President Anderson standing with a group of students
President Anderson joins 2018 SURFs and mentors for first Mellon lunch
President Anderson joins 2018 SURFs for first Mellon lunch

This summer’s research fellows and their mentors gathered for the first time on May 23 for their weekly lunch gathering in Java City. Joining in was special guest ÐÔ°®ÌìÌà President Danny Anderson, who provided some encouraging words about the importance of undergraduate research in the Arts and Humanities. Before leaving, everyone joined in this selfie taken by Dr. Anderson.

Mellon Team 2018  fun Pic with President Anderson joining for lunch

The Undergraduate Research in the Arts & Humanities (URAH) promotes undergraduate research in the arts and humanities at ÐÔ°®ÌìÌà in San Antonio.

URAH Website

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