Students present pitch
Strength to the Consumer
Stumberg startups aim to improve physical and financial health

At 性爱天堂, entrepreneurship makes you stronger.

That鈥檚 the pitch for a pair of startups competing in the 2022 Louis H. Stumberg New Venture Competition, 性爱天堂鈥檚 premier entrepreneurship incubator that wraps up this fall with a $25,000 grand prize at stake. Meet , the inventors of a physical therapy device that improves your shoulder鈥檚 range of motion, and , the founders of a spending-habit app that aims to strengthen your financial health.

What excites Anthony (AJ) Bishop, a December 鈥22 senior, finance major, and founder of Range Rehab, is the feeling of making a difference for people who鈥檝e been overlooked. 鈥淚 feel like I'm actually helping people, because most physical therapists see knee, hip, and back patients, with shoulders being less common,鈥 he says. 鈥淭here's not as much innovation in that shoulder space, so I'm excited to be helping bring that innovation to it.鈥

The ReCAP team is co-founded by engineering majors Joey Hersh 鈥24 and Alexandra Garcia 鈥24, business analytics and technology major Max Hightower 鈥24, and neuroscience major Ashwin Ramesh 鈥24. This group wants to help users get rid of the anxiety that comes with trying to build savings.

鈥淲e actually want users to stop feeling like they have to count every single cent in their bank account,鈥 Hersh says. 鈥淲e want people to not worry if they make an impulse purchase every now and then. We see so many of our friends becoming anxious spenders, stressing about finances, and it sucks. We want to increase their financial literacy and give them confidence in their decisions.鈥

Things are speeding up for these two startups in advance of the October Stumberg Competition finals, where they鈥檒l both make their final presentations among seven total startups. Here鈥檚 a look into how both teams have strengthened their pitches over the past 10 weeks, a special period of development for Stumberg Competition finalists known as the summer accelerator:

(On left) team members AJ Bishop '22 and Neha Kapur '22 with (right)The Range Rehab shoulder device

Changing Pitch

Both teams鈥 product pitches have developed significantly over the summer.

ReCAP has honed its app into a streamlined program that centers around step-by-step guidance toward meeting specific savings goals. The app automatically creates a personalized budget by identifying pain points in users鈥 spending and offering actionable advice to improve financial habits. 鈥淲e basically added a roadmap-type layout, where each step is a new bit of advice,鈥 Garcia says. 鈥淎n example could be, 鈥楬ey, here is a different product, similar quality to what you buy, that's significantly cheaper.鈥 We鈥檙e specializing in goals now, like rent or saving for a car or motorcycle.鈥

And they鈥檙e leaning heavily on the interdisciplinary skills of their team, especially Hightower鈥檚 BAT and data science knowledge. 鈥淲e鈥檙e taking advantage of a new type of data that nobody else has: data from receipts,鈥 Hightower says. 鈥淵ou can upload a receipt, track the items that you bought, and that helps the app recommend different products. That is a massive shift in the industry that I think we can greatly capitalize on, and it's just fascinating getting to be on the forefront of a lot of these really interesting new technologies we're utilizing.鈥

Bishop鈥檚 shoulder device hasn鈥檛 so much changed in basic design as it has in general quality. 鈥淚t's still, basically two arches, one small one, one big one, and you place a hand on each arch and the patient just grips to the collar and moves your hand along the arch. And it works for four rotator cuff muscles in coordination with the scapula,鈥 Bishop says. 鈥淏ut now we want something that's not made out of PVC pipe. So we're actually building something with a nicer hand grip, with the lower and upper rungs both covered up.鈥

Students present poster

Big Benefits

Both teams have made such significant strides thanks in no small part to the support provided by the summer accelerator portion of the Stumberg competition.

By advancing from the prelims, each team gets $5,000 in seed money鈥攂ut that鈥檚 just the beginning of the benefit to the accelerator. The teams also get free housing, wages for up to 40 hours a week for four employees, crash courses in business workshops and seminars, and invaluable networking opportunities within 性爱天堂鈥檚 highly-developed network of alumni, as well as industry and fundraising connections.

鈥淚 personally think 性爱天堂 way undersells the prize package for making it to the finals,鈥 Ramesh says. 鈥淚t鈥檚 not just $5,000 for your company, but there are far, far more important aspects like housing: we wouldn't be able to live in San Antonio otherwise, so that鈥檚 critical. The stipend is critical because it means that we are able to really treat ReCap like our job, and we don't have to have secondary priorities. And a lot of the other resources they provide have also been really, really useful.鈥

For ReCap, the unsung hero of the summer period has actually been the fact that the competition was sponsored in part by Amazon Web Services, an IT management services division of the company.

鈥淲e were lucky enough to see $5,000 in Amazon web services credit, and $21,000 in credit for a service that we're utilizing called Plaid,鈥 Ramesh continues. 鈥淎nd this is essential because our entire company essentially runs on Amazon web services.鈥

Both teams have grown thanks to networking opportunities, particularly at downtown co-working space Geekdom, where Stumberg finalists get free membership during the competition.

鈥淏eing part of the 性爱天堂 accelerator and the Geekdom incubator has helped me make a lot of connections in the San Antonio business community,鈥 Bishop notes. 鈥淭here鈥檚 a mentor at Geekdom who鈥檚 a consultant for small businesses, and she's offered me a weekly meeting for free all throughout the summer. That would probably be my most valuable connection. And then we've also gotten a lot of connections just from the networking events to find physical therapists who would be willing to take our device in for trials.鈥

The ReCap group say they鈥檝e also enjoyed the Geekdom connection: 鈥淲e met with new entrepreneurs who had successfully started up there, and there was no shortage of people who were experts in their field that we could just walk up and talk to,鈥 Garcia says. 鈥淚n diverse fields to everything from marketing to design, to machine learning, even. The connections have been absolutely phenomenal.鈥

AJ Bishop holds microphone

Final Steps

For both ReCap and Range Rehab, getting their business models to full strength by the finals will take some big next steps.

Bishop says Range Rehab is currently in the hands of local physical therapists, so he鈥檒l need to show the judges some positive results.聽

鈥淲e've used this summer to focus mostly on customer discovery, and we've been getting our device into physical therapists鈥 hands,鈥 he says. 鈥淲e have six using the device currently on a free trial basis, and they'll have the option to purchase it in December. So we鈥檙e hoping to keep expanding our free trial network, because the larger that number, the more impressive it'll be to the judges. Ideally, we will be able to start selling in late September, early October, and I'm hoping to have our first sales before that final pitch so that we can prove our concept to the judges.鈥

ReCap wants to continue honing its social media and marketing presence and have a solid set of results from beta testing. 鈥淲e鈥檙e releasing our beta at the very start of September,鈥 Hersh says. 鈥淪o, we need to get as many users as we can on our waitlist. And we want to really just start getting feedback from live users so we鈥檙e able to say, 鈥楬ere is how quickly we're saving users money.鈥欌

But even with the final stretch in sight, Bishop says he鈥檚 not losing sight of the bigger picture: building a business that can shoulder all of his goals.

聽鈥淵es, I've always wanted to own my own business, but I knew two things going in that I wanted the business to be centered around: one, I always knew I wanted to make a lot of money, obviously, but two, I didn't want to make it at the detriment of other people,鈥 Bishop says. 鈥淚 wanted to make a lot of money by helping a lot of other people. And so this opportunity combines those two together, because I'm not going to be taking anything away from customers. Hopefully, I'm aiding in their rehab process and making it faster. And after their rehab process is done, I'm giving them something that will hopefully help their shoulder stay strong enough to avoid going through another rehabilitation process.鈥

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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