to the adaptation of novel teaching techniques. It鈥檚 required an incredible amount of sacrifice from faculty and staff in all corners of the University. But more than anything, Troyer says, this shift has prompted administrators, technology specialists, and faculty to unleash their creativity.

Katherine Troyer (right) and Collaborative head Thomas Jenkins lead a training session for faculty.

From Break to Breakthrough

As the pandemic surged during 性爱天堂鈥檚 spring break, the University rapidly weighed its options to finish the spring 2020 semester.

Troyer, along with the Collaborative, the President鈥檚 Task Force, and Academic Affairs, turned to 性爱天堂鈥檚 information technology services (ITS) department to figure out how to move online. That鈥檚 where Jessica Barto, training and outreach specialist for ITS, stepped in.

鈥淸Academic Affairs special assistant to the vice president] Lisa Jasinski came up to us and said, 鈥業t looks like we鈥檙e going online鈥攚e鈥檝e got spring break to make this happen,鈥欌 Barto says. 鈥淎nd we were like, 鈥極K, let鈥檚 do this!鈥欌

Moving online meant introducing faculty and students to technology such as Zoom鈥攏ow a household name, but in spring 2020, still relatively unfamiliar to much of 性爱天堂鈥檚 campus. 性爱天堂 had already purchased Zoom and similar tools needed for online learning in 2019, well before the outbreak, but had been using them mostly for remote Trustees to video in during board meetings. Barto had planned on starting education for these tools slowly, over the course of 2020.听

鈥淏ut we didn鈥檛 have time for that,鈥 Barto says.

And while much of campus was able to successfully transition online for the last weeks of school, 鈥渢his was more like a temporary band-aid,鈥 Barto explains. 鈥淲e still needed a more stable, long-term solution going into the fall.鈥

Barto and Troyer, along with their counterparts in ITS, Academic Affairs, and the Task Force, were charged with having to completely re-imagine 性爱天堂鈥檚 classrooms for the upcoming fall semester. So, they started work in May, as soon as the spring semester ended.听

鈥淲e accepted a new normal: We鈥檙e no longer in triage mode with COVID-19, this now is our reality,鈥 Troyer says. 鈥淣ow, how are we going to find a way to make the best of this situation?鈥

The initial problem facing the team was the wide range of 性爱天堂鈥檚 classes. As a liberal arts university with a heavy dose of sciences and experiential learning, not every class could simply move online. And faculty, Barto recalls, were extremely concerned about the fact that 性爱天堂 wouldn鈥檛 be able to return all its students to campus, which would create a divide between remote and in-person learners, sometimes within the classroom itself.

Jessica Barto walks faculty through the Zoom platform

鈥淲e knew what had worked from the spring and what didn鈥檛, so we were both excited and very nervous for how both the classroom and online learning were going to work,鈥 Barto says.

There were three types of fall courses Barto鈥檚 team had to prepare for: in-person, remote, and TigerFlex (a hybrid with in-person and remote learners both in the course.) But even within these three types of classes, there was incredible variation in the size of each class, the physical space of each room, and even the technological needs dictated by the subject.

The best solution, Barto says, ended up with ITS taking a custom, tailor-made approach to each course. 鈥淲e had to strategically think about what was going to work in each room. Every one of our divisions were brought together to come up with solutions. We couldn鈥檛 just set the same technology in every room - we had to create custom solutions for classes with 10 versus 50 people.鈥

ITS ended up equipping more than 60 classrooms with new technology that allowed faculty to teach in-person and remotely at the same time, such as mobile document cameras and video conferencing units.

But simply installing the tech wasn鈥檛 enough, Barto says. She also needed to help faculty learn how to use the technology. So, in partnership with The Collaborative, Barto launched a series of summer training sessions for faculty to help prepare for the upcoming semester, and has continued them through the fall.听

Faculty attend ITS training session

In addition to the hardware, Barto also ended up overseeing training for software, such as overviews of Google Suite and Zoom and more technical tools such as Adobe, Word, and Excel.听

鈥淢any of our faculty have never relied on technology in this way before. So, at first there are obvious concerns from faculty: what if something broke, or didn鈥檛 work the way they thought it would?鈥 Barto says. 鈥淏ut the more we got in and practiced with them, the more comfortable we saw them become with these new tools.鈥

And these new tools, Troyer says, ended up prompting some bigger discussions about new possibilities for innovation and course redesign. As a result, 性爱天堂's Collaborative also offered a series of bootcamps and workshops on best practices for 性爱天堂's new learning models, such as backward design, community of inquiry, or flipped classrooms.

