Collage of headshots of 21 grads from '21
21 Grads from '21
After achieving a 98% outcome rate, the Class of 2021 has success stories to share

From Taiwan to Washington, D.C., to right here in San Antonio, the Class of 2021 is making its mark on the world. 性爱天堂 graduates have taken the problem-solving, communication, and critical thinking skills that come from a liberal arts education and paved their own paths, landing new jobs, internships, postgraduate studies, fellowships, and service opportunities.

In fact, 98% of the undergraduates from the Class of 2021 achieved such outcomes within six months of graduating, marking the University鈥檚 highest outcome rate in recorded history. Armed with assistance from Career Services, collaborations with faculty, and the resilience developed from pushing through the challenges of a global pandemic, several graduates are creating success stories from the culmination of their undergraduate experiences. These graduates represent only some of the incredible outcomes that the Class of 2021 has achieved so far:

Lily Slemp

Pearl River, New York

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Associate Scientist at Pfizer

After graduation, Lily Slemp 鈥21 moved to New York to work as an associate scientist at Pfizer at the research and development site in Pearl River. With her team, she has been helping manage, organize, and test samples from several of Pfizer鈥檚 ongoing clinical trials for upcoming vaccine candidates through several methods of high-throughput testing.

鈥淲e process all of the samples from several ongoing clinical trials,鈥 she says. 鈥淪ome of the studies we work with include the Phase 3 Clinical Trial for the C. difficile vaccine, the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccine, as well as the COVID-19 Comirnaty vaccine.鈥 Her team analyzes and tests thousands of samples, providing the data to be submitted to the FDA for approval and to be released around the world.

According to Lily, her years at 性爱天堂 provided her with several learning experiences that prepared her for working at Pfizer today. My courses and professors at 性爱天堂 structured learning so that the rigor and communication of information set me up for the fast-paced nature of pharmaceuticals, as well as learning to problem solve given complex problems,鈥 she says. 鈥淎dditionally, the emphasis on group work and team learning for several classes was great preparation for working in a team environment with such diverse roles and experiences.鈥 Lily also expresses gratitude for the aid she received from the Center for Experiential Learning and Career Success (CELCS) during her job search and application process. 鈥淭heir work in revising my resume and application and their guidance when I was preparing for interviews gave me valuable knowledge and a stronger understanding of the process."

Roshan Edachali

San Antonio, Texas


Research Associate at Material

Roshan Edachali 鈥21 graduated from 性爱天堂 last December and decided to stay in San Antonio to begin working as a research associate for Material, a market research company based in Los Angeles, California.

At Material, Roshan creates reports for Chase Bank to help them understand their place amongst other major competing consumer banks, such as Wells Fargo and Bank of America. He works in the Global Tracking division and sometimes helps out other companies, such as Nike and YouTube, with their client-specific tracking projects as well.

During his time at 性爱天堂, Roshan says that he received a great amount of support from CELCS, which provided him with assistance in searching for jobs, improving his resume, and developing his interviewing prowess. His overall experience as a Tiger was filled with constant guidance and generous support, which he says was very important for leading him to where he is today. 鈥溞园焯 helped me find just what I wanted to pursue as a career by encouraging me to take multiple different courses in different fields,鈥 Roshan says. 鈥淚 bounced around majors and specialties until I was certain of what I wanted to do, and my professors and adviser helped me every step of the way!鈥

Diego Carrisalez

Vicksburg, Mississippi


Member of AmeriCorps NCCC

Since last August, Diego Carrisalez 鈥21 has been volunteering with AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC), a federal program that engages 18- to 24-year-olds in team-based national and community service for 10 months in the U.S. Diego鈥檚 role as the health and wellness coordinator for his team in Vicksburg, Mississippi, has him leading physical training sessions and engaging the team in mental wellness activities.

鈥淎meriCorps NCCC has provided me the opportunity to travel around the country and gain a firsthand perspective on core issues plaguing underserved communities outside of San Antonio, where I have lived the entirety of my life,鈥 he says. Diego has assisted with general upkeep of a youth camp in West Virginia, recruitment of volunteers and donors at a blood bank in Delaware, providing disaster relief services to those affected by Hurricane Ida in Louisiana, constructing affordable housing in Kentucky, and more.

