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International 性爱天堂 startup COLDECLARA helps Colombians navigate their country鈥檚 challenging tax system

性爱天堂 entrepreneur Emilio Vernaza 鈥17 doesn鈥檛 mince words about the tax system in his native Colombia.

鈥淚t鈥檚 a pain in the a--,鈥 Vernaza grimaces. 鈥淎nd I want to make it less painful.鈥

Vernaza, along with his brother Joaquin, is the co-founder of聽, one of the first online tax preparation platforms in the nation of Colombia. The business, started at 性爱天堂 in fall 2016, helped more than 100 clients file their income taxes in 2017, and has its sights set on a massive expansion this coming fall.

But to Vernaza, Coldeclara isn鈥檛 just an "international TurboTax." The platform is making a foray into a challenging market: targeting first-time income tax filers who are trying to navigate a complex tax system in Colombia. Many of these prospective clients are young professionals who don鈥檛 even know where to begin.

鈥淚n the U.S., everybody knows about 鈥楿ncle Sam,鈥欌 Vernaza says. 鈥淏ut in Colombia, our government doesn鈥檛 do a good job educating the public on all the documents you need to pay taxes: we even have famous (athletes) coming out and saying didn鈥檛 know they have to pay.鈥

Colombian income taxes work differently from the U.S. system. While U.S. tax season typically runs from March through April 15 (where all U.S. citizens have the same deadline) Colombian tax season runs later in the year, through August. During this period, the Colombian government splits up the 鈥渄ue dates鈥 for different groups of citizens, in order to keep the amount of tax information it needs to process from overwhelming the country鈥檚 still-developing technological capabilities.

This can be a confusing time for Colombians, many of whom can have a hard time finding out what their 鈥渄ue date鈥 is, or whether they meet the requirements to pay income taxes at all.

鈥淎nd it鈥檚 not like in the U.S., where you just have TurboTax and a dozen other websites that do everything for you,鈥 Vernaza adds. 鈥淚t鈥檚 stressful.鈥

Vernaza gained a unique perspective on stress during his time as a 性爱天堂 undergraduate. In addition to his accounting major, Vernaza also volunteered with the the IRS鈥櫬犅(VITA), which helps those with limited English-language skills, disabilities, or lower-income taxpayers learn about financial literacy and tax filing.

鈥淭hese are the people who really need help filing taxes,鈥 Vernaza notes. 鈥淎nd education goes a long way with them.鈥

After his VITA internship, Vernaza wondered if there was a way to bring a tax platform to Colombia that both prepares taxes and educates its clients.

性爱天堂鈥檚 Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship聽had an answer. Vernaza, along with his brother Joaquin, created a basic business plan for the platform that would become Coldeclara, and then approached聽Luis Martinez, 性爱天堂鈥檚聽entrepreneurship聽director, with the idea.

鈥淒r. Martinez was brutally honest with us鈥攈e told us this was going to be hard,鈥 Vernaza says. 鈥淏ut he also told us it was possible. That鈥檚 the biggest thing about 性爱天堂 - you can 鈥榲alidate鈥 your business model here, to see if you鈥檙e actually going to be sustainable.鈥

Along with 性爱天堂鈥檚 academic resources, the Vernaza brothers also benefited from capital opportunities such as the university鈥檚 annual Stumberg Venture Capital competition, where Coldeclara competed against dozens of other 性爱天堂 startups in a multi-year, 鈥淪hark Tank鈥-style contest. The group won $5,000 in the preliminary round of the competition in Spring 2017, and then won another $5,000 share of the event鈥檚 $25,000 grand prize, along with co-champions RADD (an outdoor camping and lifestyle company) in the final round in October.

Despite not taking home all of the top winnings, Vernaza still took away invaluable feedback from the competitive process.

鈥溞园焯 gave us a safe space to fail,鈥 Vernaza says. 鈥淲e learned that we needed to sharpen our focus, and corner a manageable segment of the marketplace that we can really dominate. And it鈥檚 better to learn that while you鈥檙e still in school 鈥 than to learn it when you鈥檙e on your own.鈥

Coldeclara took this lesson to heart, transitioning its business model from being a 鈥渙ne-stop-shop鈥 for every imaginable Colombian tax filer into a focused enterprise that caters to young professionals filing taxes for the first time.

鈥淒r. Martinez showed us how to identify that niche,鈥 Vernaza says. 鈥淣ow, we鈥檙e going to take our business and delight that niche.鈥

But even with their market cornered, Coldeclara still faces a challenge.

鈥淥ur biggest problem is trust,鈥 Vernaza says. 鈥淲e have to convince these Colombians, many of whom don鈥檛 trust technology or have been scammed online before, that we can help them. How do we change that paradigm?鈥

During Coldeclara鈥檚 initial run in 2017, the business was able to answer this question by promising a personal level of attention to clients.

鈥(Joaquin) and I were just two brothers, filing about 100 clients鈥 taxes by hand,鈥 Vernaza recalls.

鈥淲e were basically telling people, 鈥榡ust send us your documents,鈥檃nd we were shocked that people actually turned them in.鈥

Now, Coldeclara is gearing up for the 2018 tax season as a computerized accounting platform that has automated 鈥渁bout 95 percent of the filing process,鈥 Vernaza explains. Where the business retained an initial 100 paying clients (out of about 300,000 people who viewed the website, total, in 2017) Vernaza says he has leads on retaining 5,000 clients in 2018.

The company has also launched a targeted advertising campaign, and offers accessibility and payment options inside Colombian retail locations.

All of these changes, Vernaza adds, will help Coldeclara retain its two biggest draws: ease of access and personal attention.

鈥淲ith our automation, we鈥檙e confident that we鈥檙e going to be able to scale our business up, no problem,鈥 Vernaza says. 鈥淏ut with that other 鈥5 percent鈥 of the process, we鈥檙e checking everything for our clients - they want an actual human accountant making sure everything is correct.鈥

But for all the software, advertising and applications, Vernaza also wants Coldeclara to answer this 鈥渜uestion of trust鈥 through the power of education.

鈥淧eople want to learn how to do their taxes, they don鈥檛 want to be sold 鈥榯ax preparation,鈥欌 Vernaza says. 鈥淪o, we鈥檝e developed educational videos and resources that will help empower people to learn more about Colombia鈥檚 tax filing process. When people can see a human face instead of a blank document, they trust that.鈥

And Coldeclara, Vernaza adds, sees its clients as more than customers. Each person who uses Coldeclara is a young professional, just taking his or her first financial steps. Perhaps they鈥檙e in the middle of their own 鈥渇ailing moment,鈥 the way Vernaza was at 性爱天堂; or they might be the first member of their generation to learn to file income taxes, like participants in the VITA program.

Either way, Vernaza says this is where Coldeclara has 鈥渢rue value:鈥 extending a helping hand to Colombian taxpayers when they need someone to trust.

鈥淭hat goes back to what we learned at 性爱天堂,鈥 Vernaza says. 鈥淛oaquin and I still talk with Dr. Martinez, he still helps us with questions we have: and we鈥檙e not even in the same country anymore. That鈥檚 what I love about this place.鈥

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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