a collage from the 2022 Louis H. Stumberg Venture Competition
The Road to Success
Two teams win $25,000 in final round of the 2022 Stumberg Venture Competition

On Tuesday, Oct. 18, six teams faced off in the Center for the Sciences and Innovation Cube for the chance to win $25,000 for their startups in the final round of the eighth annual Louis H. Stumberg New Venture Competition. The Stumberg Competition is a two-part event hosted by the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship that supports and mentors compelling student startups from creation to implementation.

This year鈥檚 six teams included FARO: Projects for Education, Pacific Debate Institute, Range Rehab, ReCap, Skelton Musical, and Wherezy. These teams qualified after first surviving the preliminary seed round last spring and preparing for the final round through the Summer Accelerator program.听

After pitching their startups to the distinguished judges, two teams, Range Rehab and ReCap, won the grand prize, the first time in the history of the competition that two winners were selected. Because of 性爱天堂鈥檚 commitment to its students, experiential learning, and growing the startup ecosystem both teams each received the full grand prize of $25,000 for their startups. The competition鈥檚 runner-up, Skelton Musical, was selected as the audience favorite and won $5,000 for their startup.听

The runner-up of the 2022 Stumberg Competition was Skelton Musical, who pitched a wristband metronome. From left to right: Gabriel Ogden 鈥23, Alfonso Kamel 鈥23, Paul Kim 鈥23, and Lucas Riley 鈥23.

Both of the winning teams created products that aimed to help people鈥檚 health in some capacity. members pitched a physical therapy device that helps people recovering from debilitating shoulder injuries safely rebuild their range of motion. members pitched a mobile app that tracks spending habits and sets saving milestones to alleviate the stress that comes with managing one鈥檚 finances.听

Range Rehab consists of CEO Anthony (AJ) Bishop 鈥22, COO Marriana Sayen 鈥25, Andrew Koob 鈥22, and Neha Kapur 鈥22. During the Summer Accelerator, the team perfected its two-arch design with more comfortable materials and tested it by sending free trials to local physical therapists.听

Range Rehab鈥檚 updated design and free trial process successfully proved to the judges of the final round their product鈥檚 effectiveness and demand in the market. Now, thanks to its $25,000 grand prize, Range Rehab can move forward with expanding the stock of its product.听

鈥淲inning the Stumberg Competition gives us the capital necessary to cover our FDA registration fee and place bulk orders to build our initial inventory to begin generating sales,鈥 Bishop says.

ReCap also benefited from its time in the Summer Accelerator. ReCap was co-founded by Joey Hersh 鈥24, Alexandra Garcia 鈥24, Max Hightower 鈥24, and Ashwin Ramesh 鈥24. During the summer, the team honed its app by focusing on a more roadmap-style layout that gives users step-by-step guidance for achieving their saving goals. The app now relies heavily on receipts from past purchases to help suggest similar, but more affordable, products to help reduce spending.听

鈥淲e are so grateful for this past summer and the opportunities that this program has provided us,鈥 Hersh says. 鈥淚t has been amazing to have a safe space to fail and build ourselves back stronger, and to have the resources to turn our vision into reality. We would like to thank everyone who helped us along the way鈥攐ur mentors, our team members, Geekdom, and 性爱天堂 Entrepreneurship, and everyone who took the time to help us learn and grow.鈥澨

For Range Rehab and ReCap, winning the final round of the Stumberg Competition may feel like the end of the road, but it鈥檚 only the beginning of the bright futures of their startups.

鈥淲e're extremely excited for the future of ReCap and the next milestones to come,鈥 Ramesh says. 鈥淭his isn't the end of our journey, it's the beginning, and we're so grateful and lucky to get the chance to start.鈥

Kennice Leisk '22 is the content coordinator for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing. She majored in English and Latin and minored in creative writing and comparative literature at 性爱天堂.

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