For most of his undergraduate career, Diego was the logistics coordinator for 性爱天堂鈥檚 Volunteer Action Community (TUVAC), which he says cultivated his appreciation for community service. 鈥淔rom cooking meals for families at the Ronald McDonald House to playing bingo with patients at the San Antonio State Hospital, my volunteer experiences with TUVAC allowed me to reflect on my own privileges and mold my worldview while addressing issues in the local community,鈥 he says. Additionally, Diego gives special thanks to Katlyn Alves, M.Ed., TUVAC adviser and assistant director of experiential learning at 性爱天堂, for recommending AmeriCorps to him in his senior year.

Gabby Orr

San Francisco, California

Computer Science and Mathematics

Gameplay Engineer at Sledgehammer Games

Gabby Orr 鈥21 made her way west post-graduation, calling San Francisco home while working at Sledgehammer Games. Gabby had interned with the company the summer after her junior year, which led to her full-time job. Last year, she helped Sledgehammer Games launch Call of Duty: Vanguard, which was the top-selling game of the year!

Because she works from home, Gabby emphasizes the importance of the in-person communities she has found in San Francisco, including a women in tech group and rec league soccer teams. She found a similar community during her time at 性爱天堂 as a member of TUWIC, 性爱天堂 Women In Computing, 鈥渨hich gave me the supportive community I needed through college and remote learning,鈥 she says. The organization even gave her her start with Sledgehammer when they sponsored her to attend the Grace Hopper Conference鈥攕he learned about different opportunities in the gaming industry and even landed her first interview with Sledgehammer there.

Gabby also thanks CELCS for helping her with her undergraduate research in computational biochemistry, where she was introduced to her current world of coding and physics-based simulations, and her computer science career services adviser, who helped Gabby with her internship searches.

Carson Bolding

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Economics and Communication

Venture for America Fellow

Marketing & Content Creation Manager at 3BL Media

Carson Bolding 鈥21 has made her way to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where she is part of the Venture for America fellowship. Venture for America is a two-year program that matches recent college graduates with companies in emerging startup ecosystems across the country. In July, she joined her class of 150 fellows for a month-long virtual training camp before heading off to Philadelphia with a cohort of 30 other fellows.

Through the fellowship, Carson found her current job as the marketing and content creation manager at 3BL Media, a SaaS company that helps corporations and nonprofits share their ESG news. 鈥淲hen I鈥檓 not working, I fill my time by going to weekly trivia nights, exploring the city with my friends, and helping out with the OK2BX Foundation, my family鈥檚 work to honor my sister鈥檚 legacy of inclusivity鈥 she says.

While at 性爱天堂, Carson participated in the Students + Startups program for two summers, an experience that she is extremely grateful for. 鈥淚t exposed me to the startup ecosystem in San Antonio鈥攁nd with it, Venture for America鈥攁nd it gave me the opportunity to work with some amazing people in the city,鈥 she says. 鈥淕oing into the job search process with these internship experiences under my belt made all the difference, as I could show tangible examples of my contributions to these teams. I wouldn鈥檛 be where I am today without that program and the support of 性爱天堂鈥檚 entrepreneurship team.鈥

Basilos Desta

San Antonio, Texas

Economics + Music minor

Associate Analyst at Ernst & Young

Since graduating from 性爱天堂, Basilos Desta 鈥21 has been working as an associate analyst at Ernst & Young, a multinational professional services network that works across assurance, consulting, law, strategy, and tax transactions to create long-term value for clients and to build trust in capital markets and economies across the world. 鈥淗aving no prior experience in tax,鈥 he says, 鈥渋t has been an exciting journey learning about this field of work while applying my knowledge of economics wherever I can.鈥

While working at Ernst & Young, Basilos has also decided that he wants to pursue an advanced degree in economics, specifically in Germany. 鈥淚 have spent the last few months working towards this endeavor, practicing my German and economics as well as connecting with my previous economics professors,鈥 he explains. In addition to these professional and educational endeavors, Basilos has picked up new hobbies, such as rock climbing, and has also continued singing in a community choir (he spent all four years at 性爱天堂 as a part of the 性爱天堂 Chamber Singers.

