Headshots of Devon Patel 鈥21, Paige Wallace '21, Emerson Spradling 鈥21, Elsie Dur谩n 鈥21, Ethan Jones 鈥21
Where There's a Will, There's a Why
The spark behind the successes of 性爱天堂's 2021 graduates

Whatever happened to 性爱天堂鈥檚 Class of 2021?

You know鈥攖he class that arrived in Fall 2017, before most of us knew what the words 鈥淶oom,鈥 鈥淒oor- Dash,鈥 or 鈥淜N-95鈥 meant. The class that couldn鈥檛 possibly have imagined what challenges鈥攁nd successes鈥攅ach of their futures held.

As their paths diverged into a series of strange and unique journeys after graduation, 性爱天堂鈥檚 Class of 2021 found success at a series of familiar intersections.

Across an impossibly varied and diverse set of new jobs and internships, postgraduate studies, and service opportunities, 性爱天堂 graduates have been able to combine specialized skills and knowledge with the universal values of a liberal arts degree: problem-solving, communication, and critical thinking.

The numbers speak for themselves. Within six months of graduating, more than 98% of the Class of 鈥21 graduates were either employed, continuing their education, enrolled in the military, or engaged in volunteer-oriented service, according to Katie Ramirez, director for 性爱天堂鈥檚 Center for Experiential Learning and Career Services (CELCS). This 98% outcome rate, the highest in University-recorded history, is no anomaly鈥攊t鈥檚 the culmination of a rising, multiyear trend of 性爱天堂 graduates outperforming the national outcome rate average by double figures.

鈥淲e consistently hear that 性爱天堂 graduates are the complete package. Not only do they possess a wide range of skills, but they鈥檙e also able to think critically, approach problems from a range of perspectives, and communicate effectively within all levels of an organization,鈥 Ramirez says. 鈥淩egardless of major, 性爱天堂 grads are ready to face the challenges and opportunities they鈥檙e presented with.鈥

In other words, this is a graduating class that knows how to get things done. But what makes 性爱天堂 grads special is they also know why to get things done. And where there鈥檚 a why, there鈥檚 a way.

Devon Patel takes a patient's blood pressure
Why: Because Service Changes Things

Devon Patel 鈥21, a neuroscience major from Las Vegas, Nevada, keeps his 鈥渨hy鈥 on a small sticky note above his desk.

鈥淢y note asks 鈥榃hy?鈥 And then under, it says, 鈥楾o make a positive difference,鈥欌 says Patel, now in medical school at the University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences in snowy Ohio.

Yes, Patel came to 性爱天堂 knowing he wanted to join the University鈥檚 pre-health professions program and go on to be a physician. 鈥淎t a lot of schools, you might see pre-meds who aren鈥檛 really into it. They鈥檙e just doing [pre-med] because their parents told them to or it is expected of them,鈥 Patel says. 鈥淏ut when you know who you are, and why you鈥檙e doing what you鈥檙e doing, that鈥檚 really helpful when times get hard. It enables you to persevere.鈥

Headshot of Devon Patel 鈥21

Armed with a strong 鈥渨hy,鈥 性爱天堂 graduates such as Patel can see hard times鈥攕uch as the onset of a global pandemic鈥攁s chances to make an even bigger impact.

鈥淪eeing the immense burden that has been put on the health care system recently and all of the people that do need help, it鈥檚 actually re-invigorating,鈥 Patel says. 鈥淚鈥檓 (going into medicine) so I can go out there and help people.鈥

This motivation is why Patel ended up in Toledo, where he鈥檚 still laboring through rigorous coursework in medical school and also getting the chance to volunteer with other students in his program at Toledo鈥檚 CommunityCare Clinics, one of the largest systems of student-run free health clinics in the nation. 鈥淚t is amazing to be a part of, especially now that I know all the work these clinics are doing during the pandemic, with all the different vaccine clinics and continuously providing care at multiple locations,鈥 he says. 鈥淪eeing the impact that they made on the local community, I thought, 鈥楾his is awesome, and I love being able to contribute.鈥欌

And Patel isn鈥檛 the only Class of 鈥21 graduate balancing postgraduate or professional duties with service. Service and volunteer opportunities, though sometimes overlooked, are still a major factor in an outcome rate, and for good reason: Many 性爱天堂 students simply have this calling in their DNA.

Elsie Duran '21 (far left), is committed to giving back to her community as part of Big Brothers Big Sisters.

