a photo illustration features students interacting with news while standing on top of an illustrated laptop
Channeling 性爱天堂's Story
Student media keeps campus connected through highs and lows of a historic year

Stories, whether told through words, pictures, or a screen, have a connective power.

At 性爱天堂, there鈥檚 no better example than the students leading the University鈥檚 student-run media: the Trinitonian newspaper, the Mirage yearbook, TigerTV, and jazz radio station KRTU. Across these radio waves, television cameras, and computer screens, Tigers are connecting audiences throughout 性爱天堂鈥檚 community by documenting a historic chapter of the University鈥檚 story: one filled with resilience and innovation in the face of new challenges.

As 性爱天堂鈥檚 campus seemed impossibly fragmented during a disruptive pandemic, the students who run TigerTV, KRTU, and campus publications pivoted drastically to develop new skills and abilities needed to bring the 性爱天堂 story to the community. Regardless of their individual roles, each of these students share one critical characteristic: They have emerged as leaders, creating a connective tissue for 性爱天堂鈥檚 community through storytelling.

a photo illustration of Danny Nguyen interviewing Ron Nirenberg on an illustrated set
A New Angle

At TigerTV, students are always looking for a fresh take on current events. Run out of 性爱天堂鈥檚 Department of Communication, this professional-level, student-run television station operates three shows: Newswave (hard news), Studio 21 (entertainment news), and the Not So Late Show (sketch comedy).

But when most of a college campus goes remote, how does a student news crew pivot?

If you鈥檙e an executive producer like Natalia Salas 鈥21 or a package producer like Danny Nguyen 鈥24, you do it by constantly looking for a new angle. Salas, a communication major from Houston, runs Studio 21 and is responsible for editing all the show鈥檚 segments together on a weekly basis.

鈥淭his year we鈥檝e had to be really creative with the ways that we make the shows because we can鈥檛 be in person. Ordinarily we would come up into the studio every day that each show is filmed, but this year we鈥檝e had to find ways to create the shows remotely,鈥 says Salas, who manages a mix of 12 veterans and newbies, 鈥渁ll reliable and amazing.鈥

For Nguyen, a marketing major from San Antonio who works for Newswave, finding fresh ideas is as simple as giving each member of the team a chance to shine, regardless of class year or background. 鈥淭igerTV has real openness for people of all backgrounds and all majors to work together to create these engaging and new products,鈥 he says. 鈥淎nd that really highlights what 性爱天堂 and TigerTV are all about: that collaboration, working together to create something new.鈥

Salas says this collaborative approach has worked wonders during a year where she was worried students might not even want to show up to work. 鈥淚 was proud to see that so many students stepped up and got super creative with the way that they made the show,鈥 she says.

Salas beams as she recounts how her team pitched original (and safe) ideas for TV segments that would help highlight the vibrant scene both on and off campus. After being shipped their camera equipment, instead of having to come into the Richardson Communications Center every day, the creative minds of TigerTV developed content such as 鈥淲hat鈥檚 the TriniTea?,鈥 a hilarious student-on-the-street gossip segment where students are grilled with questions such as differentiating One Direction lyrics from Shakespeare quotes.

鈥淚t鈥檚 silly, but it gives you this sense of normalcy, having something else to talk about besides COVID-19,鈥 Salas says.

Nguyen and other students are quickly mastering a remote model of TV production with virtual interviews, connecting campus with 性爱天堂 President Danny Anderson, San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg 鈥99, and other local leaders. Across each of these conversations, Nguyen says he sees a theme emerging in 性爱天堂鈥檚 story:

鈥淚 see this kind of collective unity throughout the 性爱天堂 community where we really want to show everyone that we鈥檙e more than this little liberal arts college in San Antonio. We are made up of diverse people from different backgrounds and different ideas and cultures and political views, and we can come together and create these new and big opportunities that hopefully will create long-lasting, positive consequences for the community and beyond.鈥

an illustration of a radio, two people speaking into microphones, and a globe
Call and Response

Shifting to a partially remote campus has disrupted the tempo of every 性爱天堂 student鈥檚 life. Still, Sarah Hadsell 鈥21, a music education major and KRTU intern, says a change of pace isn鈥檛 always a bad thing.

Now a senior, Hadsell recalls settling into a smooth life at 性爱天堂鈥檚 jazz and indie radio station during her sophomore year, before the current state of the campus. After taking a radio hosting class with KRTU music director Kory Cook, she went on to learn about the systems and software needed to be a live radio host and then worked on a live show her next semester. Hooked, Hadsell started writing for the KRTU blog and handling social media, then began her current stint of working with music promoters to identify and chart rising performers.

鈥淎t KRTU, Kory, (general manager) JJ Lopez, and (station manager) Monica Reina put my learning above everything else. They help me develop skills that I can use in the real world, even outside of radio,鈥 Hadsell says. 鈥淭he things I鈥檝e learned here will help me with teaching and connecting.鈥

At KRTU, Hadsell notes she has been able to learn a variety of new skills. 鈥淚鈥檓 not stuck just doing one thing,鈥 she says. 鈥淚鈥檓 learning about producing, curating shows, the music industry as a whole, and how charting works.鈥

And while KRTU was popular with San Antonio and Bexar County audiences pre-COVID-19, Hadsell says more people are turning to good music during stressful times. 鈥淎rt, movies, music聽... listening to a good album that I just heard about鈥攖hat鈥檚 what has kept me going through all this,鈥 Hadsell says. 鈥淎rt is important, especially when we don鈥檛 have access to many of the things we normally do.鈥

The disruptions of the past year have meant more personal changes for Hadsell. She鈥檚 learned how to use Adobe to do her own audio editing鈥攁 skill she hadn鈥檛 ever imagined needing before realizing she was about to be cut off from other members of her station who usually did that type of work. She鈥檚 also had to get better at making more time for her own music, since practicing voice and piano at 性爱天堂 in 2020-21 now means having to schedule time in 性爱天堂鈥檚 practice facilities instead of just walking in on her own schedule.