CELCS made tremendous contributions to Basilos鈥檚 professional journey, especially by giving him helpful interview advice coupled with a review of his resume and CV. Overall, he looks back on his undergraduate experience with admiration and appreciation. 鈥淚鈥檓 grateful for my time at 性爱天堂 because it has helped me explore my academic and professional interests,鈥 he says, 鈥渁nd it has helped me decide what I want for myself going forward.鈥

Ryanna Chouman

Taipei, Taiwan

International Affairs and Chinese Language

Marketing and Communications Intern for TaiwanPlus

After graduating from 性爱天堂, Ryanna Chouman 鈥21 completed the U.S. Department of State鈥檚 Critical Language Scholarship (CLS), intensively studying Mandarin through a virtual program based in Taiwan. In October, she relocated to Taipei, Taiwan, where she met her language partners and teachers from the CLS program in person and began the Huayu Enrichment Scholarship program.

Through this program, Ryanna studies Mandarin and Taiwanese at a local university and interns at a newly launched international media and news platform called TaiwanPlus. 鈥淭he international office environment that I鈥檓 immersed in here has challenged both my professional skills and my language skills in a way I never could have anticipated,鈥 she says. 鈥淚 really enjoy living in Taiwan, and I鈥檓 excited to see what鈥檚 in store for the future when my scholarship concludes in September."

Ryanna says her time at 性爱天堂 made embarking on side projects and other experiential learning opportunities feel very natural. 鈥淚鈥檝e found that my varied past work experience with non-profits, INGOs, and government organizations prepared me well for the media and journalism industry, despite my lacking specific experience in the sector,鈥 she says. 鈥淚t also feels great to be complimented on my writing, research, and Chinese skills at the office. I owe all of that to 性爱天堂."

Diana Long

Austin, Texas


Master鈥檚 student in The University of Texas at Austin鈥檚 Education Policy and Planning Program

Diana Long 鈥21 is excited to be attending the University of Texas at Austin for her master鈥檚 degree in education policy and planning, which covers ways to implement equitable education policy in the state of Texas. 鈥淚 have been putting the skills I developed at 性爱天堂 into practice and have been involved in the UT community as a graduate assistant for the University Leadership Network (ULN),鈥 Diana says. ULN is a nationally recognized incentive-based scholarship program that supports students on the path to graduate in four years and become leaders through experiential learning opportunities. In addition to improving student retention, Diana supervises 25 Peer Ambassadors and helps develop a strong mentorship component for the program by providing guidance on curriculum development, identifying campus resources, and building rapport with students.

Diana was recently selected as a Graduate Archer Fellow for the summer of 2022. Established by the University of Texas System in conjunction with former U.S. Representative Bill Archer, this fellowship brings highly motivated and accomplished students to Washington, D.C., for a comprehensive academic and professional experience. Diana is looking forward to moving to D.C. this summer to conduct research and learn about the policymaking process at the federal level in the area of education: 鈥淢y hope is to continue to gain the tools necessary to grow in my career and represent my community at our nation鈥檚 capital.鈥

鈥淚 am grateful for my 性爱天堂 experience because it prepared me well for the challenges that come with being a graduate student,鈥 she says. 鈥淎t 性爱天堂, I gained invaluable skills such as networking, research, time management, and critical thinking. Career Services, specifically, played a huge role in my success by offering guidance throughout my transition from 性爱天堂 to UT and giving me the confidence to put myself out there as a competitive applicant for future internships and job opportunities.鈥

Cameron Carlin

Houston, Texas


Community Relations Coordinator for Houston Dynamo Football Club

Wanting to stay in San Antonio, Cameron Carlin 鈥21 began working as a community relations coordinator for Spurs Sports and Entertainment, which gave him the opportunity to manage the Spurs Youth Basketball League with more than 10,000 participants across South Texas. During the height of the pandemic, Cameron had to shift and became the assistant groundskeeper for the Sugar Land Skeeters in Sugarland, Texas. 鈥淲hile this job was neither a part of my anticipated career path nor in my area of expertise, I viewed this as an opportunity to gain a new perspective on the sports industry,鈥 he explains. 鈥淚 was able to be a part of the team鈥檚 transition from independent baseball to the new triple-A affiliate of the Houston Astros.鈥

