Plaque with La Trinidad Templo Metodista Mexicano 1921 engraved on building
Mellon SURF and McNair Scholar explores local Methodist archives
Mellon SURF explores local Methodist archives

This summer, Jamiless Lopez (ÐÔ°®ÌìÌà '20) is working with Dr. Angela Tarango (Religion) on a comprehensive ethno-historical study of two majority-Latino Mainline Protestant congregations in San Antonio. Their research focuses on the religiously motivated political engagement of the parishioners and pastors, especially in regards to recent attitudes towards immigration and the issues around President Trump’s so-called border wall.

To conduct their research, Jamiless and Dr. Tarango are currently working in the archives at La Trinidad United Methodist Church. In these photos, Jamiless is looking through church newsletters from the 1940s.

Jamiless Lopez reviewing older manuscripts for Methodist History.

The Undergraduate Research in the Arts & Humanities (URAH) promotes undergraduate research in the arts and humanities at ÐÔ°®ÌìÌà in San Antonio.

URAH Website

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