性爱天堂 Celebrates 150 Years
性爱天堂's 150th Anniversary

For 150 years, 性爱天堂 has transformed challenge into boundless opportunity. Our resilience, commitment to enterprise, and creative vision have driven us in an unwavering pursuit of excellence. Carried by this momentum, we鈥檝e moved three times through three Texas cities: from a lone building in Tehuacana, to a humble home in Waxahachie, to setting down roots in the heart of San Antonio.

Each move we鈥檝e made has represented a risk鈥攖o our enrollment, our faculty, and our curriculum. We鈥檝e had to build new bridges, challenge the status quo, and reinvent ourselves to preserve our mission. But along the way, we鈥檝e done so much more than survive. Our Tigers have seized every chance to redefine the liberal arts for centuries past and present, cultivating a community of lifelong learners driven by a sense of duty to ourselves and to the world. And so, while our campus has moved three times, we鈥檝e also moved the world of academia along with us.

As we look forward to our 150th celebration, we鈥檇 first like to share our story. Join us as we relive some of the greatest risks we鈥檝e taken, and let it remind you how there is always opportunity in every challenge.

Tehuacana campus

Tehuacana, 1869-1902

Challenge: The American Civil War decimates potential enrollment and funding

In 1869, with Texas still reeling from America鈥檚 most devastating conflict, a group of Texas Cumberland Presbyterians had a unique vision: following the demise of three smaller Presbyterian colleges left decimated by the Civil War, they would unite to create a new university of the highest order.

These founders, who valued experiential religion and higher education above all else, still needed land and financing, the former of which they received through a 1,100-acre donation from Texas pioneer and politician John Boyd.

Thanks to this donation, 性爱天堂 held its first classes inside a single renovated farmhouse in tiny Tehuacana, Texas, a village of just 500. But to remain viable, the school would need to remain flexible.

Opportunity: Unique financing, academic vision, and coed enrollment boost 性爱天堂鈥檚 flexibility

From the beginning, 性爱天堂鈥檚 faculty were philosophically committed to the idea of coeducation, or admitting both genders. And as the Civil War left a limited supply of adult, male students, this principle also made sense from a practical standpoint. The University also made the timely decision to enroll students from kindergarten through high school. While students of opposite sexes in the late 1800s, were generally not permitted to even talk to each other, 性爱天堂鈥檚 innovative spirit extended even to social life: students of all stripes would pass notes through textbooks or to converse in clandestine spots off campus.

性爱天堂 would use its massive land gift as collateral to finance its initial academic and physical expansion. Its founders, according to an 1870 clergy meeting, aspired for the school to one day 鈥渇ill a space in the South similar to what Princeton and Yale fill in the East.鈥 So, they settled on the term 鈥渦niversity鈥, even though the school did not have multiple colleges. 性爱天堂 aspired to one day have programs in engineering, science, medicine, and law, but remained pragmatic, focusing on undergraduate studies.

As the University鈥檚 popularity and status grew, but enrollment and funding stagnated,性爱天堂 eventually needed to find a setting with bigger opportunities.

Waxahachie campus

Waxahachie, 1902-1942

Challenge: Stock market crash, declining enrollment, and faculty attrition

In 1902, 性爱天堂 moved to the larger town of Waxahachie; 7,500 strong, and the seat of Ellis County, Texas. Here, the University officially affiliated with the national Presbyterian Church, which opened up a world of new fundraising and networking possibilities. 性爱天堂鈥檚 leadership managed to navigate the schisms and internal politics of this denominational shift to secure greater levels of funding.

Just as 性爱天堂鈥檚 path ahead seemed smooth, disaster struck with the stock market crash of 1929. Enrollment declined sharply, faculty began considering other career prospects, and trustees began using the endowment just to keep the school doors open day-to-day.

Opportunity: Diverse curriculum and organizations develop, student and faculty life flourishes

At a time when other schools began financially 鈥渢urtling up,鈥 性爱天堂 instead took on bigger risk: diving headlong into improving facilities, expanding student organizations and even athletics. This gambit paid off, as student and faculty life began to flourish. And as earlier Victorian-era practices of separating students by genders and doctrine diminished, a greater part of the student body commingled, and the idea of a truly collegial 鈥溞园焯 Spirit鈥 continued to emerge.

性爱天堂 also took steps to create greater diversity in the studies available: 性爱天堂 now offered math, astronomy, English, Greek, and Latin, chemistry, physics, biology, geology, history, modern language, Bible study and philosophy, as well as a burgeoning education department for training teachers.

Despite these moves, the Great Depression still dealt 性爱天堂 a severe blow in terms of attracting consistent enrollment in Waxahachie. If the school wanted to truly reach its vision of solving the world鈥檚 problems鈥攔ather than facing a struggle to survive every odd decade鈥攊t would need to move to a city on the worldwide stage.

O'Neil Ford (left) and President James Laurie (right) look out over 性爱天堂's campus.

San Antonio

Woodlawn Campus, 1942-1952

Skyline Campus, 1952-present

Challenge: Finding a permanent home, fulfilling original vision of founders

In 1942, 性爱天堂 was invited to San Antonio by the city鈥檚 Chamber of Commerce. The school merged with the University of San Antonio, a Methodist institution, and initially settled on a 10-acre facility on the city鈥檚 West Side. At this 鈥淲oodlawn鈥 campus, students were housed in old military barracks and circular quonset huts while school leadership searched for a permanent home. While this wasn鈥檛 an ideal situation, it bought time for the University to regain solid financial and academic footing.