After that, Cameron stepped into his current role as the community relations coordinator for the Houston Dynamo FC and Houston Dash, a position he describes as incredibly fulfilling. 鈥淚 have the chance to grow community programs from the ground up and benefit the city where I was born and raised in the process,鈥 he says. 鈥淚 am extremely grateful I have had the opportunity to work for some of the biggest names in professional sports so early in my career.鈥

Cameron credits much of his success to relationships with mentors and CELCS, especially including business administration professor Jacob Tingle 鈥95, Ed.D. 鈥淚 remember being a scared freshman walking into his office with a goal, but absolutely no idea on how to achieve it. Dr. Tingle, along with other staff members within CELCS, helped me prepare for the job market tremendously,鈥 he says. 鈥淭heir level of expertise and approach to helping students gave me the confidence I needed when applying for highly sought-after internships.鈥 Cameron鈥檚 time with 性爱天堂 Student Ambassadors, which involved leadership positions and sitting on planning committees, also allowed him to put newly found skills into place and gave him the experiential learning opportunities that pushed him ahead of the other candidates applying for his positions after graduation. 鈥淚 would not be where I am today without my experiences and mentors at 性爱天堂鈥斝园焯 offers so many tremendous resources, and I am truly fortunate that I utilized some of the best ones they offer!"

Lauren Johnson

St. Louis, Missouri


Ph.D. student in Washington University鈥檚 Evolution, Ecology, and Population Biology Program

Five days after graduation, Lauren Johnson 鈥21 moved into her apartment in St. Louis, Missouri, and began her journey as a Ph.D. student in the Evolution, Ecology, and Population Biology Program at Washington University with a graduate research award from the National Science Foundation already under her belt. She rotated between different labs throughout the summer and fall, studying interactions between genetics, environment, and social learning on behavior in guppies as well as the evolution of brain shape and size in lizards鈥攁 subject group that is also of interest to 性爱天堂鈥檚 own biology professor Michele Johnson, Ph.D.

In January of this year, Lauren presented Losos Lab research on anole lizard behavior at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology in Phoenix, Arizona. And if that wasn鈥檛 a lot already, she just returned from field research at Miami鈥檚 Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden with the Losos team. This past spring, she researched microbiomes and examined the potential role of microbes in the return success of adult salmon from hatcheries in the Great Lakes.

Lauren says that the mentorship, teaching, and research experiences she received at 性爱天堂 from professors such as Michele Johnson, Ph.D. and Troy Murphy, Ph.D, greatly improved her confidence and skills as an independent researcher, leader, mentor, and teacher. 鈥淢y first research experience in Dr. Murphy鈥檚 behavioral ecology lab at 性爱天堂 taught me how to be a scientist鈥擨 learned how to develop hypotheses, design field studies, and collect and analyze data,鈥 she says. Her senior thesis with Johnson similarly represented a defining point in her science career, especially through the adversity they both had to overcome during the pandemic. 鈥淪he is my role model, and I am confident that I wouldn鈥檛 be where I am today without her mentorship and guidance,鈥 Lauren says. 鈥淚 was challenged to think and work independently [and] encouraged to follow my passion and take chances. In the end, I thoroughly enjoyed all the obstacles I faced along the way.鈥

鈥淎t 性爱天堂, drive and inspiration seemed to be infused in the culture,鈥 Lauren says. 鈥溞园焯免檚 mission of enduring excellence and perpetual discovery brings together a truly great community of students, faculty, and staff striving to bring out the best in each other.鈥

Meghan Desai

San Antonio, Texas

Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration

People Operations Coordinator at Codeup

After a month of traveling and spending time with family and friends, Meghan Desai 鈥21 began her full-time role as the people operations coordinator for Codeup in July 2021. Based in San Antonio, Codeup is a career accelerator/boot camp that helps adults launch careers in the technology industry, and Meghan supports staff in all things human resources. 鈥淚 love being part of a small, growing company because the opportunities to make an impact are endless,鈥 she says.

The impact of her time at 性爱天堂 is not lost on Meghan. After matching with Codeup during her sophomore year through the University鈥檚 Students + Startups internship program, Meghan was able to gain experience in the operations of a business and apply what she was learning in the classroom. She also says that Career Services helped her land her current position at Codeup: 鈥淏etween resume review and interview prep, I鈥檇 be remiss not to thank them!鈥

Meghan鈥檚 most formative 性爱天堂 experiences were with the Student Programming Board, CliftonStrengths Peer Educators, HOPE Hall, on-campus jobs, and her HR capstone class: 鈥淚nside and outside of the classroom, [they] allowed me to grow and develop both personally and professionally, and I鈥檓 beyond grateful for those opportunities."

