Students pose for photo on 性爱天堂's north side of campus
Speaking Up For Indigenous Heritage
Students seek increased acknowledgement of Indigenous peoples on campus

For more than 75 years, 性爱天堂 has enjoyed a unique relationship with the land it sits on in San Antonio and Bexar County.

But for thousands of years prior to 性爱天堂鈥檚 arrival, this land was first known as Yanaguana, as San Antonio was named by its Indigenous inhabitants, the Payaya. Today, there are still an estimated 58,000 people of Indigenous descent living in San Antonio, according to the latest U.S. Census information. This total includes students right here at 性爱天堂.

Now, a group of 性爱天堂 students has formed a Land Acknowledgement Alliance (LAA) and are currently working with the University鈥檚 administration to enact a land acknowledgement agreement. This act of acknowledgement serves as a formal recognition of the Indigenous peoples who have lived and continue to live in the communities that 性爱天堂 inhabits now as well as a recognition that the University resides on the land they historically called home.

This is not a step that 性爱天堂 is taking alone: Other universities in states such as Florida, Connecticut, Illinois, and California have already made similar acknowledgements. Now, says first-year Adam Kingery 鈥25, it鈥檚 time for 性爱天堂 to follow suit, bolstered by strong support from students, the administration, and a network of campus and community allies.

鈥淭hese land acknowledgements are important because they give respect to Native Americans who were on this land before us and are still here today,鈥 says Kingery, who is a member of the Alliance. 鈥淎nd it鈥檚 also a recognition of the trauma that was imposed on them and the genocide enacted against them.鈥

Through the LAA, Kingery joins a group of 性爱天堂 students who celebrate native heritage, either of themselves or others. Kingery, along with fellow first-year Blaine Martin 鈥25 and senior Gabriel Mello 鈥22, have joined non-native allies such as Nathan Brown 鈥22鈥攖he Alliance鈥檚 founder鈥攁nd Jahnavi Nikkam 鈥22 in pushing for a land acknowledgement agreement.

鈥淚 got involved because I wanted to be a part of some lasting impact on the University,鈥 Brown says. 鈥淚n the wake of Black Lives Matter and other social justice听movements since 2020, the University pledged to actively deconstruct racist structures and provide equitable support for students and employees of color. This work is important to me because it鈥檚 a highly visible, intentional, and progressive series of actions to recognize Indigenous communities who have been removed, killed, and disregarded, yet continue to thrive in San Antonio.鈥

Mello, who met Brown through anthropology classes, focuses much of his undergraduate work on Native American studies. 鈥淭hat鈥檚 partly because of the family connection I have: Like Blaine and Adam, I have some degree of ancestry from Native Americans,鈥 he says. 鈥淎nd I was honestly kind of shocked to hear that 性爱天堂 hadn鈥檛 done something like [a land acknowledgement agreement] already.鈥

The LAA is also looking beyond the land acknowledgement agreement toward a series of goals that will provide more sustainable opportunities for Indigenous communities and networks to grow on 性爱天堂鈥檚 campus. Kingery and Martin say that first and foremost of these is re-forming 性爱天堂鈥檚 Indigenous Peoples Club (IPC), which had previously existed on 性爱天堂鈥檚 campus but has not been active since Spring 2020.

鈥淩ight now, there鈥檚 not really any organization to gauge the measure of the Indigenous community on campus,鈥 Martin says. 鈥淏ut I can say right now we have a good amount of people who are supporting the formation of the IPC. Most of them are younger. And as I鈥檝e reached out to people I know, just to see if they鈥檙e interested, those people have then reached out to other people, and now it鈥檚 expanding faster than expected.鈥

Juan Sep煤lveda, J.D., the president鈥檚 special adviser for inclusive excellence, has been an institutional ally that the group has counted on during the drafting of the land acknowledgement agreement. He鈥檚 also been preparing to serve as an adviser to the Indigenous Peoples Club and represents a direct connection between the alliance and 性爱天堂 leadership. Sep煤lveda says he鈥檚 interested in 鈥渉elping the group go through a process that is formal and respectful to all parties involved.鈥

Sep煤lveda serves as a connection between the group and a series of relevant national contacts, namely the听National Urban Indian Family Coalition, a Seattle-based nonprofit that advocates for American Indian organizations and urban American Indian families.