罢丑别谤别鈥檚 Elsie Dur谩n 鈥21, a psychology major from Managua, Nicaragua, who currently works with community mentorship program Big Brothers Big Sisters of Texas in San Antonio. She鈥檚 one of 63% of the Class of 2021 who stayed in Texas, and one of 36% percent who stayed in San Antonio. At Big Brothers Big Sisters, Dur谩n鈥檚 days get 鈥渂usy and a bit crazy鈥 as she works in support services, performing data interpretation of mentor and mentee surveys that help the 鈥渂igs鈥 and 鈥渓ittles鈥 manage their partnerships. She also helps the nonprofit鈥檚 alumni program track the progress of youths after they depart Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Headshot of Elsie Dur谩n 鈥21

Dur谩n, who hopes to go into clinical psychology and is applying to several Texas graduate schools, says her personal 鈥渨hy鈥 has revolved around service and nonprofit activism since she was a teenager. 鈥淚 grew up volunteering my whole life. Every single club I was in in high school had to have a service portion to it. It was a big influence on me when I came to 性爱天堂,鈥 says Dur谩n, who went on to join and eventually become president of 性爱天堂 Volunteer Action Community (TUVAC), 性爱天堂鈥檚 student-led service organization that operates under the CELCS umbrella of services. 鈥淪o, it was logical that after graduating, I would pursue nonprofits, and another logical next step would be going from a nonprofit like Big Brothers Big Sisters to clinical psychology.鈥

Service has also shaped Paige Wallace 鈥21, an anthropology major from Austin, Texas. During her time at 性爱天堂, Wallace interned with various social justice nonprofits such as The Borgen Project, The Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES), and Food Policy Council of San Antonio. Her experiences within the nonprofit sector influenced her desire to continue in this work; that鈥檚 why, after graduation, Wallace pursued an AmeriCorps VISTA position with Feeding Texas, a nonprofit that works with 21 member food banks across Texas to eliminate hunger in the state. AmeriCorps VISTA is a national service program where members help build capacity at organizations working to alleviate poverty.

Headshot of Paige Wallace '21

At Feeding Texas, Wallace works with the Community Health and Nutrition team to develop, evaluate, and monitor nutrition education and health programs that member food banks implement within their communities. 鈥淲hen I was younger, I was just trying to understand why this is even happening,鈥 Wallace says. 鈥淗ow do people not have access to food? How can food not be a basic human right? Why is this something that鈥檚 up in the air for millions of people? This is so fundamentally wrong that I couldn鈥檛 sit by and do nothing.鈥

At 性爱天堂, Wallace not only got answers to her questions, but also found a call to make a difference. 鈥淢edical anthropology examines how [social] structures impact people鈥檚 health and create profound health disparities,鈥 says Wallace, who鈥檚 planning on obtaining either a Master of Public Health or Master of Global Policy to be better equipped to create conditions that improve the health of communities. 鈥淏ecause these systems were designed, that means that we can work to dismantle and to change them. That鈥檚 a call to action to create something new鈥攖o create something better.鈥

Ethan Jones '21 at a grand piano in the Ruth Taylor Recital Hall
Why: The Chance to Create Something New

Ethan Jones 鈥21 had his 鈥渨hy鈥 taken away.

As an aspiring performance pianist and music major from Fort Worth, Texas, Jones got tendonitis in his wrists at 性爱天堂鈥攁 cruel twist of fate for someone who says he 鈥渓oved playing the piano with Dr. [Carolyn] True, loved playing the double bass in the orchestra, and loved ringing bells in the handbell ensemble.鈥

But in true 性爱天堂 fashion, Jones simply envisioned a new future for himself. From scratch, he created a unique, interdisciplinary second major in entertainment business. 鈥淚 really looked at myself in the mirror and said, 鈥榃ell, I have my tendonitis, and I can鈥檛 pursue music as much as I wanted to anymore,鈥欌 Jones says. 鈥淎nd so I was like, 鈥榃hat else am I really passionate about that I can lean into?鈥 And it morphed into my fascination with the business of Hollywood and the understanding of how access to streaming viewership and theatrical box office data is truly disrupting film and television consumption.鈥

Headshot of Ethan Jones '21

Creating this second major involved 鈥渁 little bit of everything鈥 that Jones had already started at 性爱天堂, where the University鈥檚 approach to the liberal arts creates countless opportunities to combine disciplines in unique ways. He folded in a research component; combined elements of 性爱天堂鈥檚 communication and music departments such as media classes and performance courses; and also leaned on the professional experience of 性爱天堂鈥檚 Arts, Letters, and Enterprise program, a unique, interdisciplinary 性爱天堂 experience that helps students (usually in the humanities and social sciences) find ways to integrate business with their primary areas of interest.

