Meet the Editors

Karen A. Waldron, Ph.D.

Dr. Karen A. Waldron is a 性爱天堂 Professor Emerita (Education) and served as Director of Special Education for 28 years, teaching undergraduate and graduate courses to prepare educators for work with students with special needs. A former teacher of Elementary and Secondary levels, she received her B.A. from SUNY New Paltz (Teaching Certificate), her M.S. (Reading Specialist Certificate) and Ph.D. (Special Education Administration and Educational Administration Certificates) from Syracuse University.

Within 性爱天堂鈥檚 community-based model of collaborative interactions with school districts, professionals, and families, Waldron initiated research and programs focused on needs of听 students from ethnic/minority backgrounds who lack economic opportunities. She developed and directed the 性爱天堂 Special Education Clinic; the Psycho-Educational Clinic for the University of Texas Health Science Center, Dept. of Child Psychiatry; 性爱天堂鈥檚 Special Education Certification Program for regional teachers; and The Inclusive Network Consortium of 200 teachers and administrators from 65 schools, collaborating to design model Inclusion programs to incorporate children with disabilities into general education classrooms.

She consulted in Northern Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, and Czech Republic, presenting hundreds of lectures and professional workshops supporting the needs of women and children at risk of poverty, discrimination, and abuse.

In 2005, she received the听Headliner Award for Professional Achievement from the San Antonio Women in Communications for her international and community work in developing programs for children with disabilities, as well as her ongoing involvement with media, including television, radio, magazine and news journals.

Waldron has published six books as well as numerous Research articles and Handbooks. Her book, Introduction to a听Special Education: The Inclusive Classroom (1996) (Albany, NY: Delmar/ITP/Wadsworth), was an international university text.

Her work with Co-Editors Janice Brazil and Laura Labatt, resulted in听Risk, Courage, and Women: Contemporary Voices in Prose and Poetry (2007) (Denton, TX: University of North Texas Press). This book received the 鈥淏est of the Best from University Presses鈥 Award, as well as Honors from the American Library Association. It was nominated for the Amelia Bloomer Award for Young Feminist Books.

Waldron鈥檚 most recent book (2023),听A Woman鈥檚 Journey: Not Done Yet, explores how individuals can avoid stereotypes of age, race, ethnicity, and gender, finding fulfillment by moving forward to create impactful societal changes. Published by 性爱天堂 Library鈥檚 Digital Commons, it is available at

Michael Steer, Ph.D.

Dr. Michael Steer was Senior Lecturer in Vision Impairment at Renwick Centre, Royal Institute for Deaf & Blind Children, New South Wales, Australia. Prior experiences include Director of the New South Wales Office on Disability; Principal Advisor, Disability Policy for Community Services Victoria; Director of the Integration Unit, Ministry of Education in Victoria; and Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Health & Behavioural Sciences, Deakin University, Melbourne. Prior to his arrival in Australia, Dr. Steer was Director of Special Education, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador; Principal of the Psychoeducational Teaching Laboratory, Syracuse University; and Principal, Montreal Association School for the Blind. He has a Ph.D. in Special Education Administration, from Syracuse University (New York), with Masters Degrees in Public Policy with Honours (Melbourne), Vision Impairment (Boston College) and Education (Southern Illinois), BA (SGWU, Montreal), Teachers Certificate and Diploma from St. Luke's College,听 Exeter University, England. His professional associations included the Australian Society for the Study of Intellectual Disability, Council for Exceptional Children, Phi Delta Kappa, American Association on Mental Retardation, NSW State Counsellor, South Pacific Educators in Vision Impairment, Convenor, Australian Heads of Services (Vision Impairment), Convenor, Round Table on Information Access for People with a Print Disability and NSW State Representative for the Australian Deafblind Council, and NSW State Representative for the International Council for Education of Vision Impaired (ICEVI). Dr. Steer became a Member of the Order of Australia in 2009.

Dolly Bhargava, M. Spec. Ed.

Dolly Bhargava completed a Bachelor of Applied Science in Speech Pathology from the University of Sydney, a Master of Special Education from the University of Newcastle, and Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.