Joshua Kim

Honolulu, Hawaii

Environmental Science

J.D. candidate at William S. Richardson School of Law at the University of Hawai驶i at M膩noa

Commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps

Following graduation from 性爱天堂, Joshua Kim 鈥21 was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps. He began the path to becoming a Marine Corps officer during his sophomore year, and he says that he received immense amounts of support from 性爱天堂 alumni, faculty, and friends. He is currently on a law contract, which means that he may postpone his military service obligation until he has completed law school and passed the bar.

Josh is currently enrolled in his first year of law school at the William S. Richardson School of Law at the University of Hawai驶i at M膩noa. 鈥淚 chose Richardson Law School because my family moved to the island of Oahu, and I received substantial scholarships to attend,鈥 he explains. 鈥淚n comparison to many of my peers from other undergraduate colleges and universities, I believe that 性爱天堂鈥檚 rigorous academics helped prepare me for the sheer volume of reading and analysis skills required in law school.鈥

At 性爱天堂, Career Services helped Josh hone his resume, prepare for interviews, and direct his focus toward which law schools he was interested in. He specifically expresses gratitude for pre-law advisor Ladystacie Rimes-Boyd, J.D., who was 鈥渋ntegral in guiding my law school search and application process.鈥 Additionally, he greatly appreciates that 鈥渢he registrar鈥檚 office always promptly returned required forms for my commissioning in the Marine Corps, even when I needed a letter proving that I met graduation requirements at 性爱天堂 after-hours on the weekend.鈥

鈥淢y professors at 性爱天堂, especially Dr. David Ribble, Dr. Gregory Hazleton, Dr. Brady Ziegler, Dr. Shana McDermott, and Dr. Richard Reed, helped push me to realize my full potential in the classroom and never compromise on my career ambitions,鈥 he says. 鈥淔inally, I attribute my success to the supportive network and access to resources that 性爱天堂鈥檚 small environment provided."

Abby Blackwood

San Antonio, Texas

Political Science and Human Communication + Women鈥檚 and Gender Studies minor

Master鈥檚 student in 性爱天堂鈥檚 Healthcare Administration Program

Abby Blackwood 鈥21 stayed at 性爱天堂 after graduation to pursue the University鈥檚 master鈥檚 program in health care administration, and she is currently in her second semester of didactic learning. Starting in January 2023, she will begin an administrative residency at a health care organization, where she will learn more about the day to day operations and functions of healthcare systems.

Currently, Abby鈥檚 education is focused on gaining a deeper understanding of the management, financial models and organizational structure of health care systems. This past March, she also began her position as a patient representative at CareNow, where she will work to gain more hands-on experience interacting with patients in a fast-paced healthcare setting. 鈥淚 am extremely excited about the opportunity to help create a positive impact toward improving the health and health care experience of those around me and contributing to more equitable and accessible health care delivery,鈥 she says.

Abby says that her undergraduate years at 性爱天堂 were critical in helping her develop as a young leader, work in collaborative team environments, and understand how her passions are key motivators in driving her success and growth. 鈥淚n particular,鈥 she says, 鈥渕y time working with Career Services allowed me to not only hone in on what type of career would be the best fit for me, but to help support me through each step of the process in pursuing and getting accepted to my top graduate programs of choice. I am extremely grateful for my time at 性爱天堂 and the endless support I have and will continue to receive in both my professional and personal development.鈥

Alexander Love

Los Angeles, California

Engineering Science

Aerospace Engineer at Trans Astronautica Corporation

Alexander Love 鈥21 started interviewing with TransAstra in March of 2021 and got an offer from them in mid-April to work as one of their aerospace engineers. About a month after graduating from 性爱天堂, he moved out to Los Angeles to start his new job. 鈥淚t was pretty nerve wracking to be honest,鈥 he admits. 鈥淚 drove from Texas to California, found an apartment, moved in, and had my first day at TransAstra all in less than a week.鈥

Despite the moving pains, Alex says that he has really enjoyed working for TransAstra. 鈥淢y only other experiences in the aerospace industry have been at large, established engineering firms that are totally wrapped up in a jungle of logistical red tape,鈥 he sayss. 鈥淭hat couldn't be more different from where I work now.鈥 In an aerospace engineering start up, he says, every project is always requiring all hands on deck. In the nine months Alex has been working at TransAstra, he has run high power microwave arrays, made a fiberglass pressure vessel from scratch, traveled to the Colorado School of Mines several times to test a prototype rocket thruster, and is now working on setting up TransAstra鈥檚 own testing facility in north Los Angeles.