鈥淚t鈥檚 great to see a group of students bringing these kinds of issues to the table at 性爱天堂, to make sure they鈥檙e in the conversation. It鈥檚 encouraging to see the group thinking about continuity and, as a faculty member, to encourage 性爱天堂 students to build sustainable interests,鈥 he says. 鈥淏ut it鈥檚 also important that they鈥檙e trying to connect with allies鈥攜ou don鈥檛 have to be Native American to be part of this鈥攁nd expand the network of people coming on board.鈥

Among these allies are several local organizations such the American Indians in Texas at the Spanish Colonial Missions (AIT-SCM), where Brown spent the summer of 2021 as an intern. This nonprofit, established by the Tap Pilam Coahuiltecan Nation, works to preserve the culture of Indigenous people who resided in the Spanish colonial missions spread across San Antonio.

鈥淭his group was instrumental in shaping my perspective of community engagement, involvement, and partnering, as my coworkers were gracious in teaching and leading me in their amazing work in San Antonio,鈥 Brown says. 鈥淚 will never forget the patience, forgiveness, and welcome that they showed me as I bumbled my way through that summer. I鈥檓 still learning, through our team鈥檚 work, about how to engage with our region鈥檚 Indigenous nations equitably and respectfully.鈥

And the group is experiencing a surge of support from allies right here on 性爱天堂鈥檚 campus, which includes Courtney Balderas, 性爱天堂鈥檚 director for Student Diversity and Inclusion, and Jahnavi Nikkam, president of 性爱天堂 Diversity Connection (TDC). Nikkam says that when Brown reached out to her about having TDC provide more institutional support and funding for both the land acknowledgement agreement and the alliance, she jumped at the opportunity to have an impact.

鈥淚 think allyship is huge, and I think 性爱天堂 is working to do a lot more of that,鈥 Nikkam says. 鈥淚t is so important at 性爱天堂 for marginalized communities, and for people of color in particular, to feel community at 性爱天堂 and in a post-pandemic kind of world. Whether that be through finding community, helping finance projects, or paying to have speakers and panelists, it鈥檚 going beyond allyship to be more active as well. We鈥檙e fostering those connections and being able to do things that are very active rather than very passive.鈥

Apart from the land acknowledgement and reinstatement of the Indigenous Peoples Club, representatives from the alliance say they also want to find ways to institutionalize Indigenous acknowledgement and support on campus. Martin says this could start, for example, with amplifying Indigenous voices in an academic sense, such as with Reading TUgether, the University-wide summer reading program: 鈥淚t would be nice to see Indigenous authors being included in that.鈥 The alliance has also suggested 性爱天堂鈥檚 library could work to make more Indigenous authors and literature available.

Nikkam says she wants to see the University secure more funding for 性爱天堂鈥檚 Diversity and Inclusion听Office in order to hold more cultural events on campus. 鈥淲hen we look into the archives in the future, we want to be able to see and look back on this time as a time of activity,鈥 she says.

Martin, Kingery, and Mello have also suggested 性爱天堂 could take simple steps such as including Indigenous voices at graduation ceremonies, first-year orientation, and other important events. The University could also improve the visibility of certain days of recognition, such as Indigenous Peoples鈥 Day, Native American History Month, and anniversaries of historical events in San Antonio and across the country.

Brown also says he鈥檇 like alumni of the University to consider taking steps to create and secure scholarships for Native American students, specifically from local schools. 鈥淚 want 性爱天堂 to have a strong pipeline to our Native American communities in San Antonio. Our university is very proud of our location in San Antonio, and we should be: This city has thousands of incredible years of history and a diverse population, and 性爱天堂 should look a lot more like the city around it.鈥

Ada Colbert attended 性爱天堂 from 1875-76, and is believed to be 性爱天堂鈥檚 first Native American student. She came to听the University from what was then known as 鈥淚ndian Territory,鈥 now part of Oklahoma. Colbert鈥檚 father听was Chickasaw and her mother was Choctaw; both of her parents were...

From left to right in the featured photo are students Gabriel Mello 鈥22, Nathan Brown 鈥22, Blaine Martin 鈥25, Adam Kingery 鈥25, and Jahnavi Nikkam 鈥22.

The Land Acknowledgement Alliance says alumni can have a direct impact on the group鈥檚 goals by making monetary
donations to the Indigenous Peoples Club during fundraising events such as 性爱天堂鈥檚 annual 1869 Challenge.

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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