Midway through her career she realized her passion was in supporting children, adolescents and adults with emotional and behavioural difficulties (EBD). She started working extensively with individuals with EBD in a variety of contexts such as family homes, childcare centres, preschool, schools, respite care, post school options, employment services and corrective services.

Dean Benjamin Harris听

Benjamin Harris is the Dean of the Library and a Professor at 性爱天堂.听 Beginning in 2004 as librarian for the Education Department, he has been a career-long advocate for 性爱天堂's Education faculty and students.听 Among other topics, his scholarship has focused on the ways that communicating, learning, and working in communities complicates the way we think about individual-centric education standards. Benjamin has regularly contributed to the development and maintenance of the Students with Vision and Hearing Loss website.

Bradley Dusing

Bradley Dusing is a Teaching, Learning, and Research Support Librarian with the 性爱天堂 Coates Library and has just begun his career as Assistant Professor at 性爱天堂 since November 1st, 2023. He is liaison to departments including African American Studies, Communication, Film Studies, Education, History, Philosophy, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Religion, and Sport Management. Prior to joining the library faculty at 性爱天堂, Bradley spent fifteen years in public education as a classroom teacher and librarian.


Our special thanks to the following outstanding professionals:

  • Dr. Rod Beattie, for his significant encouragement and support for the initiation of this project. Dr. Beattie served as Head of Graduate Studies, The Renwick Centre for Professional Education and Research, Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children / The University of Newcastle;
  • Dr. Charles White, for his invaluable assistance with organizing the production of this website during his tenure as Vice President, Information Resources and Administrative Affairs at 性爱天堂, San Antonio, Texas;
  • Ronnie Swanner and his staff at the Center for Learning and Technology, 性爱天堂, for the months they spent in intense effort in website creation. The project could not have been possible without their wonderful efforts;
  • Dr. Breda Carty, for her thorough reading and review of the chapters on Hearing Impairment, in support of Dolly Bhargava's Master's Project. Dr. Carty served as Lecturer in Hearing Impairment, The Renwick Centre for Professional Education and Research, Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children / The University of Newcastle;
  • Mike Offord, at the Elmwood Visual Resource Centre, in Christchurch, New Zealand, for sharing invaluable information from the Centre's website for teachers and parents of students with vision loss;
  • Jane Costanza, Head of Resource Management at 性爱天堂, continues to provide an amazing platform for digital publication of faculty research and writing, allowing us to collaborate with colleagues and interested readers across the globe in sharing universal work and experiences;
  • 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing听team, including Damon Bullis, for their hard work and dedication to rebuild our site and maintain its integrity on the 性爱天堂 website.

In the initial development of this site, the many 性爱天堂 graduates of the Special Education program, classes of 2004 and 2005, who conducted research, interviews, and wrote numerous earlier chapters for the handbooks.

  • 性爱天堂 graduate Laurie Hemberger completed numerous interviews in support of this project and collated the chapters of fellow graduate students for their research on vision and hearing loss.

We appreciate greatly the knowledge and expertise provided to 性爱天堂 students by the following outstanding professionals:

  • Dr. Phil Hatlen, Superintendent, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and his faculty, who shared extensive curricular and teaching knowledge with graduate students from 性爱天堂 in support of the students' completion of their chapters for this handbook. The web address for TSBVI's extensive site is
  • Robin Feder,听Executive Director, Central Institute for the Deaf, St. Louis, Missouri, and her faculty for the extensive interviews and discussion concerning best practices in teaching students important information on instructional strategies for students with hearing loss;
  • The administrators and faculty at St. Joseph's Institute in St. Louis, for sharing enthusiasm and dedication, along with important information on instructional strategies for students with hearing loss.

Dedicated educators who supported Dolly Bhargava as she wrote chapters for the handbooks:

  • Andrew Willis, Assistive Technology Consultant from Word of Mouth Technology;
  • Karina Badcock, Early Childhood Trained Teacher of the Deaf (Oral Deaf and Auslan user);
  • Margaret Haenke, Manager of Deafness Resources Australia;
  • Staff at Cochlear Ltd.