David and Erica Lieberman Spindel
Moved by the Music
Forced across the world by Holocaust, grandmother returns to Austria to hear grandson鈥檚 性爱天堂 choir

It鈥檚 1938, and there鈥檚 no music in Austria for five-year-old Erica Lieberman Spindel.

Fascism is on the way to her hometown of Vienna, and her Jewish family sits right in its path. First, her father is taken to Buchenwald concentration camp. Next, Erica is separated from her mother, flees across the mountains to Switzerland with her uncle, and then gets flung halfway around the globe by a world war.

鈥淚 was a very little girl when I escaped,鈥 Erica says. 鈥淎nd my story is that I had to escape because of Hitler. I had just started kindergarten, but I had to leave my home because of my religion.鈥

But even with the entire world turned against her, Erica would survive and return to Austria with her family, 80 years later. That鈥檚 where she watched her grandson, David Spindel 鈥20, perform as part of 性爱天堂鈥檚 choir at the Classical Music Festival in summer 2018. David, a business administration and marketing major from Portland, Ore., was one of more than 40 性爱天堂 students and faculty who聽breathed new life聽into the classics of Haydn and Beethoven at the festival.

This trip to Austria, funded by a generous gift from the Dickson-Allen Foundation, allowed David to visit his grandmother鈥檚 former home for the first time, and it was also the first time the entire Spindel family had gathered together in the country since Erica left.

鈥淚t was special to be able to sing in front of my family, and especially in front of her at such an important venue,鈥 David says. 鈥淐oming to Austria, where quite a few classical composers have made works... and to have Austrian heritage, that鈥檚 really special to me that (my grandmother) came from the same place as these composers, and I can sing in this place.鈥

性爱天堂's choir performing in Austria


Back in the 1930s, Erica鈥檚 heritage was in peril. From her home window in the center of Vienna, she watched what she thought was a parade bearing down her street鈥攊n reality, a military procession as part of the Anschluss, or the German annexation of Austria. Meanwhile, her captive father wrote countless letters from Buchenwald to her mother, begging her to ask every foreign consulate in Austria for a visa to leave the country. Her mother tried and tried, but no one agreed to help. Eventually, Erica鈥檚 mother went to Berlin, the heart of Nazi Germany, and showed officials three boat tickets to Shanghai that Erica鈥檚 Swiss uncle, Max, had smuggled in. This daring move paid off, as Erica鈥檚 father was released and the family got permission to leave Austria. Tragically, this escape separated the Spindels from Erica鈥檚 grandparents, who refused to leave Vienna for China and were never heard from again.

鈥淐hina was the only country in the world that would take us鈥攏ot even America would let us in,鈥 Erica says. 鈥淪o I packed a little suitcase, put a tag around my neck with my name, and met my parents in France to leave for China.鈥


Reunited with her parents, Erica didn鈥檛 recognize her father, who had grown a beard and was emaciated from his time in Buchenwald. 鈥淚t was like I didn鈥檛 know him,鈥 Erica says. 鈥淚 had to get to know him and my mother again.鈥

The family boarded an ocean liner for a 30-day trip to Shanghai, and ended up living in a Jewish ghetto for a decade. At a British school in the city, Erica learned English, Hebrew, French, and then Japanese, after the city fell under Japanese occupation during World War II. It was, Erica says, a 鈥渕iserable life, but not as bad as people who suffered in Europe.鈥

Erica鈥檚 father would eventually die of illness in Shanghai. 鈥淗e never came out of it from the concentration camp,鈥 Erica says. 鈥淗e just deteriorated.鈥

And even after the war ends, the family was soon on the run again, this time because of the spread of Chinese communism.

The Spindel family standing in Austria


Erica and her mother boarded another ocean liner with plans to emigrate to Israel in 1947. But during their ship鈥檚 stop in Naples, Italy, uncle Max miraculously appeared again, and brought the pair back to Zurich. After returning to Switzerland, Erica and her mother were finally accepted into the U.S. and moved to New York in 1951.