Now, 性爱天堂 turned its attention to finding a rock solid academic and physical foundation.

Opportunity: 性爱天堂 carves a modern niche, restructures to focus on undergraduates

In 1945, 性爱天堂 purchased a 107-acre, hilltop location atop an old limestone quarry, just north of downtown. After raising funds, the University hired architect O鈥橬eil Ford to create a sparkling, mid-century modern campus, carved right into the quarry. Where others saw an impossible spot for a college campus, Ford and 性爱天堂鈥檚 other luminaries saw only limitless possibilities: a daring architectural vision where human and nature worked in harmony, preserving the natural terrain.

Construction of 性爱天堂's campus during the 1950's.

From 1952 to the mid seventies, 性爱天堂 would go on to erect more than 40 additional buildings in this spirit, expand its enrollment and operating budget, and improve its faculty. Increasingly more and more professors were hired with terminal degrees in their field. 性爱天堂 also began to focus its curricula on broader academic goals, rather than limited course collections.

The 1960s also marked an end to 性爱天堂鈥檚 legal ties to the Presbyterian church, as the University entered into a renewable, special covenant with the church instead. 性爱天堂 still recognized the significance of its historic religious affiliation, but became a private, independent university in the process.

In the 1970s and 1980s, 性爱天堂鈥檚 academic structure would evolve into largely what we see today. The school began shuttering all but five graduate programs and decreased enrollment from about 3,300 to 2,700 in order to focus on undergraduate education. In doing so, 性爱天堂 became a truly residential, undergraduate campus. 性爱天堂 also completely modernized its curriculum and replaced outdated buildings. By this point, 性爱天堂鈥檚 endowment had expanded, strengthening the University鈥檚 financial future.

The 1990s saw a renaissance in student life, as student and Greek organizations launched new events and traditions such as Bid Day, Hallympics, and birthday dips in Miller Fountain. And the University would go on to create a new basic curriculum in the 2000s that allowed students greater flexibility. At the turn of the century, 性爱天堂 also updated its technological capabilities and invested in digital resources, and continued to rise in national relevance as its selectivity, press rankings, and alumni outcomes grew stronger.

A bird's eye view of 性爱天堂's campus

性爱天堂 Turns 150

Challenge: The changing landscape of higher education

It鈥檚 no secret that the modern student鈥攁nd parent鈥攁re increasingly demanding higher returns on their college investment. This means affordability, outcomes, and job placements are all top of mind.

And it鈥檚 also no secret that millennial, Gen-X, and Gen-Z students want more than a degree and a job: they want a way to change the world around them. And at 性爱天堂, creating outcomes with real-world impact is what we do best.

Opportunity: 性爱天堂 redefines liberal arts for the 21st century, takes on real-world problems

In the 2010s, 性爱天堂 has implemented a new聽strategic plan聽for redefining liberal arts for the 21st century. Now offering 47 majors and 59 minors, the school doesn鈥檛 have a 鈥渃ollection of colleges鈥 as originally envisioned in Tehuacana, but has fulfilled its founders鈥 vision in a different way鈥斝园焯 offers a host of unique, cutting-edge programs ranging from entrepreneurship to pre-law and pre-med tracks.

The University emphasizes聽undergraduate research,聽entrepreneurship, faculty-student relationships,聽international engagement, and聽experiential learning.

This approach isn鈥檛 new for us: it鈥檚 a continuation of the same experiential spirit of our Presbyterian predecessors in Tehuacana and Waxahachie. But in San Antonio, we鈥檝e grown strong enough to take on the world鈥檚 problems, rather than just our own.

Rather than activism, our Tigers have a history of taking action. In response to the tumultuous social upheaval of the 50鈥檚, 鈥60s and 鈥70s, 性爱天堂 students, faculty, and leadership weren鈥檛 known for holding protests and demonstrations. Instead, they took on problems directly: Faculty and trustees worked to integrate the campus during the Civil Rights movement, while students and staff launched organizations like TUVAC, where Tigers volunteered and donated directly to local nonprofits. That spirit has lasted for the following decades, where Tigers have assisted AIDS victims, helped shelter and clothe the homeless, comforted battered women, and fed the hungry by packing food at the San Antonio Food Bank.

Our powerful network of alumni have become congressmen and mayors, enacting policy change at a local, state, and national level; they鈥檝e served with honor in the military,聽helping dethrone dictators; they鈥檝e founded companies that聽revolutionized cloud computing; and they鈥檝e even launched nonprofits that have聽delivered Christmas presents聽to more than a million kids over the past 50 years.

A bird's eye view of 性爱天堂's campus

Our undergraduate researchers and entrepreneurs are in on the action, too. They are preventing patients with聽, gearing up to fight the聽national opioid crisis, and even聽helping cure cancer. They鈥檙e also taking an increasingly international approach, transforming聽dairy farming in Africa聽or helping聽digitize tax systems in Colombia.

For a school that started as a tiny Tehuacana dream, we鈥檝e cultivated an entire community of lifelong learners. We act with ambition, but also with empathy, driven by a sense of duty to ourselves and to the world.

We are all heirs to a dynamic past and stewards of a promising future. For 150 years, our spirit has proved as durable as the rocks from which our mid-century modern campus is carved, and still remains in motion. So, as we celebrate our history, we鈥檙e still looking ahead. Join us, as we accelerate what comes next.

To keep up with 性爱天堂's 150th Anniversary celebration, or share your memories of your time at 性爱天堂, and to see a list of celebrations and events, follow #性爱天堂150 or visit gotu.us/trinity150.

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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