• My personality is probably best summed up as fun-loving geek. My interests and activities largely coincide with my teaching and research activities. I love to code and I love science, especially the physical sciences. My free time blends into work time because given the opportunity, I'll often spend time coding or learning about what is going on at the cutting edge of technology and physics research. I feel that these are the main forces changing our society and shaping our future and you can see most clearly what the future will be like by seeing where these things are going.

    • Ph.D. in Astrophysics and Planetary Science, University of Colorado at Boulder聽
    • M.S. in Computer Science, University of Colorado at Boulder聽
    • M.S. in Astrophysics and Planetary Science, University of Colorado at Boulder聽
    • B.S. 性爱天堂
    • M. C. Lewis and G. R. Stewart, "Negative Diffusion in Planetary Rings with a Nearby Moon," 2011,聽Icarus
    • M. C. Lewis, M. Maly, B. L. Massingill, "Hybrid Parallelization of N-Body Simulations Involving Collisions and Self-Gravity," Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications
    • M. C. Lewis and G. R. Stewart, "Features Around Embedded Moonlets in Saturn's Rings: The Role of Self-Gravity and Particle Size Distributions," 2009,聽Icarus

    I am a computing resource hog. A significant part of my research is in the area of large-scale numerical simulations, specifically of planetary ring systems. These simulations involve millions of聽particles and can keep a cluster of machines with over 100 cores busy for months at a time.

    • Programming Courses
    • Simulation Theory聽
    • Web Application Development
    • Big Data Analytics
    • Roller Skating

    I go to speak at local schools fairly regularly on topics related to science and technology. I also organize an annual programming competition for high schools that draws close to 100 people each year from all the major metro areas in Texas.

    • Coach of the ACM Programming Team