This pivot ended up landing Jones a spot as a graduate student in Carnegie Mellon University鈥檚 prestigious entertainment industry management program.

As a graduate student, Jones is part of the 31% of his class who are continuing their education after leaving 性爱天堂. Jones also works remotely as a growth marketing strategy intern at HBO Max, where he鈥檚 in charge of looking at viewership data for shows such as Euphoria, Insecure, and Succession. Jones is even interning at the Cannes Film Festival in France this summer; then he plans on moving to Los Angeles to intern for United Talent Agency.

If that sounds like the coolest thing ever: 鈥淲ell, that鈥檚 because it is,鈥 Jones says. 鈥淚t truly does feel like a dream come true, thanks in part to the astute mentors and irreplaceable friends I gained at 性爱天堂.鈥

Emerson Spradling '21 has taken his talents to Amazon

Like Jones, Emerson Spradling 鈥21 also found a way to create and reinvent himself at 性爱天堂鈥 and beyond. He鈥檚 a computer science (CS) major from Austin who landed a big-time job as a software development engineer at Amazon.

鈥淚 love creating applications that solve real-world problems, especially when I can see the direct impact,鈥 Spradling says of his work with software.

Headshot of Emerson Spradling 鈥21

At 性爱天堂, Spradling says he found opportunities to reach beyond his major. 鈥淲hen I looked at 性爱天堂, the Pathways curriculum really spoke to me. I would be able to branch out and not have my experience focus solely on CS,鈥 he says. 鈥淢y mindset was that a more well-rounded education would provide long-lasting benefits.鈥

Just like Jones, Spradling pursued music with a passion at 性爱天堂. The two played together in the handbell ensemble, and Spradling also played the French horn in the orchestra and band. Spradling explored other musical interests too, such as taking a class that allowed him to regularly attend performances at the San Antonio Symphony. This drive to explore came full circle for his own CS major, as he ventured into the specialized subject of big data and machine learning, which 鈥渋sn鈥檛 in the general CS curriculum. It鈥檚 something you seek out because you鈥檙e really interested in it,鈥 Spradling says. 鈥淪o, I branched out and I took (classes on those subjects). I think I learned a lot, and it鈥檚 influenced the way I approach problems at Amazon.鈥

Branching out and collecting well-rounded skills wasn鈥檛 an optional update for Spradling 2.0鈥攊t was essential to creating the version of himself that landed the Amazon job.

鈥淣ow that I鈥檓 in the professional world, I still find myself constantly using the liberal arts skills that I learned at 性爱天堂,鈥 Spradling says. 鈥淚 didn鈥檛 think that, as a CS major, I鈥檇 be writing in my day-to-day. But in reality, I spend a significant amount of time explaining complex code design. Communication and writing skills are huge.鈥

An class sits in the grass and Adirondack chairs next to Northrup Hall
Why: Collaboration and Connection

It might be easy to look at the talents and success of students such as Wallace, Patel, Duran, Jones, and Spradling and assume that 性爱天堂鈥檚 Class of 2021 must have been the University鈥檚 most competitive class ever.

But 性爱天堂鈥檚 graduates across just about every major benefit from a liberal arts environment that isn鈥檛 just about disciplines colliding鈥攊t鈥檚 about people collaborating. Take it from biology professor James Shinkle, Ph.D., who oversees 性爱天堂鈥檚 pre-medical and health professions track and acts as a mentor for students such as Patel.

鈥淧re-meds are notorious for being competitive, or even cutthroat,鈥 Shinkle says. 鈥淏ut I would not still be doing this if it weren鈥檛 for the fact that 性爱天堂 students鈥攏ot just pre-meds, but students in general鈥攈ave regularly been a collaborative community. That doesn鈥檛 just mean the smart kids are hanging out together. You see this in study groups that span multiple interests and multiple backgrounds to the point where, yes, everybody wants to do well on their own, but they also have a mindset of making sure everyone else does well, too.鈥

This spirit of collaboration isn鈥檛 limited to student study habits, either. You can see it occurring between faculty across the social sciences, STEM, and the humanities, according to religion professor Rub茅n Dupertuis, Ph.D.