Alex was initially worried that his more generalized degree in engineering science wouldn鈥檛 be marketable or useful in the workplace, but those fears have been completely put to rest. 鈥淎t TransAstra鈥攁nd I鈥檇 imagine at most smaller, scrappy start-ups鈥攊t really helps to have that basic understanding of a wide range of engineering disciplines,鈥 he says. 鈥淔luid dynamics, heat transfer, material sciences, rigid body dynamics, circuit design, signal processing, and control systems are all things I use everyday at TransAstra. I can be an integral part of all of our projects because I have this foundational understanding in so many different fields of engineering. For that, I think the engineering science degree that 性爱天堂 offers is really special.鈥

Truly Tinsley

Washington, D.C.

International Relations and Affairs

Master鈥檚 student in George Washington University鈥檚 International Affairs Program

Intern at U.S. Department of State鈥檚 Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs

In the fall of 2021, Truly Tinsley worked on Capitol Hill for a congressman, assisting in constituent affairs. Now, she is interning at the U.S. Department of State鈥檚 Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs in the Public Diplomacy Office. Moreover, she is simultaneously earning her master鈥檚 degree in international affairs focusing in the East Asian region at George Washington University鈥檚 Elliott School of International Affairs.听

For the Public Diplomacy Office, Truly drafts reports, communications, talking points, and other materials used by policymakers to further U.S. foreign policy objectives. She also organizes events such as multilateral meetings and conferences and engages directly with foreign audiences to explain U.S. foreign policy and objectives. 鈥淚 have also been working with and volunteering at the D.C. headquarters of the Women鈥檚 National Democratic Club, working to increase civic engagement among women,鈥 she says.

When looking back on her experience at 性爱天堂, Truly recognizes that her collaboration with faculty has gotten her to where she is now. 鈥淭he professors at 性爱天堂 helped me immensely, specifically Dr. [Rosa] Aloisi and Dr. [Stephen] Field,鈥 she says. 鈥淭hey helped me not only logistically in figuring out career goals but also in gaining confidence to turn my passions into concrete actions.鈥

Chris Stewart

San Antonio, Texas


Credit Analyst at Amegy Bank

During his final semester at 性爱天堂, Chris Stewart 鈥21 was working part-time at Vaquero Global Investment. Now, he is a business banking credit analyst for Amegy Bank, a position he officially assumed this summer, underwriting loans to businesses with revenue up to $20 million.

Chris says that his time at 性爱天堂 prepared him for his current work in many different ways, particularly including when he won 性爱天堂鈥檚 Louis H. Stumberg New Venture Competition in 2019 for his company LuxTurn Technologies, which he co-founded with fellow finance major Bobby Magee 鈥21. 鈥淲inning the Stumberg gave me a lot of confidence and understanding about how business is conducted,鈥 he says. 鈥淚t helped me form many business relationships and connections that I still use today around San Antonio.鈥

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the hardships it brought, and with the realization that the world is ever changing, Chris decided to keep his options open and begin looking beyond his business. Armed with the knowledge he gained from his Student Managed Fund course at 性爱天堂, which taught him how to manage investments and risk within a portfolio of money, Chris started building up his resume and making moves to pursue his interest in investing. Career Services was a crucial resource in this work, he says, providing him with pointers to build a strong resume and helping him practice and prepare for interviews. 鈥溞园焯 allowed me to get involved in all the different things I was interested in,鈥 he says. 鈥淢y education and experiences at 性爱天堂 have now put me in a place where I can make an impact on businesses all around the San Antonio area.鈥

Allison Carr

Louisville, Kentucky

Communication and Media Studies

Producer at Spectrum News 1

Just two weeks after graduating from 性爱天堂, Allison Carr 鈥21 accepted a job producing the 5 a.m. morning news for Spectrum News 1 in Louisville, Kentucky, where she learned how to survive working the night shift, producing the morning news show, and navigating a new city. While it is common for a recent communication graduate to start in an associate producer role, Allison was fortunate enough to start off with a producer title, in part due to the hands-on experience she received at 性爱天堂鈥檚 news station and the summer internships she worked at KSAT 12 in San Antonio.