鈥淚t was amazing to watch, just over the short time in the summer, how much our thoughts changed,鈥 Troyer says. "At first, with so much uncertainty related to the pandemic, we thought there would be more completely asynchronous, online learning--and then, I think many of us hoped we could return back to having students completely in the classroom. Ultimately though, we realized that we were going to need to adopt a much more flexible situation with TigerFlex. But through it all, our faculty stayed adaptable."

Professor Scott Neale (second from right) re-imagined his design courses this fall.

Designing a New Model

One of those faculty that Troyer points to as an example of that flexibility is human communication and theatre professor Scott Neale.听

Neale, who walked back from peaceful sabbatical in spring 2020 into an unfolding nightmare, had previously relied on a completely hands-on, tactile experience in the classroom. Neale teaches courses such as Intro to Set Design, Theatrical Scene Painting, Experimental Design and Principles of Design. Each semester, his students create design elements for physical spaces inside and outside of theater such as museum exhibits, theme parks, restaurant and retail design, along with designing three-dimensional spaces that you can walk through and look at.

Or, as Neale jokes, 鈥渁ll the things affected by COVID-19 right now.鈥

Traditionally, Neale鈥檚 classes have relied on in-person use of art supplies and tools. His groups had used computers and tech before, but mostly just worked with design software for class projects. And the bulk of his students鈥 work has centered around building scale models of design ideas. 鈥淚 ask my students to think three-dimensionally,鈥 Neale says, 鈥渁nd the best way to wrap your brain around that is to be able to hold it.鈥

This fall, Neale鈥檚 鈥淚ntroduction to Set Design鈥 was a TigerFlex course鈥攈olding both in-person and remote students who ran a wide gamut between experienced theater majors and newcomers. 鈥淚t鈥檚 fun, you get your hands dirty, it鈥檚 creative, and a lot of them have never built a model before,鈥 Neale says of his course. 鈥淚t challenges students to think with both sides of the brain. You create a concept, but then distill it down into something that has to actually be built. You鈥檙e both a dreamer and an architect.鈥

A design for a one-act play from one of Neale's first-year students, Taylor Crow '24.

With many of his students isolated in their residence halls or hometowns, Neale felt it was still important that students had physical tools to work with.

鈥淲e鈥檝e been living in this digital Zoom world for so long that it鈥檚 exhausting. For students that have never worked in three-dimensions before, it is so important to give them something to hold in their hand instead of just looking at a 3D model on a computer screen,鈥 he says.听

So, Neale came up with a 鈥渟cene design kit鈥濃攁 cardboard box with everything students needed to work on their course projects, ranging from architects scale rulers, drafting triangles and T-Squares to pieces of black foam core, matte board, cardboard, drafting paper, tape, glue, and Exacto knives. For students living off campus or out of state, Neale shipped to them.听聽

While these kits served as a valuable resource, Neale was also able to use some of 性爱天堂鈥檚 new videoconferencing technology to connect his students with another invaluable resource: industry stars.

Neale and his Scene Painting聽students in 2018, a simpler time before masks and distancing.

