Lawrence Kim staff photo
Finding Something New in the Archaic
Classical Studies professor awarded fellowship to explore ancient Greek culture

性爱天堂 classical studies professor Lawrence Kim, Ph.D., has always had a fondness for 鈥渙ld鈥 things, whether they be classic Hollywood movies, 19th century novels, or baroque music.

鈥淚鈥檓 intrigued by the different senses of the term 鈥榦ld-fashioned鈥 today鈥攊s it a criticism? Or praise?鈥 Kim wonders. 鈥淗ow do we make sense of the different stages in the history of literature, film, or art?鈥

Kim鈥檚 newly-awarded fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) extends his natural curiosity about the 鈥渙ld鈥 into his professional career of examining the culture of ancient Greece. The prestigious ACLS was founded in 1919, and it promotes a wide range of opportunities for scholars in the humanities and related social sciences.

鈥淭he Greeks I study lived under the Roman Empire, but they revered the literature and culture of a period over five hundred years before their time, in the age of the Parthenon, the Athenian and Spartan empires, Greek tragedy, Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates鈥攚hat we call Classical Greece,鈥 Kim explains. 鈥淭hey were obsessed with studying and emulating a 鈥榗lassical鈥 era, that is, one located in the distant past.鈥

While those elements felt to be characteristically 鈥榗lassical鈥 might be the most popular and well-known aspects of ancient Greece, Kim says there are, problematically, elements from this period that struck Imperial Greeks as old-fashioned or archaic as well. Kim is interested in learning how these authors reconciled the two.

Kim says that different authors in Imperial Greece define 鈥渁rchaic鈥 differently. Some use the term pejoratively, suggesting that the works are primitive, crude, and aesthetically unpleasing. Other authors, however, might find value in 鈥渁rchaic鈥 style as being rustic and simple, but also honest and unpretentious. His goal is to begin sorting through those labels and what they mean.

鈥淭his project arises out of my general curiosity about how cultures make sense of the literary and artistic works of their own past,鈥 Kim says. 鈥淢ore specifically, I鈥檓 interested in the problems involved with dividing the past into historical periods and the way in which aesthetic judgments about authors and texts become enmeshed with ethical judgments about the cultures that produce them.鈥

The ACLS fellowship will allow Kim to complete his research in Heidelberg, Germany, where 19th century scholars originally labeled the era now known as the 鈥淎rchaic鈥 period of ancient Greece. It鈥檚 yet another example of 性爱天堂 fostering perpetual discovery and lifelong learning beyond the confines of campus.

鈥淚 think that it benefits the University to have its professors engaged in the production of聽knowledge in their fields,鈥 Kim says. 鈥淚 really appreciate that 性爱天堂 provides its faculty with the opportunity to pursue their own research.鈥

Ted Gartner '91 helps tell 性爱天堂's story as a member of Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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