鈥淎ll my education and hard work would come to light as I was immediately immersed in the work of writing, formatting, and sourcing news content for an hour-long morning program,鈥 she says. 鈥淚 was never more grateful for my 性爱天堂 education and training. My adviser and mentor Dr. [Jennifer] Henderson guided me throughout my four years at 性爱天堂 and gave me the confidence I needed to navigate my opportunities.鈥

In December 2021, Kentucky was hit with one of the worst tornado natural disasters in history. The event happened overnight during one of Allison鈥檚 shifts and she found herself producing live, breaking news coverage of the devastation that was shocking and difficult to see. 鈥淚 was running on sheer adrenaline in a newsroom packed with reporters, meteorologists, and producers,鈥 she recounts. 鈥淚 learned more in that one night than at any point in my life! I now produce one of our top rated programs, the weekday morning show, and feel like I鈥檓 exactly where I need to be. I have found my place in the communications industry, and I love my job.鈥

Allison鈥檚 experiences at 性爱天堂 helped her realize her passion for producing news. During her freshman year, she joined 性爱天堂鈥檚 student broadcast network, Tiger TV. 鈥淚 loved every minute of it. The station taught me how to use the very tools and resources that I use in my current role at Spectrum, such as CNN Newsource and broadcast rundown software.鈥 Her internship with KSAT 12 in San Antonio also gave her hands-on experience in the broadcast world and helped her hone her skills as a producer. Allison also thanks Career Services for helping to sharpen her resume and prepare for the interview that delivered the job with Spectrum News. 鈥淎ll of my 性爱天堂 experiences were stepping stones to help me achieve the career I wanted right out of college,鈥 she says. 鈥淎fter taking a chance on a new city and news team, I couldn鈥檛 be happier.鈥

Jullian Valadez

Nashville, Tennessee


M.D. student at Vanderbilt University

After graduating from 性爱天堂 in May, Jullian Valadez 鈥21 headed straight to Vanderbilt School of Medicine. 鈥淚 spent a lot of the time with my mother and newborn brother in Houston, and just preparing for medical school and filing paperwork,鈥 he says. He took some time for himself after finishing undergrad, watching a lot of Arsenal Football games, spending time with friends and family, and celebrating the new chapter of his life just a few weeks before a road trip to Nashville. 鈥淚 spent a week in Nashville before classes began, trying to get antiquated and to get a grasp of how life worked here (as there is no H-E-B).鈥

Jullian attributes a lot of the strength of his application and current success in medical school to what 性爱天堂鈥檚 McNair Scholars Program offered him in the form of research funding. The program is dedicated to facilitating research experience in underrepresented groups and illuminating paths to graduate school. 鈥淭he funding allowed me to build a strong resume and knowledge base that I could apply to my MCAT, my application, my interviews, and now even in my coursework,鈥 he explains.

At 性爱天堂, Jullian led his own projects in a lab with biology professor Gerard M. J. Beaudoin, III 鈥99, Ph.D., work which he says was essential in developing core traits that he now brings to his casework at Vanderbilt. The research skills he developed in the lab are used consistently in working through clinical scenarios. Additionally, Jullian was awarded the Andrew E. Mellon Grant to conduct his sociological and epidemiological analysis of HIV/AIDS and its stigma construction within both San Antonio and Baku, Azerbaijan. His work with the Mellon Foundation became another important source of growth, with his project giving him a relevant and intimate insight into the spaces where health care was falling behind and needing to be reformed.

Johnneisha White

San Antonio, Texas

Computer Science

Business Systems Design Analyst at Valero Energy Corporation

Since graduation from 性爱天堂, the career of Johnneisha White 鈥21 has kicked into full drive at Valero, where she transitioned from a part-time intern to a full-time business systems design analyst. 鈥淭he opportunities for career advancement and community involvement have been incredible,鈥 she says.

