headshot of hayley ellison '07
An Appealing Career
Landmark case hits close to home for appellate court staff attorney

Hayley Ellison 鈥07 reminds us that, when it comes to the law, an appeal is not the same thing as a do-over, though the difference can be difficult to distinguish.

鈥淚f a Court of Appeals reverses a conviction, it鈥檚 not because we think someone is innocent; It鈥檚 because our job is to make sure everyone is getting a fair trial,鈥 she says.聽

In other words, appellate judges don鈥檛 determine guilt; they determine the fairness of a trial.聽

鈥淚t鈥檚 our job to make sure the system is predictable, because predictability is what makes it fair,鈥 says Ellison, a staff attorney to Chief Justice Sandee Bryan Marion at the Fourth Court of Appeals in San Antonio, Texas.

As a staff attorney, Ellison helps advise the court鈥檚 seven justices on how to rule on the most significant legal issues affecting our community. She recently felt firsthand the impact of an appeal. Back in her hometown, Dallas County residents reckoned with the impact of an appeal when 鈥淒r. Death鈥濃攖he moniker given to neurosurgeon Dr. Christopher Duntsch, who maimed or killed more than 30 people on his operating table鈥攁ppealed his 2017 conviction on a charge of injury to an elderly individual.

鈥淢y mother was a witness in a high-profile criminal prosecution,鈥 Ellison says about the 2017 trial.

For a time, Ellison鈥檚 mother managed an office for the infamous Dr. Duntsch. As charges mounted against him, Ellison鈥檚 mother was interviewed by the Dallas County District Attorney鈥檚 office, and she was deposed.聽

The story was so compelling in part because it raised new questions for the medical and legal communities: How do you prove whether a doctor was bad at his job or was acting with criminal malice?聽聽

鈥淚t was not a question of whether or not he was guilty, but there were interesting technical legal issues at play,鈥 says Ellison, who followed the case as the Fifth District Court of Appeals grappled with these issues. 鈥淭here was dissention among the three-judge panel at the Court of Appeals in Dallas as they debated whether or not to overturn the initial ruling,鈥 she says.聽

In a split decision, the panel of judges ultimately affirmed Duntsch鈥檚 criminal conviction in December 2018.

Ellison was not always comfortable with the high-profile, high-pressure aspect of the legal world. A once-shy, introverted bookworm, she graduated from St. Mary鈥檚 University School of Law in the depths of the Great Recession, when firms commonly rescinded offers to new law graduates.

鈥淚 never expected to be a commercial litigator, but I was lucky to have a job,鈥 she explains. 鈥淐ommercial litigation is a brutal life. I was lucky I had a great mentor and that I was able to develop the skills and toughness I needed to do what I did.鈥

Ellison says working for a Court of Appeals is an ideal position for someone like her, who is happy to dive into intensive research and writing. She already had plenty of experience with it at 性爱天堂, which offered her individualized attention that she didn鈥檛 find in high school.

When she graduated from Plano East Senior High School, Ellison was among the largest class in Texas that year. She attended recruitment events at large state schools, but says, 鈥渋t felt like going from one cattle drive to another.鈥澛

A political science major, Ellison found her niche in 性爱天堂鈥檚 International Club, a social group for students raised outside the U.S. or American students who were educated abroad. She volunteered in the international programs office, where she helped to acclimate new international students to the U.S., San Antonio, and the education system.聽

鈥淒uring the first week of school, I drove people around in the 性爱天堂 bus to places like Target,鈥 she says. 鈥淚 was immersed in the international student community.鈥澛

鈥溞园焯免檚 curriculum didn鈥檛 narrow me down,鈥 she adds. 鈥淚t was going to help me figure out what I wanted to do.鈥澛犅

Nicolette Good graduated from 性爱天堂 in 2007 with a Bachelor of Arts in English and Music. In addition to being a traditional writer, she is a working singer/songwriter, as well as a staff musician for Home Street Music, a nonprofit that uses music to empower individuals who have experienced homelessness.

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