collage of headshots of michael ritter '07, andrea morris '05, and hayley ellison '07
All Eyes on the Appellate Court
Three 性爱天堂 graduates establish their careers as staff attorneys for San Antonio鈥檚 Fourth Court of Appeals.

奥丑别苍听Michael Ritter 鈥07,听Hayley Ellison 鈥07, and聽Andrea Morris 鈥05聽left 性爱天堂, they didn鈥檛 realize they would all land at the same place again鈥攁nd again. Each went to law school and for their first jobs out of school, all served as a law clerks at the Fourth Court of Appeals in San Antonio. They then parted ways again, each going into practice representing clients, but eventually landed back together, returning to the Fourth Court as full-time staff attorneys.聽

Ritter explains what working as a staff attorney means: 鈥淲e are in-house lawyers who advise the court鈥檚 seven justices on how to rule.鈥 Their days are occupied with researching the law and applying it to the facts of a case, then preparing orders for judges to review and drafting opinions that eventually become the law of the state of Texas.

Ritter, who works for Justice Luz Elena D. Chapa , explains that if a party involved in a trial asserts that the trial judge ruled in a way that incorrectly affected the outcome of the case, that party can file a notice of appeal. Staff attorneys review the court reporter鈥檚 trial transcript and draft an opinion.鈥淚t鈥檚 Poli-Sci 101: We don鈥檛 make the law, we interpret the law,鈥 Morris says.

Ellison, staff attorney to Chief Justice Sandee Bryan Marion, thinks of her role as a 鈥榳atchdog鈥 for the law. 鈥淚f a Court of Appeals reverses a conviction, it鈥檚 not because we think someone is innocent; It鈥檚 because our job is to make sure everyone is getting a fair trial,鈥 she says. 鈥淚t鈥檚 our job to make sure the system is predictable, because predictability is what makes it fair.鈥澛

Ritter, who graduated cum laude from 性爱天堂 with a speech communication major, explained that while the work can be behind-the-scenes, 鈥渨hat we do truly matters to people throughout San Antonio and 31 other counties in central and southwest Texas.鈥 The Fourth Court of Appeals oversees 32 counties including Bexar County.

Morris agrees that her work as a staff attorney for Justice Beth Watkins is meaningful: 鈥淭he opinions I draft are important to the communities we oversee.鈥澛

Morris, who graduated magna cum laude as an economics and sociology double major, offers an example of a recent issue seen by the Fourth Court of Appeals that was important to citizens in San Antonio. The proposed park around San Antonio鈥檚 Hays Street Bridge, which was constructed in 1900, was a contentious case.聽

鈥淭he city and a nonprofit group were back-and-forth about the park,鈥 recalls Morris, who earned her J.D. from St. Mary鈥檚 University School of Law. 鈥淐an they fight about this or not? We were the court that decided if that legal preceding could happen.鈥

Morris鈥檚 immense institutional knowledge of the appellate court is a result of serving three appellate judges. Incidentally, all three justices have been female, including Chief Justice Alma Lopez, who was the first Hispanic woman on the court and first Hispanic woman to be elected chief justice of an appellate court in the United States. Such representation has also been a source of meaning for Morris鈥檚 work. 鈥淚 love working in a district with a lot of female representation,鈥 says Morris.聽聽

Ritter, Ellison, and Morris are shaping San Antonio and the surrounding counties in a big way, each offering a unique perspective to the Fourth Court of Appeals. Looking back, all three alumni cite 性爱天堂 as a place where their individual perspectives were developed and a belief in the importance of community was founded.聽

Ritter鈥檚 deep understanding of the law took root when he began competing on debate teams in high school and later immersed himself in the University speech and debate team under the late Frank Harrison, J.D.

鈥淔rank was more of an administrator than a coach,鈥 Ritter says. 鈥淚t was really up to the students on the debate team to do all their own research, their own writing鈥攚hich I found tremendously helpful in law school and in the practice of law.鈥澛

He went on to graduate with honors from The University of Texas School of Law, and he attributes his career success to having to think on one鈥檚 own. Ritter currently serves as president of the San Antonio LGBTQ Bar Association and as secretary of TYLA, the Texas Young Lawyers Association.

Morris鈥檚 desire to give back to the community was at the forefront of her undergraduate experience. She found her place with TUVAC and frequently volunteered at the SAMM Shelter and took care of young children while their parents were taking job preparation classes or finishing a degree. She also cites 性爱天堂 professors as having a huge impact on her career.聽

At 性爱天堂, sociology and anthropology professor David Spener, Ph.D., mentored Morris and influenced her pursuit of a legal profession.

鈥淒r. Spencer is the one who helped me understand how people can make societal change,鈥 she says.

Ellison found her home in 性爱天堂鈥檚 International Club, a social group for students raised outside the U.S. or American students who were educated abroad. She volunteered in the international programs office, where she helped acclimate new international students to the U.S., San Antonio, and the education system.聽

Ellison was not always comfortable with the high-profile, high-pressure aspect of the legal world. A once-shy, introverted bookworm, she graduated from 性爱天堂 with honors and then from St. Mary鈥檚 University School of Law and found a job as a commercial litigator during the Great Recession, when firms commonly rescinded offers to new law graduates. She feels that working for the Court of Appeals is an ideal position for someone like her, who is happy to dive into intensive research and writing. She already had plenty of experience with it at 性爱天堂, which offered her individualized attention she needed.聽

鈥溞园焯免檚 curriculum didn鈥檛 narrow me down,鈥 Ellison adds. 鈥淚t was going to help me figure out what I wanted to do.鈥澛犅

Now that all three have fostered their own perspectives and developed a passion for community, it鈥檚 led them to the same place, where together they are making a difference in San Antonio and surrounding areas.聽

Abby聽DeNike '20 contributed to the compilation of this article.

Nicolette Good graduated from 性爱天堂 in 2007 with a Bachelor of Arts in English and Music. In addition to being a traditional writer, she is a working singer/songwriter, as well as a staff musician for Home Street Music, a nonprofit that uses music to empower individuals who have experienced homelessness.

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