Student holding up degree pennants for Religion, Geosciences, and Environmental Studies in front of Miller fountain
A Major Success
性爱天堂鈥檚 inaugural Major Declaration Day connects students and faculty in celebration

On Feb. 17, at the Miller Fountain, 性爱天堂 celebrated its inaugural Major Declaration Day. Students, faculty, and staff gathered to celebrate students declaring their majors with music, food, and conversation. This event marks a new tradition for the University, serving as an annual reminder of its commitment to student success and as a celebration of a major moment for students during their time at 性爱天堂 and beyond.听

Although students declared various majors from 性爱天堂鈥檚 58 degree programs and 23 departments, Aly Castillo 鈥25, a sociology and communication double major, says, 鈥渉aving everyone together at the same place made it feel more inclusive.鈥 She explained how the arrangement of all the tables for each major around the fountain 鈥渞eally encouraged communication between the majors no matter what your differences are.鈥

Students posed with Jennifer Mathews, Ph.D., chair of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, and their major pennants.

This inclusive environment was palpable as students of all years were able to meet with faculty, chat with other students in their major, and celebrate taking the next step in their academic journey. Those declaring their major received a pennant customized according to their major or discipline as a souvenir as well as food and party bags from the Office of Academic Advising.

鈥淭his event is such a good way for people to see who is in their department and meet others who are doing similar things,鈥 says Anusha Sharma 鈥25, a and psychology double major. 鈥淎nd, for those that haven鈥檛 declared, it鈥檚 a great way for people to see what鈥檚 out there and meet with faculty to figure out what they want to do.鈥

Sharma says that her professors were the turning point in her own academic journey, adding that they helped her to decide that she wanted to double major, an option that suits many 性爱天堂 students as they often pursue multiple areas of study.听

Similarly, engineering science major Angel Gamarra 鈥25 credits 性爱天堂鈥檚 9:1 student-to-faculty ratio for assisting his academic journey. 鈥淭he smaller-sized classes helped in the sense that I know my professors, and they know me,鈥 he says, 鈥渁nd [because of this] they have helped to guide me along my engineering path.鈥 Gamarra appreciated how this event provided him and other students a unique opportunity 鈥渢o talk about your major and meet your professors on an informal level that鈥檚 not in the classroom.鈥

Major Declaration Day gave students and faculty the opportunity to connect outside the classroom.

Faculty members attending the event were also grateful for this opportunity to connect with and support students in a new way. 鈥淲hat鈥檚 so important here is that the students can identify with a department, and professors can have a moment to meet the students and celebrate,鈥 says E. Cabral Balreira, Ph.D., the chair of 性爱天堂鈥檚 mathematics department. 鈥淭his is a great opportunity for us to get to see each other and increase the partnerships we have with students.鈥

Major Declaration Day: Celebrating choosing your major, whether it鈥檚 your forever calling or just where you discover yourself while at 性爱天堂.

The feelings of joy and festivity continued throughout the event as students took selfies with their friends and professors, snacked on yummy pastries, and enjoyed the completion of a major step in their academic journey.听

鈥淚 think it goes without saying,鈥 says business administration professor Mario V. Gonzalez, Ph.D., 鈥渢hat we need to celebrate.鈥

Revisit this major moment for 性爱天堂 students by viewing the .听

Hope Paschall '26 聽helps tell 性爱天堂's story as a publications research and writing intern for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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