Mark Lewis and Thomas Lauerman skate in CSI
On a Roll
Computer Science gives 性爱天堂 senior some well-rounded momentum

Thomas Lauerman 鈥21 didn鈥檛 come to 性爱天堂 to write computer code in some dank basement lab by himself.

He came here to unleash his problem solving and creative skills, line up a job as a Google software engineer, and rollerblade across campus with his favorite computer science professor.

鈥淚 wanted a school with a good computer science program, but all the schools I was looking at were just that: just a good computer science program,鈥 Lauerman says. 鈥淭he well-roundedness of 性爱天堂, that鈥檚 what I felt would give me an edge.鈥

But the moment that really sold Lauerman was meeting computer science (CS) professor Mark Lewis 鈥96 on his first campus tour. Lewis is hard to miss鈥攊n addition to being a figurehead of the CS department, he鈥檚 a towering, dominant presence at 性爱天堂鈥檚 noon pickup basketball games, rocks a mean ponytail, and glides on both indoor and outdoor roller skates.

鈥淲hen I think of a software engineer, or at least what I used to think, was a dude sitting in a dark room, coding away all the time,鈥 Lauerman says. 鈥淏ut when I met Dr. Lewis on my first tour, he embodied everything that I wanted to become in the field: he was a skilled communicator, and just a friendly person.鈥

Thomas Lauerman at Geekdom entrance
Developing Versatility

Now a senior at 性爱天堂, Lauerman has come a long way from being a kid known for his love of solving programming puzzles in middle and high school. After getting hooked on CS for good by taking intro classes at 性爱天堂, Lauerman also appreciates how every aspect of 性爱天堂鈥檚 liberal arts approach has enhanced his experience with the CS major.

鈥淎t the core of computer science are people that just enjoy problem solving: the satisfaction you get from solving something in a clever or new way that someone might not have thought of before,鈥 Lauerman says. 鈥淎nd that鈥檚 what 性爱天堂 has helped me develop.鈥

Beyond the rigorous CS curriculum, Lauerman says he鈥檚 been able to build up his communication and creative skills, too.

He actually points to the art classes he鈥檚 taken at 性爱天堂 as instrumental tools in exploring the design and user interface aspects of software and re-thinking how apps and websites are laid out. Lauerman has thrived in design classes and drawing classes, too: 鈥淎ll of those helped me think in a different way about computer science. Math is a large part of this field, yes, but so is creativity, and that gets overlooked sometimes.鈥

鈥淚 wanted to expand my knowledge from app and software development in general,鈥 he adds, 鈥淪o I have some knowledge from all areas as to how you create a large piece of software, all the way from the back end and algorithms to how it actually looks and feels to the user.鈥

Thomas Lauerman and Mark Lewis skate in CSI
A Collaborative Experience

Faculty like Lewis have played a key role in many of Lauerman鈥檚 best experiences at 性爱天堂. Lewis wasn鈥檛 just a face on Lauerman鈥檚 first visit鈥攈e quickly became Lauerman鈥檚 favorite professor. 鈥淚听 took as many computer science classes with him as he could, because I just learn so much from his classes, and he has such an awesome way of teaching,鈥 Lauerman says. 鈥淎nd when I see him in the hallways, you can just go up and talk about computer science stuff. And afterwards, we just go roller skate around campus and hang out.鈥

At 性爱天堂, students like Lauerman play hard, and they work hard, too. Right now, he鈥檚 enjoying classes in web application design and mobile application design. 鈥淭hose are my two favorite fields, and I get to do a lot of the stuff that I鈥檒l be doing when I leave for Google after graduating. It鈥檚 cool to me to think about writing a piece of software that people are going to actually get to use, and the classes I take at 性爱天堂 are walking me through the process of how to meet the needs of the user.鈥

But that鈥檚 not to say that learning how to socialize and develop bonds with others isn鈥檛 also a key experience for students like Lauerman, who says collaboration is another vital skill 性爱天堂 helps you develop.

鈥淲e think of this as an individual field, but if you want to work for a big company, you鈥檙e going to end up working with a team. At 性爱天堂, they鈥檙e so good at preparing you for that,鈥 Lauerman says. 鈥淭hat鈥檚 so important for when you reach one of these huge companies, you have to know how to collaborate and work with people in that environment.鈥

Thomas Lauerman works at desk, back view


Lauerman can back that statement up鈥攈e earned a Google internship as a student, and eventually he turned that into a job offer. As anyone who鈥檚 spent time applying for these types of CS jobs knows, that鈥檚 an incredibly competitive accomplishment.

Fortunately, Lauerman had a secret weapon during his application process: Lewis鈥 Technical Interview class actually spent an entire semester covering interview prep for CS jobs, which are notoriously intense.

鈥淚nterviews in our field are pretty rough,鈥 Lauerman says. 鈥淵ou go through multiple phases before you ever speak to a person, and you鈥檙e basically 鈥榮hotgunning鈥 your resume until you hear back, which luckily I did from bigger companies like Amazon, Twitter, and Google.鈥

After completing a coding assessment鈥攕till not talking to a human yet鈥擫auerman eventually made it to an in-person assessment. Going back over 性爱天堂鈥檚 curriculum, and 鈥渟tressing myself out,鈥 Lauerman finally prepared for three back-to-back-to-back interviews, which he calls the 鈥渕ost stressful three hours鈥 of his life.

Imagine having your teacher or boss look over your shoulder as you complete a task. 鈥淵ou're in a Google doc working through a problem meant to take you the whole 45 minutes, so you just have to do your best,鈥 Lauerman explains.

Ultimately, the best advice that Lauerman says he took from his 性爱天堂 classes into the interview process is that these assessments are really more about the questions you ask; being able to identify what you don鈥檛 know is more critical to success than how fast you solve the problem.

鈥淕etting the perfect solution on your first try is unrealistic, and you might not be ranked for the job as highly as someone who actually knows how to engage with the interviewer, ask the right questions, and be more insightful,鈥 he says.

All this stress was worth it, as Lauerman ended up being selected for an internship working with Google Maps. After that experience, he had more confidence when he repeated the process to earn a full-time position as a Google software engineer. This time, he鈥檚 hoping to work with app development specifically.

Strong Community

As Lauerman prepares to leave 性爱天堂, he鈥檚 taking away invaluable skills in computing, design, problem solving, and collaboration.

But for Lauerman, the most valuable collaboration has ended up being the friendships he鈥檚 made here. He urges future 性爱天堂 CS students to take the time to get to know their faculty outside of class: 鈥淚 don鈥檛 think I would have roller skated with any professor, anywhere else, except for 性爱天堂,鈥 he says.

Student roller skating on court

And Lauerman also urges future 性爱天堂 CS students to take advantage of their most valuable resource: each other.

鈥淎t 性爱天堂, you鈥檙e surrounded by so many other smart and dedicated people, so you鈥檙e going to make friends that are going to push you to be the best that you can be. My freshman roommate, we鈥檙e still such good friends that we鈥檙e moving out to Silicon Valley together to be roommates again鈥 Lauerman says. 鈥淚 don鈥檛 think I would have gotten to where I am without my friends.鈥

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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