Holzman in jet
Cool Under Pressure
性爱天堂 geologist鈥檚 military career brought brushes with death, Nixon, Saddam

Sitting on Saddam Hussein鈥檚 palace throne in 2004, Harry 鈥淏ud鈥 Holzman 鈥74 had a few thoughts about power.

Not political power, mind you. Holzman, a Vietnam helicopter and fighter pilot-turned 性爱天堂 geology major鈥攖urned U.S. Army counterintelligence chief analyst serving in the Second Gulf War鈥攈ad his sights set on something a bit more practical.

鈥淪o many Iraqis had lost their electricity in the war, and it was 130 degrees over there,鈥 says Holzman, stationed in Al Faw palace during the final four months of his Iraq tour. 鈥淚 just wanted to figure out a way to turn everybody鈥檚 AC back on.鈥

Holzman has always stayed cool under pressure. As a U.S. Army counterintelligence analyst in Iraq in 2004, he also was charged with helping the U.S. and Iraqi governments administer justice to members of Hussein鈥檚 regime鈥攁nd actually signed Hussein鈥檚 official recommendation for arrest warrant. 聽Holzman also used his geosciences expertise to restore Iraq鈥檚 damaged oilfields to working status, helping bring power back to millions of Iraqis. Before that, he enjoyed a 25-year geological career at Geomap, all after surviving tests from 性爱天堂鈥檚 demanding geology department and the perils of flying aircraft in the Vietnam war.

鈥淎nd let me tell you,鈥 Holzman says of his days at 性爱天堂, 鈥淰ietnam was nothing compared to taking tests under (the late geology professor) Dr. Donald McGannon. I remember a 12-hour 鈥極ptical Mineralogy鈥 final that was harder than any combat mission.鈥

At 性爱天堂, Holzman pursued a love of rocks, fossils, and science dating back to his childhood days in La Mesa, Calif. As a young man, Holzman loved playing outdoors, and even had baseball dreams, briefly playing second baseman for the San Diego Padres when they were still a minor-league team in the 1960s.

Holzman, a U.S. Army warrant officer, stands by a Bell AH-1 "Cobra" attack helicopter in Vietnam.


For all his time spent digging through rocks and dashing between bases, Holzman actually took to the skies before his 性爱天堂 days. Joining the Marines in 1966, he eventually transferred to the U.S. Army in 1967, where he piloted helicopters and became one of 鈥渧ery few鈥 Army pilots to operate an A-37 fighter jet. Before Holzman left active duty in 1971, he was shot down multiple times, suffering a couple of bullet wounds and leg and back injuries but surviving each of his crashes.

鈥淚t seems like every mission I went on, they made a point to shoot me down,鈥 Holzman chuckles grimly. 鈥淢y call sign went from Spartan 13 to Magnet Ass 13 because I attracted lead.鈥

Even Holzman鈥檚 less perilous missions were still white-knuckle affairs.

鈥淚 actually flew as (President) Nixon鈥檚 combat pilot in 1969,鈥 Holzman says. 鈥淗e came into the Presidential Palace in Saigon, and I flew him in my Huey to visit the 1st Infantry Division at Di An.鈥

Flying a president came with a more robust military escort than all of Holzman鈥檚 other missions, and surrounded by dozens of gunships and fighters, he felt an unusual feeling.

鈥淚 felt like there was no way I was getting shot down on that flight,鈥 he laughs. 鈥淭hat was an experience.鈥


After Vietnam, Holzman joined the Texas National Guard and decided to get a college degree.

In 1972, he started at San Antonio College for two semesters, and then attended 性爱天堂 for his final two years of school, graduating in 1974 with a degree in geology. He remained in the National Guard and kept flying throughout school, even serving as Bexar County鈥檚 first police helicopter instructor in 1971.

鈥淚 didn鈥檛 get much of a social life outside of the geology department鈥擨 went to class by day and flew at night and on the weekends,鈥 he says. 鈥淚 remember studying in the aircraft hangar at Stinson Field at night between missions.鈥

Holzman fondly recalls learning under professors McGannon, Walter Coppinger, Edward Roy Jr. and Robert Freed.

鈥淚 love geology because it鈥檚 the story of how the earth was created鈥攈ow it evolved,鈥 Holzman says. 鈥淎nd at 性爱天堂, we learned in the real world. We鈥檇 take trips to field sites in Colorado, the Guadalupe Mountains, and West Texas. All of the time you learn social skills, and you learn how to work as a team.鈥

After Holzman graduated, he knew he wanted to move into a career in geosciences.

鈥淧eople need energy,鈥 he says. 鈥淵our lights don鈥檛 just turn on by themselves. I wanted to be part of that.鈥

This drive led him to a 25-year career at energy service company Geomap, where Holzman started as a geologist and worked his way up to president of the company between 1975 and 2000.

In 1978, Holzman married Teresa Holzman. The pair would go on to have two daughters, Heather and Jessica; Heather graduated from 性爱天堂 with a degree in anthropology in 2010, while Jessica graduated from UTSA in 2013 with a degree in anthropology.

