Submission Guidelines*

Students with Vision and Hearing Loss Website聽


This Website is the result of collaboration among educators in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand to provide Research, Strategies, and Applied Techniques for professionals, families, and universities involved in educational and societal inclusion of children and youth who are Vision Impaired/Blind and/or Hard of Hearing/Deaf.

The Site is supported by the Coates Library, at 性爱天堂, San Antonio, Texas.聽

It is available globally at no cost and welcomes Submissions from all international professionals in order to provide diverse and inclusive Research and Practice for application with students encountering Vision and/or Hearing loss across geographic regions.

We encourage Submissions with content including interventions for students living in lower-economic communities and for students from diverse language and ethnic/racial backgrounds.

Submission Topics

Topics appropriate for the Website include the following:聽

  • Original Research studies, with practical relevance
  • Descriptions, reviews or evaluations of innovative instruction and assistive technology聽
  • Programs or models of education for learners with Vision and/or Hearing loss聽
  • Research and Practice, including Techniques and Strategies that individuals with Vision and/or Hearing loss can use personally to facilitate their own learning and social interactions
  • State-of-the-art Techniques and Strategies that family members can use in their daily life to support students at home and to coordinate with classroom teachers and schools

狈翱罢贰:听No For-Profit sales or advertisements of services, products, professional training, materials, or assistive technology/equipment will be considered for inclusion on this site. Only non-commercial Research, Strategies, and Practice reviewed by Experts in Vision and Hearing will be posted.

Submission Deadlines: 聽Nov. 15, 2024 and April 1, 2025.

Guidelines for Contributors

狈翱罢贰:听All Submissions should be prepared with consideration of ease of readability for individuals with Vision Impairment.

In their writing and program descriptions, Authors should use the terms and language preferred within Vision and Hearing communities and avoid stereotypic words and references.

All Manuscripts should be sent by email.聽

Author Information
Within the email, Authors should include a separate Attachment containing (a) the Submission title, (b) Author or Authors鈥 name, including their professional title and the organization they represent. They should include contact details (email address and telephone) for the Principal Author (or Co-Author) who will be handling correspondence.聽

Within the email, Manuscripts should be submitted in a separate Attachment.

All Manuscripts should be in Microsoft Word format, with Times New Roman 12-point font.

Within the Manuscript, lines should be double-spaced, with left aligned paragraphs, 2 inch (5.08 cm) page margins, and numbered pages. A running title header should be included on the top of each page (with no Author information included).聽

Size limit:聽The preferred size limit for submissions is 5,000 words or less.

Images and Tables:聽If images and tables are included in the Submission, they should be sent as a separate Attachment, using a JPG format. They should not be embedded within the Manuscript text, but a note (i.e., 鈥淚nsert Image 2 here鈥) should be included in the specific area of the text where they should be included.

础产蝉迟谤补肠迟:听Academic Manuscripts should include an Abstract of 120 words or less, giving a brief summary of the overall content.聽

Citations and References:聽Citations and references included in Manuscripts should follow the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines.聽

Acknowledgments and Permissions:聽Authors are responsible for the originality of all statements made in their work.

Authors should obtain permission from Copyright owners to reprint a quotation of 100 or more words and to reprint or modify a Table or Figure.聽聽

Authors are responsible for contacting the original Author(s) and Publisher(s) to request non-exclusive international rights to use the material on this Website and in future Website updates.聽

Copies of all Permissions should be included with Manuscript Submission.聽

As a Citation within the Manuscript, Acknowledgment should be included of specific students and professional colleagues who contributed to the Research and/or Application content submitted, but who have not been listed as Authors.

A listing of any type of sponsorship, donations, grants, or technical assistance supporting the Research or Application should be included.聽

Compliance with Ethics Requirements:聽For Manuscripts reporting original Research studies, Authors are responsible for ensuring that the reported Research has been conducted in an ethical and responsible manner, in full compliance with all ethical requirements and legislation.聽

To respect privacy and confidentiality, no individual participant鈥檚 Identification or data should be included in the Submission.

Manuscript Review Process:聽Upon receipt, Manuscript Submissions will be acknowledged by email. Following preliminary Editorial review, articles will be sent to Reviewers who have expertise in the subject.聽

When slight modifications are suggested, Reviewer feedback will be sent to the Author/s with an invitation to revise the manuscript content. If the content or format are not appropriate for the website, or if extensive revision would be necessary, the Manuscript cannot be accepted.聽

Manuscript Submission: 聽聽All Manuscript Submissions should be sent to the Website鈥檚 Senior Editor, Dr. Karen A. Waldron, at

* These Submission Guidelines are an adaptation of those specified by The Journal of the South Pacific Educators in Vision Impairment (JSPEVI).