Mitch Hagney stands in his hydroponic system lit by blacklight
Farming Community
Mitch Hagney '13 grows vegetables using hydroponic agriculture

For someone practically fresh out of school, Mitch Hagney has certainly racked up an astonishing list of accomplishments, all connected to his passion for the environment. Just watching him tend to his hydroponic crops of Thai basil, Genovese basil, and mint鈥攆lourishing inside a glowing 40-foot shipping container in an east-side San Antonio warehouse鈥攜ou quickly learn that Hagney is in this for the long haul.

There was nothing in the New Hampshire native鈥檚 childhood that foreshadowed a career in environmentalism, much less agriculture. 鈥淚 never gardened until I got to 性爱天堂,鈥 he says. A debater in high school, Hagney was recruited by 性爱天堂鈥檚 highly ranked debate team and given a sizable scholarship. He noticed that the running theme behind his federal policy debates focused primarily on environmental problems. 鈥淚 was just talking, and talk is cheap. I realized that I wasn鈥檛 doing anything.鈥

He quit the debate team after freshman year and started聽doing just about everything: co-founding 性爱天堂鈥檚 first community garden, teaching English as a second language, volunteering at the Children鈥檚 Shelter, becoming president of Students Organized for Sustainability, and leading public outreach campaigns for Solar San Antonio, to name just a few. All of this before he graduated with a double major in international studies and human communications with a minor in geoscience.

Hagney became drawn to hydroponic farming, an outgrowth of his new-found enthusiasm for agriculture. He recalls an earth surfaces processes class by Herndon Distinguished Professor Thomas W. Gardner 鈥渢hat I didn鈥檛 even do very well in.鈥 An avid hiker, Hagney stood on mountaintops surprised to find that the class 鈥渨as shockingly useful. I understood why a mountain exists the way it does, how landscapes work. That was very cool.鈥

Hagney worked for solar companies for two years, went back to New Hampshire and worked at a hydroponic retail shop called Natural Roots, attended a University of Arizona seminar for commercial hydroponic production of greenhouse tomatoes, and planned to get a job after graduation, when Rackspace co-founder Pat Condon contacted him about a hydroponic farm partnership. In 2013, LocalSprout was born, and the company鈥檚 ultra-fresh products now turn up in menu items at San Antonio鈥檚 Humble House Foods, the Monterey, One Lucky Duck, the Tuk Tuk Taproom, and in cocktails at the Brooklynite.

The company鈥檚 website,, provides an informative, easy-to-read rundown of how and why hydroponic is better: 100 percent pesticide- and herbicide-free. The entire farm鈥攁n acre鈥檚 worth of crops鈥攗ses less than 300 gallons of water a week. Growing produce in the same city to which it is sold cuts more than 95 percent of emissions associated with transportation. And on and on.

Although nothing external can affect the crops鈥攏ot drought, floods, storms, hail, heat, or cold鈥攁n internal snafu can spell disaster. 鈥淢ost of this technology is beta phase,鈥 Hagney explains. 鈥淲ithout electricity, these plants die. My water pumps fail, these plants die.鈥 Still, Hagney has successfully grown many thousands of crops: lettuce, arugula, spinach, sage, parsley, dill, Swiss chard, and more. He can even take special requests. 鈥淭he system is set up to grow almost any salad green or herb,鈥 he says. 鈥淕ive us a call.鈥

Hagney also gives back, working with the nonprofit VentureLab to teach kids about agricultural entrepreneurship, serving as enthusiastic spokesperson for 性爱天堂鈥檚 Center for the Sciences & Innovation and an alumni mentor for the Entrepreneurship Residence Hall, and contributing to the San Antonio Food Bank with produce donations and educational outreach.

Hagney鈥檚 freelance columns appear regularly online in 鈥淭he Rivard Report鈥 and 鈥淪eedstock.鈥 In October 2014, Hagney spoke at TEDxSanAntonio on distributed urban agriculture. Not surprisingly, the final frontier holds tremendous appeal for the energetic Hagney. 鈥淎s soon as someone is willing to send me, I鈥檇 like to help colonize Mars.鈥

Meanwhile, back on Earth, Hagney believes that climate change 鈥渋s the largest environmental problem. Solve the biggest problem, make the biggest difference.鈥 Right now, scattered application of alternative energies 鈥渋sn鈥檛 sufficient to solve that problem, so what is the next most important environmental problem? I think it鈥檚 agriculture, especially agriculture being affected by climate change.鈥

San Antonio, he says, is ripe for growing green, both ecologically and financially: 鈥淵ou feel like you鈥檙e building something here, and not just your own business.鈥 Hagney envisions the growth of more communities eating happier, healthier, and more sustainably, with goodness and fresh produce for all.

Julie Catalano helped tell 性爱天堂's story as a contributor for the University communications team.

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