Bondari music collage
Beats by Bondari
Students rave about professor's electronic music course

性爱天堂 music professor聽Brian Bondari, D.M.A., teaches a course where the only requirements are a Soundcloud account and a good pair of headphones.

Students in Bondari鈥檚 electronic music class learn how to synthesize original sounds and manipulate audio. 鈥淚 want to show people what the tools are,鈥 Bondari says. 鈥淚 treat it more like a lab than a normal class.鈥

Although the course existed before as a historical survey class, Bondari gives his students a chance to actually create music. Particular assignments include scoring a short film and creating an entire composition with only a recording of a single word.

Loretta Rodriguez 鈥20 particularly has enjoyed coming up with new sounds for the keyboard. 鈥淲e had to make our own synth patches,鈥 she says. 鈥淚t was cool to make our own unique sound.鈥

Rodriguez appreciates the opportunity to work creatively with equipment and knowledge that鈥檚 hard to find outside a 性爱天堂 classroom. 鈥淚 think a lot of people agree that it鈥檚 a good outlet to express yourself through music without having to know so much about music,鈥 she says. 鈥淚 like that there are a lot of creative classes here that are still thought-provoking.鈥

Christian Correll 鈥20 likewise enjoys how Bondari gives students leeway while pushing them to make a finished product. 鈥淭he compositions would probably be my favorite assignment so far,鈥 Correll says. 鈥淚 just like the creative freedom that comes along with them.鈥

Students get the chance to display their final compositions during a recital at the end of the semester. Bondari is always surprised to see the varied results that can come out of a single class. 鈥淚 learn so much about my students when I hear their compositions,鈥 he says. 鈥淎nd who knows what composers are willing to do once they get out into the world?鈥

Bondari has had students go on to write jingles, make software music, and perform full-time. 鈥淥ne student I had went on to Cal Arts and got an MFA in electroacoustic music,鈥 he says.

When not teaching the course, Bondari uses his skills to produce music for theater. 鈥淭heaters don鈥檛 really have the budget for live musicians, so electronic music is ideal. It鈥檚 a job-killer for live musicians,鈥 he jokes. In addition to producing electronic theater music, Bondari composed the tune to the current聽, has worked with his wife on several theatrical productions, and even wrote 聽the on-stage live music for a production of the Bacchae performed in an ancient Greek amphitheater. He looks forward to seeing how students put their knowledge to good use in a real performance: 鈥淟et鈥檚 get dirty, let鈥檚 get our feet wet, and let鈥檚 have a recital.鈥

Bondari has taught the course, MUSC 3305-1, every fall semester since 2011.

Isaiah Mitchell '20 helped tell 性爱天堂's story as an intern with the University communications team.

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