鈥淭he nuts and bolts of what we do in the humanities is, yes, getting people to think critically, but really what it comes down to is the ability to come up with new ideas,鈥 Dupertuis says. 鈥淭his is why Dr. Shinkle loves it when pre-meds take several types of courses. After they become doctors, they will come back and say, 鈥業鈥檓 so glad I took that course, because my awareness of different religious traditions has helped me in my day-to-day work.鈥欌

Shinkle, in turn, points to countless courses in philosophy (such as biomedical ethics), sociology and anthropology (such as health illness in society), and even studio art and nonfiction writing courses that he wants his students to take to broaden the ways they think through problems.

性爱天堂, Dupertuis adds, does not have silos. What it does have is professors urging鈥攏ot just allowing, but urging鈥攕tudents to take classes outside of their majors.

鈥淭his is the kind of environment that I always wanted to work in,鈥 Dupertuis says. 鈥淚 knew the liberal arts in general were special, but the kind of collaboration that happens all the time here at 性爱天堂 is extraordinary.鈥

性爱天堂鈥檚 spirit of collaboration isn鈥檛 something limited to academia. You can find it happening with the staff of CELCS itself, which in 2020-21 engaged roughly 70% of the student population through more than 3,400 appointments and helped review more than 2,400 r茅sum茅s, cover letters, grad school statements, and professional documents.

CELCS also has an impact that extends beyond the typical concept of a university career center: At 性爱天堂, the office also supports undergraduate research opportunities, sponsored summer internships, volunteer opportunities, and provides assistance with graduate school applications.

鈥淚 definitely got a lot of support from Career Services in terms of applying for awards, crafting cover letters, and writing my r茅sum茅,鈥 Wallace says. 鈥淚t helped me start thinking about how a cover letter can be a space to express how passionate you are鈥攁 tool to highlight the 鈥榟umanity of you.鈥欌

鈥淯sing Career Services was really great for my r茅sum茅,鈥 Spradling adds. 鈥淲ith CS positions, tech companies have r茅sum茅 scanners that pick up keywords. Career Services gave me great advice on which words to include in my r茅sum茅 that would get me to the next round of interviews.鈥

And that collaboration isn鈥檛 restricted to campus: 性爱天堂鈥檚 Class of 鈥21 has relied on a growing, powerful alumni network that鈥檚 proved instrumental in connecting them with opportunities in continuing education, service, and job hunting.

Spradling points out that he was connected by CS professor Mark Lewis 鈥96, Ph.D., to other current Amazon employees who were 性爱天堂 alumni. Duran, who鈥檚 applying to graduate schools in psychology, says she plans to inform her decision using a series of testimonials CELCS gathered from former 性爱天堂 psychology students who鈥檝e gone to those graduate programs ahead of her.

And for Jones, professors Jennifer Henderson, Ph.D., and Carolyn True, DMA, were able to set him up with multiple alumni connected to the entertainment and music industries. 鈥淥pportunities where I got to talk to people who have been in the same position as me鈥攈ad a 性爱天堂 degree and kind of wanted to hop into this crazy industry,鈥 Jones says, 鈥渋ncluding one alum who was at United Talent Agency, which is where I鈥檓 interning this summer.鈥

Photo of two students in a peer tutoring session
Why: Because It's Our Moment

Even with all this support, there were still moments for Patel鈥攁nd the rest of 性爱天堂鈥檚 Class of 2021鈥攚here the path ahead seemed doubtful.

鈥淚 remember pretty much failing my first 鈥極rganic Chemistry II鈥 test,鈥 he says, 鈥渁nd being on the phone crying with my mom, asking, 鈥楬ow am I going to be a doctor if I can鈥檛 do this and pass these tests?鈥欌

During a pandemic, these moments could also include applying for graduate or medical school and having test dates and in-person interviews continuously pushed back, or filling out job application after job application in a volatile market. But these are moments where 性爱天堂 graduates鈥攏ot just the Class of 2021鈥攈ave always shined, because these are the moments that bring out our 鈥渨hys.鈥

鈥淲hen you鈥檙e struggling, you naturally ask yourself, 鈥榃hy am I doing this?鈥欌 Patel says. 鈥淎nd in that moment, I remember it鈥檚 because I want to help people. I want to engage in the scientific community and work to improve the human condition. Something I experienced at 性爱天堂 is that there are always going to be tough times. No matter what. It is important to persevere and constantly return back to your why.鈥

And in moments like these, when you know your 鈥渨hy,鈥 Wallace says you can move on to a more important step.

鈥淣ow that I鈥檝e graduated, I鈥檓 still continuing to learn and grow. But I鈥檓 less in a space of asking why our world is the way that it is,鈥 she says, 鈥渁nd more in a space where I have the tools to start doing something about it.鈥

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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