Students walk across campus on first day of classes
First Day of Classes
性爱天堂 students take their first steps

Students have moved onto campus, signed the honor code pledge, climbed Murchison Tower, and partied at NSO: Now, it鈥檚 7:45 a.m the next morning and their alarms are blaring.

It鈥檚 time for the first day of classes.聽

Some students are probably starting their routines off with a nice shave. Unless they鈥檙e Mark Nowak in 1986, who ran into electrical difficulties the morning before his first class:

鈥淚 recently discovered that it is impossible to shave in my bathroom without turning on the light,鈥 Nowak said in a Trinitonian column. 鈥淲ithout the light on, the only socket in the bathroom will not work. I can tell you, I had a very hard time figuring this one out the first morning I got up to shave. (I did not shave until the first day of classes to steal the thunder of a certain gentleman who currently appears on a TV show as a vice cop.)鈥

Next, students will probably swing through Mabee Dining Hall or Coates Student Center for a bite of breakfast. Unless they鈥檙e Jeanna Goodrich 鈥08:

鈥淥n the first day of class, on the treacherous tile in front of Coates, I oh-so-gracefully fell on my bum in front of all the first-years and will now forever be known as 鈥榯hat girl who fell on my bum in front of the first-years.鈥欌

In Coates, students can then swing by the bookstore to pick up their textbooks. Unless they鈥檙e on campus in 1997, when an accounting error cost nearly 300 students their textbooks on the first day of class.聽

鈥淧rofessors encountered such hassles as photocopying books for students, revamping class schedules, and even canceling classes as a result of the book ordering confusion,鈥 recounts a January 1997 edition of the Trinitonian.

Finally, students arrive in their first classes. Here it鈥檚 a life-or-death scramble to get the perfect seat, as Leif Olson describes in a 1997 Trinitonian column:

鈥淵ou will probably choose a seat in a classroom during the first class session of the semester. You may or may not have intended this seat to be yours for the duration of the semester, but, for the nonce, it belongs to you. It is clearly understood, though, by you and the other students in the class, that this first session is simply a trial run. People jockey for seats in class all the time. Whether you want to look attentive by sitting in the front or avoid a professor's spittle by sitting on the sidelines, seating is an important issue and should not be taken lightly. That is why seat placement becomes fixed after the second full week of class.鈥

And that鈥檚 assuming students even have seats to sit in. On the first-ever first day of classes in 1869, carpenters hadn鈥檛 yet finished renovations on the Tehuacana campus.

鈥淲ith little fanfare and much anticipation, 性爱天堂 commenced classes in Tehuacana on 23 September 1869, later than the scheduled opening on the first Monday in September because carpenters still were renovating the former Boyd residence to use for classrooms. Even so, seven students presented themselves to the five-member 性爱天堂 faculty at the opening session. By the end of the first term, nearly a hundred had enrolled.鈥

Despite these headaches, 性爱天堂 students still hold fond memories of their opening days on campus. While the student body has grown from a few hundred to more than 2,400, the campus remains a tight-knit community that starts forging friendships on day one:

"I love how small it is here,鈥 says Katie Hampton 鈥08 told the Mirage, 鈥渁nd how on the first day of classes, or even just walking around campus, you know you will see someone you have met before."聽

LeeRoy Tiger is 性爱天堂's lovable mascot, spreading #TigerPride wherever he goes.

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