Community, Connection, and Conversation
性爱天堂 receives AAC&U Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Campus Center designation

性爱天堂 has been designated an . As one of only three TRHT Campus Centers in Texas, this designation allows 性爱天堂 to join AAC&U in implementing visionary action plans with the shared goal of erasing barriers to equal treatment and opportunity on college campuses and in the community. The organization has 144 campus centers around the country and is continuing to grow as they promote equality in various settings.听

鈥淲hen we say that 性爱天堂 values intentional inclusion, the designation as an AAC&U Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Campus Center puts those words into action,鈥 says Demi Brown, associate vice president for Student Life and dean of students. Brown was instrumental in bringing the designation to the University, having experienced its effects at his previous institution Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi. 鈥淭RHT will allow our community to actively engage in ways to dismantle the idea that some humans are more valuable than others. In short order, we will be able to facilitate racial healing circles on campus that will provide a path toward true racial healing.鈥

TRHT鈥檚 goal lies in helping communities heal and produce actionable change. They believe it requires individual and collective commitments to racial healing to build the relationships and mobilize the energy for transformative vision, plans, and action. As a TRHT Campus Center, the University will be able to further promote equality and racial healing through its Student Diversity and Inclusion Office.听

On Jan. 17, the Student Diversity and Inclusion Office hosted 性爱天堂鈥檚 inaugural National Day of Racial Healing. Students, faculty, and staff made Zen bags, used singing bowls, received poem envelopes, and enjoyed hot chocolate as they learned about the University鈥檚 TRHT initiatives. Introducing this event helped to familiarize the 性爱天堂 community with what the University鈥檚 future will look like as it continues to promote equality and healing with the new programming provided by TRHT.听

For 性爱天堂, being a TRHT Campus Center gives the community a platform and the resources to be vulnerable together as it seeks to build empathy and change the system, thus journeying towards equitable access as an institution of higher education.听

For students, this designation will help increase opportunities to cultivate an environment where individuals can find belonging and collective narrative sharing. First-year and computer science major Shea Bedminster 鈥26 is excited about this designation and what it means for 性爱天堂. She says, 鈥淚t鈥檚 important to have these conversations about finding community and belonging. Having more open conversations and dialogue can help open people鈥檚 minds. This [designation] will give them a place to facilitate that conversation.鈥

Hope Paschall '26 听helps tell 性爱天堂's story as a publications research and writing intern for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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