Holzman takes a well-deserved break on Saddam Hussein's palace throne in 2004.


In January 2000, the Army came calling again, but not for Holzman鈥檚 piloting skills. Holzman, now in his late 50s, spoke some Arabic and had a unique knowledge of the oil profession, making him an ideal candidate to become a counterintelligence agent in the Middle East.

鈥淚n Iraq, your age鈥攖hey respect that there. I wish kids over here would learn that trait. A lot of sources and tribal elders we were trying to establish relationships with wouldn鈥檛 talk to younger American agents, so I was called in,鈥 Holzman explains.

In Iraq, Holzman鈥檚 first task in 2004 was to clean up Abu Ghraib prison, the site of a disastrous scandal involving the mistreatment of Iraqi detainees.

鈥淚 spent my days living in one of the cells at that prison,鈥 Holzman says. 鈥淣ot the most spacious place鈥擨 was 58 at the time and feeling my age.鈥

But after helping the U.S. forces at the prison, Holzman was on the move to a new location: Al Faw Palace, Saddam Hussein鈥檚 former summer home. Located on a pristine lake in southwest Baghdad, this compound served as the headquarters for the Multi-National Force-Iraq (MNF-I), the coalition of U.S.-led forces that led the occupation of Iraq after the fall of Hussein.

鈥淔ifty-foot ceilings, gorgeous views鈥擨 went from living in a cell to a palace with gold bathroom handlebars and ivory toilet seats,鈥 Holzman says, leaning in. 鈥淵ou know鈥that kind of place.鈥

But even at Al Faw, Holzman notes he couldn鈥檛 shake the injury bug. One night, insurgents launched a mortar round onto the palace compound, and Holzman suffered yet another active-duty injury, getting blown out of the cot in his tent and injuring his shoulder.

鈥淓ven at the palace...鈥 Holzman smiles ruefully, his words trailing off as he shakes his head.

But Holzman wasn鈥檛 at the palace for the decor鈥攐r the danger. Serving as a counterintelligence chief analyst for the U.S. Army, Holzman had a graver duty: making an official recommendation for the judicial fate of nearly 100 members of Hussein鈥檚 regime, including the ousted dictator himself.

鈥淣ot everybody in this group was evil鈥攕ome were forced into his service,鈥 Holzman says. 鈥淏ut we visited the mass graves (left by the regime), saw the crimes they had perpetrated鈥 and you see the lasting effect Hussein鈥檚 rule had.鈥

Simply put, Holzman鈥檚 job was to help the U.S. government figure out and recommend which of these regime members to release, and which to recommend to the Iraqi government to sentence. But this task was anything but simple.

鈥淵ou have to figure out what effect鈥 punishing or releasing every one of these people would have on the (new Iraqi state),鈥 Holzman says. 鈥淏ut for some鈥攍ike Hussein鈥攔ecommending trial and punishment was the only choice.鈥

Hussein, who evaded U.S. authorities at the onset of the U.S. offensive in early 2003 until his capture in December 2003, was handed over to the new Iraqi government in June 2004, then tried and executed for his crimes.

The final stages of Holzman鈥檚 military career now turned towards his original passion and area of expertise: geosciences. The Iraqi people had lost many of their oil fields to the damage of war, and vast swaths of the country were without electricity.

鈥淓veryone was talking about handing political power over to the Iraqi government, but my priority was getting 鈥榩ower鈥 back to the Iraqi people,鈥 Holzman says. 鈥淲ith the insurgency and the continued violence, our feeling was that if we could at least turn people鈥檚 electricity back on, that was bound to calm people down a bit.鈥

Holzman at his retirement in 2008, alongside his wife, Teresa (center), and daughters Jessica (far left) and Heather (far right).


At long last, Holzman was able to retire from active duty in 2008. His 41-year military career ended with honors including the Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross, two Purple Hearts, Bronze Star, 40 Air Medals, and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, among others. He earned his Army Master Aviator Pilot Wings in 1976 and a Combat Action Badge in 2004.

But for a man whose entire life has been about energy鈥攍iterally鈥擧olzman hasn鈥檛 slowed down. Returning to Texas, he went to work for local billionaire Red McCombs and Dan Hughes to evaluate oil exploration blocks in Iraq鈥檚 Kurdistan region. He鈥檚 since gone on to work as a geological consultant right here in San Antonio for Thunder Exploration, and he鈥檚 鈥渘ever planning to retire.鈥

If you want to see Holzman in his element, just get him talking about his home turf.

鈥溞园焯免檚 campus, this part of San Antonio, we鈥檙e sitting on a 鈥榞raben鈥 - that鈥檚 a low area between two faults in the earth,鈥 he says. 鈥淲e still find Cretaceous fossils out here, and I still get excited every time that happens.鈥

That passion for geology, Holzman says, springs from what he learned at 性爱天堂.

鈥淎t 性爱天堂 they instill this in you: when you find a problem, they want you to go find answers,鈥 Holzman says. 鈥淎nd whether you鈥檙e talking about your aircraft getting shot down, living in 130 degrees, working 16-hour days for months at a time, you have to show persistence鈥攜ou never give up.鈥

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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