Andrew Bullinger photoshop photo project
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Drew Bullinger thriving between the worlds of computer science, art, and faith

Andrew Bullinger 鈥23 says there are two parts of creating a video game: making it work, and making it look good.聽

"Making video games is where computer science and art come together," he says. "It's good to have a solid understanding of both." That鈥檚 why Bullinger, a computer science major and art minor from Fort Worth, Texas, who鈥檚 interested in game development and game design, came to 性爱天堂. 鈥淐omputer science and art鈥攖hey鈥檙e such polar opposites, so being able to engage them both at a high level, you can鈥檛 really do that at a whole lot of other places.鈥澛

At 性爱天堂, Bullinger can be a programmer and an artist. But he also gets to be an all-conference sprinter and hurdler for 性爱天堂鈥檚 team; he gets to be a gamer as part of Student organizations like 性爱天堂鈥檚 Gaming Club; and most importantly, at 性爱天堂鈥檚 chapter of Reformed University Fellowship (RUF), he gets to be himself.

Andrew Bullinger '23 as a ranger at one of the Boy Scouts of America鈥檚 High Adventure Bases at Philmont Scout Ranch in summer 2021.

鈥淭hings get insanely busy at 性爱天堂,鈥 says Bullinger, who relies on RUF as a space to decompress. 鈥淓veryone here is a workaholic. I sat down at a table my first week here, and six of the eight people there were valedictorians. Having a place at 性爱天堂 like RUF, you can be there for an hour, just relax, and be uplifted.鈥

Art and computer science also give Bullinger a lift. He has enjoyed art since elementary school, especially through drawing. Computer science, particularly the idea of making games, also intrigued Bullinger starting in middle school. After taking AP Computer science in high school, Bullinger was hooked. 鈥淚 don鈥檛 code for 鈥榝un,鈥 but I have fun when I do my projects,鈥 he says.聽

Computer science can be a broad and complicated field at the college level, so Bullinger wasn鈥檛 looking for a school that would make life as a CS major complicated, too. 鈥淎t 性爱天堂, the department literally printed out a sheet of paper for me, outlining the paths I would be able to take through the major,鈥 Bullinger says. 鈥淚f I went to another school, I might have had to take an (unrelated) Information Technology class - that doesn鈥檛 interest me at all. But at 性爱天堂, I got to take a game design class and systems class instead. That just makes sense to me.鈥

Bullinger says this approach to the CS major means 性爱天堂 gives students flexibility and a wide range of options, but also helps students keep their path clearly defined. Along this path, Bullinger says he鈥檚 flourished under professors such as Mark Lewis听'96, Ph.D., and Britton Horn听'09, Ph.D., noting both as being 鈥渧ery engaging, especially for the speed with which we went through the material.鈥

A screen capture of one of Andrew Bullinger's video game projects, Kill the Sun.

Taking Horn鈥檚 鈥淚ntro to Game Development鈥 course was a pivotal turning point for Bullinger. 鈥淚 had experience coding, but that was the point I got to apply it to something that I really like,鈥 he says, pointing to his . 鈥淕etting the chance to do something I鈥檇 wanted to do for a long time was just really fun鈥攁nd I had a lot of friends in that class.鈥

And Bullinger also found some real-world experience too, working at Sojourner Logistics, a local shipping warehouse, as a summer intern. There, he honed his skills while working on a programming project, helping the company sync their digital database with their warehouse inventory.

At 性爱天堂, Bullinger tried out life as an art and CS double major, balancing these CS pursuits with his original artistic passion. He earned the Baker Duncan Scholarship in art (性爱天堂 offers this dynamic scholarship across multiple fields). But Bullinger quickly discovered that this approach wasn鈥檛 the life for him.

Two of Andrew Bullinger's art projects.

So, he was able to keep art in his life as a minor. 鈥淚鈥檝e had fun classes in photography and sculpture,鈥 he says. 鈥淒rawing I got cut short [by COVID-19 restrictions] in 2020, but Drawing II has been fun to get back to, especially having that creative freedom that comes with upper-level art classes.鈥

Bullinger has also found time to thrive and enjoy life outside the classroom. He worked as a ranger at one of the Boy Scouts of America鈥檚 High Adventure Bases at Philmont Scout Ranch this past summer: 鈥淣owhere even close to computer science,鈥 he laughs, 鈥淏ut that was awesome鈥攍iving in a tent for three months, and only touching a computer about three times.鈥

Bullinger also balances life at 性爱天堂 as a student athlete on the University鈥檚 track and field team. He came into 性爱天堂 as an accomplished hurdler in Texas鈥檚 6A division, but suffered an injury to his foot as a sophomore in college. 鈥淲hen I came back, that actually ended up being an opportunity to try out some of the sprints, which are less of an impact on the foot than hurdles,鈥 Bullinger says. 鈥淚t makes more sense to my body to be able to 鈥榝loor it鈥 the whole time instead of trying to pace things over a longer 400 race.鈥

Andrew Bullinger, right, at a SCAC Track and Field meet.

The injury was a humbling experience for Bullinger, who points out coaches Marcus Whitehead and Todd Wildman as instrumental in making the adjustment to trying out new events in the 100m and 200m dashes. After surviving both that injury and a first-year season disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, Bullinger actually ended up taking a conference championship in the 100 as a second-year鈥攏ot bad for a newcomer to the event.

Even with jobs, demanding academics, and athletics, Bullinger also treasures his time with clubs on campus. In addition to 性爱天堂鈥檚 Gaming Club, his favorite organization is Reformed University Fellowship, a nationwide Presbyterian organization that runs a chapter at 性爱天堂.

鈥淚t鈥檚 a place where people can show up, and just have a good group of people to be with and hear what the Bible has to say,鈥 says Bullinger, a member of the 性爱天堂 RUF servant team. 鈥淪ome of my best friends on campus are in that group, and the ability to connect over something that鈥檚 that meaningful definitely lends itself to really good relationships.鈥

Now a junior, Bullinger doesn鈥檛 yet have concrete plans for life after 性爱天堂. But that doesn鈥檛 mean his vision for the future isn鈥檛 high-res: 鈥淚 know I want to work with game development and game design,鈥 he says. 鈥淎nd at 性爱天堂, I鈥檓 getting the experience I need to do that.鈥

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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