鈥淚n my day-to-day duties, I am continuing to use my knowledge and skills I learned during my tenure at 性爱天堂, such as SQL, data visualization, security, business models, knowledge sharing, and problem solving,鈥 she explains. 鈥淚 am also continuing to learn and nurture other skills gained on the job, such as business analysis, application configuration, and project management.鈥

Johnneisha has also had the opportunity to understand her application as more than a piece of software. 鈥淏y working closely with HR, traveling to a refinery, and interacting with and training customers, I better understand how my application supports business purposes and adds values.鈥 In addition to professional development, Johnneisha has given back to the community by acting as a team leader for the Valero United Way campaign, participating in internship recruitment efforts, and acting as a co-captain for the Benefit for Children charity.

During her senior year at 性爱天堂, recognizing that the job hunt can be exciting yet intimidating, Johnneisha turned to CELCS, where assistant director of career development Michelle McWilliams guided her through her full-time offers. 鈥淭here were a few key points we talked about with each offer: compensation, lifestyle, and career path,鈥 Johnneisha recalls. 鈥淪he helped me understand that compensation packages are more than salary. It includes bonus rates, 401k, and health care.鈥 In addition, Michelle helped Johnneisha understand what type of lifestyle would be attainable on that salary by prompting her to create a realistic budget. 鈥淎nd most importantly, we discussed how the job plays a role in achieving my ultimate career goal. Without Michelle, I would not have made such an informed decision."

Derek Noble

San Diego, California

Mathematical Finance, Economics, and Spanish

Siri Annotation Analyst at Apple

Shortly after graduation, Derek Noble 鈥21 started at a position in Apple鈥檚 artificial intelligence and machine learning department. He now works as a Siri annotation analyst back in his hometown of San Diego, California.

As part of the Siri team, Derek analyzes, annotates, and rates users鈥 Siri requests against a holistic rubric. 鈥淓ach week I contribute thousands of queries to the machine learning program for the engineers to work on and implement,鈥 he explains. 鈥淎lmost all of my work so far has been to improve Siri in Portuguese for people in Brazil. However, I have recently been approved to begin working on English, so I am excited to improve Siri there as well. I have also been fortunate enough to have been selected to work on several new Siri projects, which are always fun.鈥

性爱天堂鈥檚 coursework was instrumental in teaching Derek the analytical and critical thinking skills that he employs everyday at Apple. 鈥淚n particular, the liberal arts focus and how 性爱天堂 crafts well rounded students who gain knowledge that stretches beyond just their majors,鈥 he says. When he first started at 性爱天堂, Derek thought he might want to pursue engineering, but he quickly discovered that it wasn鈥檛 the right fit for him. 鈥淚 worked closely with Career Services,鈥 he says, 鈥渁nd their guidance was crucial in my decision to change majors and ultimately find what worked best for me. The continued assistance and guidance of my professors at 性爱天堂 has also been extremely helpful as I look towards the next part of my career.鈥

Nina Bowness

San Antonio, Texas

Geosciences and Environmental Studies

Geologist at Southwest Research Institute

A couple weeks after graduating from 性爱天堂, Nina Bowness 鈥21 started her current position as a geologist at Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. 鈥淚 have been exposed to a lot of really interesting projects and learned a lot of valuable skills that will be useful throughout my career,鈥 Nina says. 鈥淚鈥檝e had the opportunity to do some field work, which I greatly appreciate considering COVID limited my field experience in college.鈥

With her new job, several new opportunities have opened up for Nina. 鈥淭he most exciting experience I鈥檝e had at this job so far is submitting my first paper to be published!鈥 she says. 鈥淭his was an opportunity I did not expect, so I am very grateful.鈥 Nina鈥檚 future plans include attending graduate school, but in the meantime, she plans to take a gap year and do some traveling before returning to school.

At 性爱天堂, Career Services provided Nina with assistance in preparing her resume and getting interview practice, which she explains helped her land her current job. However, she says that the Department of Geosciences was her biggest support network and helped her get where she is today. 鈥淭he faculty are absolutely wonderful and go out of their way to help you succeed! I keep in touch with a couple of my professors and ask them for advice whenever I need it.鈥

Madeline Freeman '23 helps tell 性爱天堂's story as a publications management and writing intern for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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