student working on computer with film showing in background
Female Voices In Independent Latin American Cinema
Research in the Modern Languages and Literatures

By Allyson Mackender – Megan Medrano’s '17 research in the Modern Languages and Literatures department this summer seems like a perfect match. When Spanish professors Rosana Blanco-Cano, Rita Urquijo-Ruiz, and Dania Abreu-Torres began asking students to assist them in the composition of their newly imagined book, Cinelatinidades: Gender, Sexuality, and Cinema in the Americas, it’s hard to imagine they could have found better students than Medrano, Diana Chavarria '18, and Cindi Marin '18. A McNair Program scholar, a communication major, and a bilingual student, Medrano was thrilled when the three professors reached out to her about writing three chapters for the book, which they hope to publish in the next year.

Professor with a group of five students standing in a building breezeway

The Undergraduate Research in the Arts & Humanities (URAH) promotes undergraduate research in the arts and humanities at ÐÔ°®ÌìÌà in San Antonio.

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