鈥淭he live theatre industry is more or less on an extended hold right now. It will re-open again, but no one is doing live theater right now. So I鈥檝e invited several Broadway designers to speak to the class, and to my surprise, most of them have said yes,鈥 Neale says. 鈥淲e鈥檝e had multiple Tony Award winners such as David Gallo, the set designer for Sesame Street, and we have these discussions about their experiences working in theater. Our students have loved that鈥攖hey鈥檙e usually a little quieter, but once you get them going, they鈥檙e pretty enthralled about it.鈥

Part of the reason so many guest speakers have signed on is that they aren鈥檛 working right now, Neale notes, tongue-in-cheek. So, the one downside to this new guest speaker model is that when these professionals get called back up, his class鈥 schedule can get a bit wacky.听

鈥淥ur last guest had to reschedule because she got a last-minute call from Lin-Manuel Miranda, so of course, I鈥檓 like, 鈥Ok, fine鈥攜our top priority is not my scenic design class.鈥 Neale laughs. 鈥淏ut there are still all these opportunities for these people to give back to the theatre community, so we鈥檙e appreciative of all the time we can get with them.鈥

Faculty lead ITS training session
Paradigm Shift

Neale is just one of many 性爱天堂 faculty who have adapted their teaching to the COVID-19 era.听

Across campus, Barto and Troyer say that learning looks completely different than it did just a few months ago.

Classes are stocked with videoconferencing units and tripod cameras with microphones, while professors are mic'd up with personal lavaliers for quality audio. This commitment to technology is not a gimmick, Troyer says鈥攊t鈥檚 a crucial method for ensuring students at home have an equal share of the 性爱天堂 experience to those students still on campus.

鈥淭his is no longer a temporary band-aid鈥攖his is a paradigm shift,鈥 Troyer says. 鈥淲e鈥檙e not thinking about 鈥業 have students in person, but I need to incorporate a few who are out of the class.鈥 Now, we鈥檙e trying to build our classes with聽 those remote students at the forefront to make things more equitable.鈥

鈥淧eople are still trying to figure out whether they鈥檙e ready to embrace this paradigm shift,鈥 Troyer continues. 鈥淲e haven鈥檛 mastered this model, and we have a significant way to go as a university. We鈥檙e going to continue improving鈥攏ext semester, we鈥檙e going to need to be just as flexible as we were this year. If we need to push more classes online, we鈥檒l be able to do so. And if we get to bring back more in person, we鈥檒l be ready for that too.鈥

Room of faculty attending ITS training

While Barto and Troyer are excited about the potential for innovation they鈥檝e seen this year, they also caution that the pandemic has not affected every course, subject, and faculty member equally.听

鈥淭here are still a few faculty who are feeling a sort of disconnect between their in-person learners and their remote students,鈥 Barto says. 鈥淚TS has got to find ways to keep helping our faculty engage both of these groups equitably.鈥

鈥淎nd our faculty and teaching staff, we鈥檙e also all at or approaching bandwidth capacity,鈥 Troyer says. 鈥淪o, the Collaborative is still asking, how do we balance our best teaching practices with understanding that they might not work the same way for everybody?鈥

Still, professors like Neale are focusing on the upcoming spring semester as a chance to improve their courses even further.

鈥淭he thing I鈥檝e really improved this semester is communicating with my students鈥擨 actually prefer using Zoom for certain things like office hours, which makes me more accessible,鈥 Neale says. 鈥淚 can do breakout sessions with individual students during group projects, check on their progress, and talk to them one-on-one. So I鈥檓 nervous about the upcoming spring, but also looking forward to it.鈥

ITS sign on top of double doors

Barto says the one thing campus can take away from the lessons learned on the battlefield of 2020 is that change in the classroom isn鈥檛 necessarily a bad thing.听

鈥淚 am not excited about being in a pandemic, but I am excited about the technology we鈥檝e been able to put in the hands of our faculty and our staff,鈥 Barto says. 鈥淵es, many of these changes happened fast, but the trends of this type of technology were set in motion a long time ago鈥攖he pandemic simply sped up that process.鈥

Barto acknowledges that 性爱天堂鈥檚 shift to more tech-friendly, digital forms of learning takes a lot of work from both faculty and staff. But ultimately, now that the triage is over and the 鈥渂and-aids鈥 have been ripped off, campus can do more than heal: it can start getting stronger.

鈥淧rofessors are really eager to come and learn about all this technology we have available, so I鈥檓 not having to beg anyone to come to my training anymore,鈥 Barto says. 鈥淣o one wants to be in a pandemic, but this mission鈥攐ur mission鈥攈as brought us together.鈥

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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