Professor and student hug at graduation ceremony outside reception
Faculty-student Bonds
Professors go the extra mile鈥攁nd beyond鈥攆or 性爱天堂 students

性爱天堂鈥檚 9-to-1 student-to-faculty ratio is more than a number: it鈥檚 how the university opens doors for students. The University鈥檚听听are committed to developing a one-on-one working relationship with each individual they teach. They research, learn, grow, perform, and travel right alongside every Tiger. Because faculty know their students鈥 strengths, they can also serve as advocates for those students seeking internships, research projects, and career opportunities.

性爱天堂鈥檚 rigorous curriculum can be challenging for any student, let alone one who wants to split time between school and NASA. Such was the case for Daniel Henkes 鈥20, an engineering science major from San Antonio, Texas who balanced his academic journey at 性爱天堂 with a varsity cross country career and a full stint in NASA鈥檚 prestigious Pathways Intern Employment Program.听

For many students, a demanding schedule like this would double the time it takes to earn their college degrees. But thanks to support from 性爱天堂鈥檚 engineering science faculty, it鈥檚 only taken Henkes one additional semester.

Jack Leifer, an engineering science professor, serves as Henkes鈥 academic adviser. Leifer says that with faculty allies in their corner, 性爱天堂 students can have the best of both worlds鈥攂ig school resources and connections, paired with small-school faculty relationships.

鈥淚鈥檝e known Daniel since before he was a first-year because I remembered him from his very first tour of our facility as a high school student,鈥 Leifer says. 鈥淎nd that mattered when we were trying to figure out how Daniel would be able to pull this off. I was able to go to my fellow engineering science faculty and say, 鈥業 know Daniel. I know his commitment to both his studies and his co-op work at NASA. And I believe, if there鈥檚 any student who can navigate this, it鈥檚 going to be Daniel.鈥欌

Leifer isn鈥檛 the only faculty member going the extra mile for students. In 2018, five 性爱天堂 music faculty flew more than 5,600 miles to accompany 40 性爱天堂 choir members who were invited to perform at the prestigious international Classical Musical Festival in Austria.听听

At the Festival, the group joined elite musicians from more than 25 nations to perform classics such as Haydn鈥檚 鈥淭he Creation鈥 and Beethoven鈥檚 鈥淢ass in C Major.鈥澨 At each of the festival鈥檚 rehearsals and performances, professors performed right along with their students. College students faculty to be experts in their field. But having faculty who are willing to provide their expertise in the field is what sets 性爱天堂 apart.

For music professor David Heller, now in his 32nd year at 性爱天堂, the Austria trip is a beautiful example of how 性爱天堂 harmonizes with the outside world.

鈥淪itting at the harpsichord during rehearsal, hearing everything going on around me鈥攁ll of these musicians from 26 countries鈥攆or our students to be part of that musical expression, creating a choral work, it made my heart swell,鈥 Heller says.

This sort of passion spills into every corner of campus, including the geosciences.听

Scott Tinker 鈥82, a filmmaker, energy activist and speaker, fondly remembers his days studying geology and business at 性爱天堂. Tinker, who is now the state geologist of Texas and University of Texas at Austin endowed geosciences professor, created his first film about energy, 鈥淪witch,鈥 in 2012. But Tinker might never have discovered this passion if not for the late geosciences professor Ed Roy. Tinker only became a geology major after meeting Roy under 性爱天堂鈥檚 iconic Murchison Tower at a first-year orientation party.

鈥淚 came to school to do pre-law and business, but Dr. Roy caught me out on the lawn and talked me into taking just one geology class鈥攁nd before I knew it, we were out in the field, and I was a major,鈥 Tinker says. 鈥淭hat鈥檚 the type of moment you can have at 性爱天堂鈥攁nd it was a moment that changed my life.鈥

Chemistry professor emerita Nancy Mills works with students in her lab

Fellow geosciences major Harry 鈥淏ud鈥 Holzman 鈥74, can also attest to the passion of 性爱天堂 faculty. Holzman, a Vietnam helicopter and fighter pilot became a 性爱天堂 geology major and then a U.S. Army counterintelligence chief analyst in the Second Gulf War. As a U.S. Army counterintelligence analyst in Iraq in 2004, he also was charged with helping the U.S. and Iraqi governments administer justice to members of Hussein鈥檚 regime and actually signed Hussein鈥檚 official recommendation for the arrest warrant.听 Holzman used his geosciences expertise to restore Iraq鈥檚 damaged oilfields to working status, helping bring power back to millions of Iraqis. Before that, he enjoyed a 25-year geological career at Geomap, all after surviving tests from 性爱天堂鈥檚 demanding geology department, which he compares with the perils of flying aircraft in the Vietnam war.

鈥淟et me tell you,鈥 Holzman says of his days at 性爱天堂, 鈥淰ietnam was nothing compared to taking tests under (the late geology professor) Dr. Donald McGannon. I remember a 12-hour 鈥極ptical Mineralogy鈥 final that was harder than any combat mission.鈥 Holzman fondly recalls learning under professors Roy, McGannon, Walter Coppinger, and Robert Freed.

鈥淎t 性爱天堂 they instill this in you: when you find a problem, they want you to go find answers,鈥 Holzman says. 鈥淎nd whether you鈥檙e talking about your aircraft getting shot down, living in 130 degrees, or working 16-hour days for months at a time, you have to show persistence鈥攜ou never give up.鈥

Early 1890s photo of faculty and students bonding

As early as the 1890s, faculty were serving as mentors and counselors to their students. Pictured here, Professor William Gillespie helped students form a literary society on the Tehuacana campus.

LeeRoy Tiger is 性爱天堂's lovable mascot, spreading #TigerPride wherever he goes.

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