Ken Damon stands in front of a semi truck
Hot Wheels
Ken Damon '81 works on fighter jets and SuperTruck program

Ken Damon '81 is always ready to talk about 性爱天堂鈥檚 engineering department, and with good reason. He鈥檚 justifiably proud of the department鈥檚 track record of successful pass rate on the Professional Engineering License Exam (PE) even years after graduation鈥攊n his case, eleven years after he graduated from 性爱天堂 in 1981 with a bachelor鈥檚 degree in engineering science.

鈥淚t鈥 s nice to have P.E. after your name,鈥 he says modestly. Much too modestly for someone who is helping to change another kind of track record鈥攖hat of 鈥渕iles per gallon鈥 through his project manager work at Peterbilt Motors Engineering. Peterbilt is home to a long-haul truck demonstration model known as the Peterbilt-Cummins SuperTruck that鈥檚 generating major buzz in the trucking industry.

Coming from a family of engineers, Damon鈥檚 road was almost inevitable. Born and raised in Alton, Illinois, 鈥渋t seemed we were all engineers,鈥 he muses. His older brother Phil 鈥79 attended 性爱天堂, as did his sister Gail 鈥84. Damon鈥檚 choice of 性爱天堂 was fueled by a love of Southern rock music and a fascination with a state that 鈥渟eemed somewhat exotic. I wanted to see what this Texas place was all about.鈥

After graduation he held a field engineering position at Halliburton Services in Alice and Laredo鈥攚here, ironically, he learned to drive heavy-duty trucks鈥攂ut his path took to the skies when he decided he 鈥渨anted to get into more of a design field. I wanted to design airplanes.鈥 In 1985 he joined General Dynamics in Fort Worth as a structural engineer in the F-16 fighter jet program.

The next nine years were a whirlwind of stimulating projects, which included memorable trips to Israel in 1991 and Pakistan a year later. 鈥淲e had stopped selling [planes] to Pakistan as punishment for their nuclear research, but they already had a bunch of F-16s,鈥 he says. When one crash landed, 鈥渨e told them to send it to our repair depot in Utah. They refused, afraid they wouldn鈥檛 get their airplane back.鈥 So Damon, then 32, was part of a small assessment team that traveled to Pakistan. 鈥淚n fact, I was the only engineer,鈥 Damon says.

With the Cold War winding down, fast-paced excitement transitioned into massive layoffs (鈥5,000 in one day,鈥 he recalls) and Damon learned that Peterbilt Motors was moving their California Bay Area engineering to Denton. There was a hiring boom 鈥渢o replace the 75 percent of the engineering staff who didn鈥檛 want to move to Texas. So I said, 鈥業鈥檓 going to go design trucks.鈥欌

He did much more than that, and by 2009 Damon was appointed project manager for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-sponsored SuperTruck program鈥攁 $39 million grant matched by Peterbilt and partners Cummins and Eaton Corporation鈥攖hat focused on improving fuel economy of heavy duty trucks by 50 percent. 鈥淲e greatly exceeded that,鈥 Damon says, 鈥渄emonstrating 76 percent improvement in fuel economy.鈥 The SuperTruck 鈥渋s a one-of-a-kind showcase of advanced aerodynamics, powertrain, lightweighting, and technologies that assist the driver. We鈥檙e now in the process of taking its best features and putting them into production to make them available to the general public.鈥

In February of 2013, the SuperTruck served as a backdrop for President Obama鈥檚 announcement on higher MPG standards. The next day it was in front of the DOE building with the energy secretary and assistant secretary sitting in the cab.

Now manager of the Vehicle Performance and Engineering Analysis team, Damon鈥檚 team constantly researches new ways to enhance efficiency 鈥渢o help our customers get the most performance out of their trucks.鈥

Damon recalls a long-ago class with John E. Plapp, then-associate professor of engineering science at 性爱天堂. 鈥淓very year for one of his classes, he would give an hour-long talk on waste, about how if you use energy wastefully or inefficiently you can never get more work out of that energy. That always stuck with me: energy that is no longer available for useful work,鈥 Damon says. 鈥淭hat is exactly what the SuperTruck program is about. Right now engines are about 42 percent efficient. That means that 58 percent of the fuel goes out the tailpipe as heat. It doesn鈥檛 help drive your truck or your car. This program has a chance to increase that useful energy capability by a significant amount, and that makes me feel really good.鈥

See Ken Damon on Today鈥檚 Trucking test-driving the SuperTruck at

Julie Catalano helped tell 性爱天堂's story as a contributor for the University communications team.

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