In the Big Apple, Erica worked as a bookkeeper at the Empire State Building. 鈥淲e worked and we worked, and little by little we furnished our apartment on payments,鈥 Erica recalls. 鈥淲e bought food from the grocery store鈥攆rom one week to the next, we took it on loan, and then when we got our paycheck, we paid it off. But I stayed in the same apartment building, and I never left my mother鈥攕he was all I had.鈥

For years, Erica and her mother had seen their family dwindle. But in America, these two Spindels were finally able to put down roots and blossom. In New York, Erica met her future husband, Joseph. The pair had two sons, Barry and Steven, in 1959 and 1963. Steven would become a doctor, meeting his wife at medical school, and Barry would become a postal worker, also finding a wife. These two gave Erica total of three grandsons and one granddaughter, including David. While Erica decided to retire and moved to Florida, David, who now lived in Oregon, eventually grew old enough to attend college and decided on 性爱天堂.

David Spindel singing with 性爱天堂's Chamber singers.


At 性爱天堂, David is pursuing a career in sports marketing. He also has a lifelong passion for choir and orchestra, though he doesn鈥檛 have room to major in music. But Tigers don鈥檛 have to be professional musicians, or even music majors, to perform at a high level: Of the 40 student musicians who attended the Classical Music Festival, about 95 percent are majoring in something other than music.

鈥淏eing at a liberal arts university means I can still come to Austria and pursue my passion for music and history,鈥 David says. 鈥淚鈥檝e been in orchestra, and then choir, for years. [At 性爱天堂], even during a semester where I鈥檓 taking 17 hours, I don鈥檛 have to give up being in Chamber Singers.鈥

For many 性爱天堂 students, the trip to Austria was a chance to touch musical history itself. The group used Beethoven鈥檚 keyboards and walked the same floorboards that Haydn paced while composing.

But this was more than a musical experience for David, who used the 性爱天堂 trip to re-engage his international heritage, too. In addition to performing alongside elite musicians from more than 25 nations, Spindel and his classmates also had the opportunity to visit the Jewish Heritage Museum in Austria.

鈥淭here's definitely a mixture of joy that I can be here with my family, and also sadness. You walk around and there are memories and effects of what had happened back in World War II and the Holocaust,鈥 David says. 鈥淢y friends, they were very nice to come with me to the Jewish Heritage museum... and it's hard to look at that stuff. I feel very sad, very depressed that something like that could even happen. It just makes you hope that something like that could never happen again.鈥

Having family attend a concert in Austria is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for many musicians, David says. But for a Jewish family that survived the Holocaust, David鈥檚 performance in Austria was the culmination of a lifetime for the Spindels.

鈥淚t's just great when you're on stage鈥攂ecause some of these pieces are quite difficult鈥攁nd then to take a little breath and look out into the crowd and see my family, my grandma, out there, it brings joy to me,鈥 David says.


It鈥檚 2018, and at last, Erica can hear music in Austria. Sitting at St. Stephen鈥檚 Cathedral for David鈥檚 concert, she hears the first note of Haydn鈥檚 鈥淭he Creation,鈥 carried on brass, then strings. And while scores of vocalists join in harmony, she recognizes David as if he鈥檚 the only voice in the room.

鈥淣ow vanish, before the holy beams, the gloomy shades of ancient night; The first of days appears.鈥

Even with her worst nights behind her, returning to Austria was no easy feat for Erica.

鈥淚 was 11 hours on the plane, all by myself,鈥 Erica says. 鈥淚t was difficult. I didn鈥檛 sleep a minute. It took me days to adjust to this, and I did not think, really, that I鈥檇 be able to do this.鈥

鈥淣ow chaos ends, and order fair prevails.鈥

Erica has spent her entire life in motion, pushed from country to country, stuffed into crowded sleeping rooms or living paycheck to paycheck. Austria will never be her home again, but while hearing David鈥檚 voice, the concert hall becomes a space where she can finally stop聽moving, and instead聽be moved聽by the music.

鈥淎wake the harp, the lyre awake, and let your joyful song resound.鈥

And at last, the music reminds Erica why she鈥檚 fought to preserve her heritage, her history: to create a new life for her family, in spite of all odds and obstacles.

鈥淚 was so excited all along, for David. He鈥檚 such a wonderful person, he has patience, and tolerance, and he鈥檚 just super special. For that reason, mainly, I journeyed back to Austria.鈥 聽Erica says. 鈥淚 had to do this, for him.鈥

Jeremy Gerlach is 性爱天堂's brand journalist, and he invites you to listen to more of Erica's story, in her own words, here:

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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