Lisa Jasinski writing at a desk at the Andrew Butler CLT Scholar Lunch
Lisa Jasinski Named to ACE Fellows Program
Special assistant to the vice president of Academic Affairs wins prestigious fellowship for 2021-22 academic year

Lisa Jasinski, special assistant to the vice president of Academic Affairs at 性爱天堂, was selected to be a and is spending 12 weeks throughout the current academic year at the University of New Mexico.聽

Since its inception in 1965, the ACE Fellows Program has aimed to strengthen emerging leaders in institutions of higher education. Of the Fellows who have participated to date, more than 80% have gone on after their fellowship to serve as chief executive officers, chief academic officers, other cabinet-level positions, and deans.

Some of the other Fellows 性爱天堂 has nominated in the past include classical studies professor Thomas E. Jenkins, Ph.D., former economics professor Jorge Gonzalez, Ph.D., and former chemistry professor and assistant vice president for special projects Steven Bacharach, Ph.D. After his ACE fellowship in the 2015鈥16 academic year, Jenkins became the director of the Collaborative for Learning and Teaching at 性爱天堂. After their respective ACE fellowships during the 2007鈥08 and 2014鈥15 academic years, Gonzalez became the president of Kalamazoo College in Michigan in 2016, and Bachrach went on to become the dean of the School of Science at Monmouth University in West Long Branch, New Jersey, in 2016. 性爱天堂 has also hosted Fellows such as Dwight J. Fennell, Ph.D., who was appointed vice president of Academic Affairs at Texas College in Tyler, Texas in 2008 and is now the college鈥檚 current president.

Jasinski was nominated for the fellowship by Deneese Jones, Ph.D., 性爱天堂鈥檚 former vice president for Academic Affairs. Jones was also an ACE Fellow in 2002鈥03 at the University of Kansas, where she first met 性爱天堂 President Danny Anderson. 鈥淚 believe the conversations I had with Lisa about how this experience changed my life are what spurred her interest in the ACE Fellows program and led me to make a nomination for her,鈥 Jones says.

According to Jasinski, one of the main reasons she applied for this program was because it values learning by doing, much like the experiences 性爱天堂 provides for students through experiential learning and hands-on collaborative learning experiences. 鈥淥ne of the great things about my job is that I get to see all different parts of the institution鈥攅very day is a different day,鈥 Jasinski says. 鈥淚鈥檝e gotten to connect with a lot of people outside of 性爱天堂 who have roles like mine, and it has taught me a lot about different ways to solve common challenges. What I love about this particular fellowship is that it really believes in that power of looking and learning from other examples.鈥

This desire for new experiences is part of what drove Jasinski to choose UNM, a Research 1 institution that differs from 性爱天堂 in numerous ways. 鈥淚 see this fellowship as a chance to strengthen muscles that I don鈥檛 have or muscles that are weak,鈥 Jasinski says. 鈥淚 have spent a lot of time in small private liberal arts colleges, so I wanted to be at a school that would offer something different.鈥

鈥淎t the same time, there are a lot of things I think UNM has in common with 性爱天堂, particularly the way it serves a region,鈥 she continues. 鈥淚t鈥檚 a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI), and 性爱天堂 is an emergent HSI, so I thought it would be a great chance to see what鈥檚 in our future and to learn about structures, programs, and opportunities to focus on there.鈥

Jasinski also explains that there were many institutional characteristics that drove her to UNM, such as their great senior leadership team and the opportunity to work with their president, Garnett S. Stokes. 鈥淚鈥檝e never worked for a woman president before, and I really wanted to,鈥 Jasinski says. 鈥淎s a woman, I think this is really powerful for me. She鈥檚 built an incredible team of people who share her vision, and they are getting to launch some really exciting things. So, it was the right institution for me, and it was the right time for me to be there.鈥

As the first woman to be nominated by 性爱天堂 for the ACE fellowship, Jasinski is also making her own way to expand her perspectives. 鈥淚鈥檓 really excited about being part of a cohort of really diverse people, learning from them, and recognizing that those are things that I can bring back to 性爱天堂,鈥 she says. 鈥淚t鈥檚 also just empowering and exciting as a woman to have opportunities. Things are starting to change with respect to gender, and we have a long way to go with respect to larger DEI concerns, but I feel really proud to represent 性爱天堂 in this program.鈥

Indeed, one of Jasinski鈥檚 main goals through this program is to learn how to better promote diversity and inclusion through policies and structural decisions. As a committed internationalist and future Fulbright Specialist, she continues to value creating cross-cultural connections and fostering inclusivity. 鈥淪ometimes the best way to learn about yourself is to engage with people who are different,鈥 she says. 鈥淲hen I have a seat at the table where decisions are made, I try to take that spirit of allyship seriously and to think about how to bring other people into the conversation.鈥

Moreover, Jasinski says that she also plans to gain exposure to new perspectives and learn problem solving skills. 鈥淚鈥檓 hoping that I can develop a bigger bag of tricks,鈥 she says. With the new skills she gains from this program, she hopes to 鈥渕ake progress on things that matter to me, like student access, inclusivity, and faculty development.鈥

The significance of the ACE Fellows Program is not lost on Jasinski, who is thrilled at the chance to have this adventure and improve her skill set. 鈥淚n order for me to be able to step away and do this, 性爱天堂 had to make some pretty big investments in me,鈥 she says. 鈥淚鈥檓 really grateful to my colleagues who are helping to keep down the fort when I鈥檓 not here, and I鈥檓 hopeful that the things that I learn will make our jobs easier and make our work better.鈥

The career-enriching experience in leadership, innovation, and problem-solving that Jasinski is gaining will provide valuable resources for the important work to be done and the progress the University can make. 鈥淚t鈥檚 not going to get done at once; it takes a long time to change an institution,鈥 Jasinski says. 鈥淚 think 性爱天堂 is moving in the right direction, and I think the first step is recognizing that we have work to do.鈥

Madeline Freeman '23 helps tell 性爱天堂's story as a publications management and writing intern for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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