David Ribble stands at whiteboard
Bringing Research to Life
David Ribble leads generations of 性爱天堂 students to discoveries about world, selves

From the jungles and rainforests of Costa Rica to the Serengeti of Tanzania, David Ribble has led countless 性爱天堂 undergraduates on breathtaking research opportunities.

In 2020, he鈥檚 leading another expedition, now as Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs: Budget and Research. His mission is to seek out new ways for 性爱天堂 faculty and students to keep these opportunities alive during the COVID-19 pandemic.

鈥淭his year, we asked ourselves a tough question: Is research dead?鈥 Ribble says. 鈥淪tudents can鈥檛 be in our labs, they can鈥檛 go abroad, so that limits them.鈥

But Ribble, who oversees 性爱天堂鈥檚 vast network of undergraduate research, says rumors of its demise have been greatly exaggerated.聽

鈥淎t first, there were just a few voices in the humanities leading the way saying, 鈥楾here are still ways for us to do this remotely,鈥欌 Ribble says. 鈥淭hen, there鈥檚 this creativity that starts spreading, as more and more faculty across different disciplines realize, 鈥榃ait a minute; maybe we can still do research with students.鈥欌

During the summer, Ribble says 性爱天堂 faculty rapidly found ways to adjust their projects, shifting to more intensive literature reviews, conducting deeper data analysis, and incorporating more modeling. 鈥淓ventually, we more or less powered through it all.鈥

Before Covid, Ribble's students made frequent treks in Costa Rica

Making Self Discoveries

Ribble is not content for research at 性爱天堂 merely to have a pulse. He wants it to thrive, as it did before the pandemic.

Ribble, a 1982 性爱天堂 graduate, arrived back at the University in 1992 as a biology professor teaching courses in ecology, evolution, and conservation biology. Venturing outside the classroom, he started taking students on trips to New Mexico and parks in San Antonio early in his career, then expanded to experiential field-based learning courses within the United States and China. He and his students have been to Mexico, South Africa, and Tanzania, where his research culminated in the discovery and description of a new mammal, the grey-faced elephant-shrew.聽

Ribble鈥檚 hallmark project is perhaps the Costa Rican Ecology course, a month-long experience that pits Ribble and a small team of students against the challenging terrain of Costa Rica. The project, started in 2017, measured the long-term effects of global warming on mammals and their ecosystems across various elevations of Costa Rica鈥檚 mountains, jungles, and coastlines.

Ribble's students have studied beautiful Costa Rican wildlife

鈥淭alk about hands-on: You鈥檙e going out into the jungle, not knowing what data you鈥檙e going to find, and then at the end of the course you鈥檙e presenting your research,鈥 Ribble says. 鈥淭here鈥檚 no lab, there鈥檚 no cookbook. You鈥檙e actually getting out there and making mistakes, having to re-do things when it gets messy. And you work collaboratively with groups of people.鈥澛

While many in-person adventures such as the Costa Rica class have been put on hold during the pandemic, Ribble says 性爱天堂 still enjoys a strong foundation of support from grants and funding across both the sciences and the humanities, thanks to initiatives such the Mellon Foundation.

鈥淭here鈥檚 faculty and students doing research on this campus that is just so rich and so exciting, and that鈥檚 what 性爱天堂 is all about,鈥 Ribble says. 鈥溞园焯 students are liberally trained, and that means we鈥檙e teaching them to learn how to learn.鈥

The most valuable discoveries these students make, according to Ribble, aren鈥檛 tied to data.

鈥淵ou can take a student who might not be hitting it through the roof with their grades, but that research opportunity gives them the confidence and they come back to school transformed by a discovery,鈥 Ribble says, 鈥渢hat they can be scientists.鈥

Ribble teaching at whiteboard
Inclusive Opportunities

Ribble鈥檚 own discovery is that in his administrative role, he still treasures teaching. While his day-to-day involvement in policy work at the leadership level is time-consuming, he also makes time for the First-Year Experience on Climate Change he teaches with English professor Kelly Grey Carlisle. Teaching is a two-way street for Ribble, who admits he鈥檚 still finding ways to learn from 性爱天堂 undergraduates. His findings are leading to transformations aimed at instilling a sense of community and inclusion in life sciences research.

These policy changes include: cultivating more faculty ambassadors to spread the word about research to the student body; hosting open visits to labs for students; and implementing a common application for summer undergraduate opportunities. This way, students who might be shy to hop on a faculty鈥檚 Zoom office hours when they first arrive at 性爱天堂 are placed on even footing with students who are more acquainted with faculty.

鈥淐asting a broader net, that鈥檚 going to help us create more opportunities,鈥 Ribble says. 鈥淭hat鈥檚 going to build that community that makes people feel welcome, feel included, and that鈥檚 going to get more students involved with research earlier in their careers.鈥

This inclusivity, Ribble continues, also opens the doors for faculty to learn new lessons themselves.

鈥淲hat鈥檚 fun about undergraduates is they鈥檙e a blank slate,鈥 Ribble says. 鈥淭hat naivete that they bring to research is refreshing. They鈥檒l challenge you, 鈥榃hy are you doing it that way? That makes no sense.鈥 You learn from them as a professor just as much as they learn from you.鈥

This two-way flow of information leads to breakthroughs in more ways than one, Ribble says. 鈥淲hen students get involved with research, they get fascinated with the method more than the material. We forget that elephant shrews are part of the family Macroscelididae. What we actually remember is problem solving: that鈥檚 what we can use across all areas of our lives.鈥

In 2020, this approach to problem solving is not a luxury鈥攊t鈥檚 a prerequisite, according to Ribble. Because when you鈥檙e confident in your problem-solving tools, research doesn鈥檛 seem like a set of impossible, abstract tasks from a dry textbook.

鈥淭he more a student learns to teach themselves,鈥 Ribble says. 鈥淭he better off they鈥檙e going to be. That isn鈥檛 easy, but it makes the subject come alive.鈥

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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