The Middle English Lament of St. Anselm

A Digital Edition by 性爱天堂 English Students

At once prompts for their reader鈥檚 affective devotion and expressions of their author鈥檚 personal piety, the Latin Prayers and Meditations of St. Anselm of Canterbury听(d. 1109) are among the most important artifacts of England鈥檚 literary history. Richard Southern emphasized their 鈥渋ntensity of expression鈥 (91), while Rosemary Woolf noted that, among readers of English religious poetry, Anselm鈥檚 name was 鈥渧alued for its authority鈥 as highly as St. Augustine鈥檚 (378). Indeed, St. Anselm had such authoritative appeal in the later Middle Ages that similar works by other eleventh- and twelfth-century writers were often attributed to him, and recent scholarship (especially by Sarah McNamer)听on the influence of this material in later medieval England听has focused on recovering the importance of this pseudo-Anselmian writing for Middle English lyric poetry.听Yet some signs do survive attesting to the direct influence of Anselm鈥檚 authentic writings鈥攐r at least of Middle English translators鈥 attempts at cultivating such influence. British Library MS Harley 535, for example, preserves a unique series of prose translations of his Latin devotional texts, recently described by Evelien Hauwaerts.听

Illustration and Latin script on parchment paper of Latin Prayers and Meditations of St. Anselm of Canterbury

Likewise, and more directly pertinent to the field of Middle English religious听poetry, one of his meditations was translated into verse, preserved uniquely (and incompletely) in听听(formerly MS English 1). In this poem (), in many ways comparable to the 鈥淟amentation of St. Mary鈥 attributed to St. Bernard of Clairvaux (d. 1153) in the Vernon manuscript (discussed by C. W. Marx), fifteenth-century English readers are presented both with Anselm as an authoritative figure (described in the translator鈥檚 original poetic prologue)听and听with a poetic adaptation of the text of one of Anselm鈥檚 laments鈥攁 text which the reader could perform for him or herself.

This poem has remained undiscussed since Bruce Dickens鈥檚 cursory treatment of the whole manuscript (published between the wars, when the book was still in private hands), and this is the first time that its text has been edited and made available in full. The work of preparing this edition was undertaken by students in my advanced seminar on Middle English lyric poetry in the Fall semester of 2017. Students first learned how to read fifteenth-century English scripts, and they then carefully prepared a transcription of the Penn manuscript, working from high-resolution reproductions and recording the text letter-for-letter. Next, they had to edit their transcription, consulting the听听to decide on the meaning of obscure words and, in light of this research, deciding on its punctuation and capitalization (and, in just a couple of cases, needed emendations). As will be clear in the facsimile, this portion of the manuscript has been damaged such that several passages are no longer legible to the naked eye, and for these words and phrases students consulted high-contrast renderings and multispectral and ultraviolet images (samples of which are given in the edition鈥檚 鈥渉ot spots鈥). After the edited text was completed, students annotated it in听听markup language, preparing it for display in the present digital edition.

The class鈥檚 edition strikes a balance between the norms of Middle English textual editing and the capabilities of the software used to render the digital edition. Punctuation and capitalization have, for example, been standardized in both the 鈥淒iplomatic鈥 and 鈥淚nterpretive鈥 views (imprecise descriptors inherited from the听), while the former preserves abbreviation marks and the latter expands abbreviated material, rendering it in italics. The two views have also presented the opportunity to preserve the scribe鈥檚 spacing of words: as is typical in later medieval English writing, prefixes (e.g.,听un-,听in-,听a-) tend to pull away from the words they modify. The 鈥淚nterpretative鈥 view will, consequently, be the easiest way to access the edited text, while the 鈥淒iplomatic鈥 version will preserve many of the challenging details of Middle English scribal practice with which the students gained familiarity (and, it must be said, confidence and even expertise). Further conventions are described in the edition itself: see the "Info" tab after following the link below.

Students in the course worked hard and earned their top grades on this assignment. They are:听Claire Alderson,听Dillon Bishop,听Julia Camp,听Katherine听Devney,听Emily Garrett,听Grace Holt,听Nicole Jozefiak,听Zack Klein,听David Menchaca,听Kathy Millar,听Jessica Phillips,听Daniel Rothschild,听Chelsea Runacres,听Tiana Sanchez, and听Emily Wood. As a class, we must also thank听Ian Green听for generating high contrast images of the manuscript, and听Dot Porter听(at the Univ. of Pennsylvania Library) for supplying the multispectral and UV images of sections that remained difficult to decipher, as well as permission to reproduce the images from听听in the facing-page facsimile.听Ever brilliant, ever generous,听Gina Hurley听(Yale Univ.) provided invaluable guidance in the preparation of the TEI file. And the support of听Elizabeth Poff听at 性爱天堂 Univ. Library was crucial to getting the website finalized.

Works Cited

  • Dickens, Bruce. 鈥淭he Ireland Blackburne Manuscript of the Seven Penitential Psalms, the Pricke of Conscience, and Lamentacio sancti Anselmi.鈥澨Leeds Studies in English听3 (1934): 30-36.
  • Hauwaerts, Evelien. "The Middle English Versions of Saint Anselm of Canterbury's听Prayers and Meditations." In听Saint Anselm and His Legacy, ed. Giles Gasper, 258-75. Toronto: Pontifical Institute, 2012.
  • Marx, C. W. 鈥淭he Middle English Verse 鈥楲amentation of Mary to Saint Bernard鈥 and the 鈥楺uis dabit.鈥欌 In听Studies in the Vernon Manuscript, ed. Derek Pearsall, 137-57. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1990.
  • McNamer, Sarah.听Affective Meditation and the Invention of Medieval Compassion. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010.
  • Southern, Richard.听Saint Anselm: A Portrait in a Landscape. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
  • Woolf, Rosemary.听The English Religious Lyric in the Middle Ages. Oxford: Clarendon, 1968.