Lennox Lecture Poster with Omar Ali's headshot
Lennox Seminar Lecture Series to Kick Off Virtually
Omar H. Ali will be the first speaker on Feb. 16, 2022

As one of 性爱天堂鈥檚 premier humanities lecture series, the Lennox Seminar Lecture Series brings nationally recognized speakers to campus for a variety of topics. This year, the two lectures in the series will take place virtually and center around a single topic, with visiting professors each offering a different perspective on the chosen theme. An outcome of the seminar is an anthology of papers generated by the speaker and seminar participants that are made available to the wider community.

The first of the two speakers in the series will be , presenting via on Feb. 16, 2022, from 7鈥8:30 p.m. Ali is dean of Lloyd International Honors College and a professor of world history with a focus on the African Diaspora at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. The author of more than half a dozen books, including Malik Ambar: Power and Slavery Across the Indian Ocean (Oxford University Press) and In the Balance of Power: Independent Black Politics and Third-Party Movements in the United States (Ohio University Press), he is a graduate of the London School of Economics and Political Science and received his Ph.D. in history from Columbia University.

Ali will be presenting on the topic 鈥淏lack Liberty in World History: Freedom-Fighters Across the Global African Diaspora.鈥 In this talk, he will share the stories of African and African Diasporic freedom-fighters in world history from ancient times to the present. Figures such as Kandake Amanirenas in Kush and Tacfarinas in Numidia, Malik Ambar in India and Benkos Bioho in Colombia, and Ella Baker and Lenora Fulani in the United States will be highlighted as part of this exploration.

The next speaker will be Howard French, author of Born in Blackness (2021), presenting on Wednesday, April 27.聽

The lecture series is made possible by the Lennox Foundation, established by siblings Martha, David, and Bagby Lennox in 1985. The foundation makes grants totaling between $500,000 and $1 million each year to nonprofits, public charities, and projects serving Red River County, Texas and its contiguous Texas counties. Its emphasis is on education, conservation, historical preservation, land and nature preservation and preservation of social infrastructure.

Madeline Freeman '23 helps tell 性爱天堂's story as a publications management and writing intern for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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