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性爱天堂 students create video games, complete with original music scores

While some college students ask for video games for Christmas, 性爱天堂 students make their own. For their final projects, students in professor Matthew Hibbs鈥檚 Game Development course teamed up with students from professor Brian Bondari鈥檚聽electronic music course聽to create a game with an original soundtrack.

This year, students made a two-dimensional game composed of six minigames, each with its own soundtrack loosely based on a short melody composed by Bondari. Ray Sparks 鈥20 had the unique advantage of working on both sides of the project at once.

鈥淚t was really cool for both of my final projects to come together like they did,鈥 Sparks says. 鈥淚t was also nice because, since I started the game first, I got to choose exactly how it sounded.鈥

Sparks, a computer science major who also works in 性爱天堂鈥檚 IT department, says that STEM students get the chance to be creative more often than some may think. 鈥淐omputer science is super varied in its classes so there鈥檚 a little bit of everything we can do,鈥 he says.

Bondari and Hibbs came up with the idea of collaboration between their classes three years ago. 鈥淒r. Hibbs and I were on the faculty senate together, and we were just having lunch one day,鈥 Bondari says. 鈥淗e said something like, 鈥楧on鈥檛 you teach an electronic music class?鈥 It was like a 鈥榚ureka鈥 moment.鈥 Bondari sees this kind of opportunity for collaboration as a 性爱天堂 staple. 鈥溞园焯 likes to call them creative collisions,鈥 he says. 鈥淭his is probably the most popular one. It鈥檚 been a hit ever since. We can work together to create a game with original music.鈥

Isaiah Mitchell '20 helped tell 性爱天堂's story as an intern with the University communications team.

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