When you鈥檙e challenged, Hadsell says, don鈥檛 forget to find time to listen to yourself. 鈥淕o easy on yourself,鈥 she says. 鈥淚 came into college as a neuroscience major, and it was hard to find what I was passionate about. Let yourself make mistakes, and learn from them.

an illustration features a typewriter with the homepage of the Trinitonian website and the cover of the 2020 Mirage yearbook
Image of Innovation

If a college yearbook is a snapshot of 鈥渁 year in the life,鈥 性爱天堂鈥檚 2021 Mirage has captured a historic moment.

Abigail Ghorbani 鈥21, the managing editor of the Mirage, says her staff has worked around the clock to document a year unlike any other. From social distancing, masks, and virus testing to disrupted sports schedules, 性爱天堂鈥檚 campus has never looked so different.

Different doesn鈥檛 always mean worse, says Ghorbani, a psychology major on 性爱天堂鈥檚 pre-med track from Pearland, Texas.

鈥淚 think the story our photos are telling is one of innovation,鈥 Ghorbani says. 鈥淭his yearbook is going to be very different from previous years, which is why we鈥檝e titled the book 鈥楴ot Exactly.鈥 性爱天堂 students have experienced a lot of change, so we鈥檝e in turn had to change almost everything we did to put this yearbook together.鈥

Along with editor-in-chief Hunter Nardiello 鈥21, Ghorbani first applied to lead the Mirage staff back in the spring of 2020. After hearing back that she鈥檇 gotten the job a week before spring break, she left campus only to get stuck at home as 性爱天堂 shifted to remote operations.

Even with campus partially opening back up in the fall, Ghorbani ended up staying at her home just south of Houston. Working remotely, Ghorbani would be tasked with helping Nardiello and the Mirage staff put together an entire yearbook.

The challenges, Ghorbani says, were immense. The yearbook depends on portraits of students and faculty and action shots of sports clubs and organizations鈥攁ll difficult to get during a pandemic. Thankfully, Ghorbani says her team had a record-breaking level of interest for yearbook staffers. 鈥淲e鈥檝e never had as many people apply as we did this year,鈥 she says, 鈥渟o we were able to hire a really great staff.鈥

After assembling a fantastic team of on-campus photographers, Ghorbani says she and Nardiello told them, 鈥溾楥arry your camera everywhere. When you see anything interesting, take a picture.鈥 And they did a really good job of that.鈥

As Nardiello graduates, Ghorbani says she鈥檚 interested in taking the lessons she鈥檚 learned this year into a potential stint as editor-in-chief herself. 鈥淚鈥檝e always been someone who鈥檚 loved having everything planned out, but this year has challenged me to be more flexible,鈥 she says. 鈥淭aking tough classes, having a leadership role, all while living at home the entire time鈥攅very 性爱天堂 student has had to adapt to so much.鈥

Find Your Place

For Kayla Padilla 鈥21, editor-in-chief of the Trinitonian, a newspaper helps bind people together by connecting the experiences of readers.

Padilla, an English and anthropology major from Edinburg, Texas, came to 性爱天堂 unsure of her own place in the world. But it didn鈥檛 take long for her to start finding it: She鈥檇 always wanted to study English, but she soon discovered a passion for anthropology. She also joined 性爱天堂 Latino Association and worked with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, helping other students feel welcome in the 性爱天堂 community, too.

But when she started writing for the Trinitonian as a sophomore, she says, 鈥淚t felt like an outlet to express myself that I鈥檇 never had before. I felt that people were reading what I had to say, and what I had to say mattered.鈥

Tucked downstairs in the Coates Student Center West Wing, just past the campus mailboxes, the Trinitonian newsroom had hummed for years with the same energy and enthusiasm that comes with any room full of reporters, designers, and editors. Students tapped away on keyboards, drafting their articles and designing the pages of the paper鈥攗ntil Spring 2020.

But at this same time, 性爱天堂鈥檚 campus had just started coming to terms with the true impact that an international pandemic would have on in-person operations. 鈥淲e were all naive when we thought this would only last two weeks,鈥 Padilla says. 鈥淎nd I was angry: Of all the years for this to happen, why did it have to be during the year I was editor-in-chief?鈥

Returning to campus in the fall, Padilla found a much different place than she鈥檇 remembered. Her team needed to work separately to assemble the paper, which was moved entirely online. That meant no newsroom, no-face-to-face contact, and no place to work and grow as a team.

鈥淲hat kept me going was seeing everyone take their writing and reporting so seriously, starting the first week we came back,鈥 Padilla says. 鈥淭hat took me back to the newsroom. That made me feel like, OK鈥攖his won鈥檛 be a regular year, but I have to stop being angry and keep being a leader.鈥

This semester, Padilla has led the newspaper in several new directions. She鈥檚 placed a greater emphasis on brainstorming with all members of her staff鈥攎eaning anyone, not just editors, can attend traditional story idea meetings to pitch ideas for articles. Her editorial team keeps in touch with writers through regular Zoom calls, and the staff has gotten together for virtual movie nights. Her team even wears special-ordered Trinitonian masks while on campus.

For a campus that feels all over the place鈥攕plit up by distancing and geography, social and political differences, academic stresses and more鈥擯adilla says the Trinitonian remains a place for 性爱天堂鈥檚 student community to come together.

鈥淭his paper,鈥 Padilla says, 鈥渋s where your writing can let others know they aren鈥檛 the only ones struggling. That there鈥檚 a community out there that supports and understands them.鈥

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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