Publications by Paula Hertel, Ph.D.

by Paula Hertel on .

Journal Articles

Vrijsen, J. N., Dainer-Best, J., Witcraft, S. M., Hertel, P. T., Beevers, C. G., Becker, E. S., & Smits, J. A. J. (2019). Effect of cognitive bias modification-memory on depressive symptoms and autobiographical memory: Two independent studies in high-ruminating and dysphoric samples.ÌýCognition and Emotion, 33,Ìý288-304.

Daches, S., Mor, N., & Hertel, P. (2019). Training to inhibit the negative affects subsequent rumination and memory.ÌýCognitive Therapy and Research, 43,Ìý1018-1027.

DOI: 10.1177/2167702616649366

Sacchet, M, Levy, B., Hamilton, J., Maksimovskiy, A., Hertel, P, …Gotlib, I. H. (2017). Cognitive and neural consequences of memory suppression in Major Depressive Disorder. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 17, 77-93.

Ìý26, 775-783.




LeMoult, J., Hertel, P. T., & Joormann, J. (2010). Training the forgetting of negative material: The role of active suppression and the relation to stress reactivity.ÌýApplied Cognitive Psychology, 24,Ìý365-375.

Hertel, P. T. (2007). Impairments in inhibition or cognitive control in psychological disorders.ÌýApplied and Preventive Psychology, 12,Ìý149-153.

Rude, S. S., Hertel, P. T., Jarrold, W., Covich, J., & Hedlund, S. (1999). Remembering to remember: A difficulty for depressed individuals?ÌýCognition and Emotion, 13, 267-276.

Hertel, P. T. (1998). Relation between rumination and impaired memory in dysphoric moods.Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 107,Ìý166-172.

Hertel, P. T. (1997). On the contribution of deficient cognitive control to memory impairment in depression.ÌýCognition and Emotion, 11,Ìý569-583.

Hertel, P. T., & Knoedler, A. J. (1996). Solving problems by analogy:The benefits andÌýdetriments of hints and depressed moods.ÌýMemory & Cognition, 24, 16-25.

Hertel, P. T.(1994).ÌýDepression and memory:Are impairments remediable by attentionalÌýcontrol?ÌýCurrent Directions in Psychological Science, 3,Ìý190-193.

Anooshian, L. J., & Hertel, P. T. (1994). Emotionality in free recall:A case of languageÌýspecificity in bilingual memory.ÌýCognition and Emotion, 8, 503-514.

Hertel, P. T., & Milan, S. (1994). Depressive deficits in recognition: Dissociation of recollection and familiarity.ÌýJournal of Abnormal Psychology, 103, 736-742.

Hertel, P. T. (1994). Depressive deficits in word identification and recall.ÌýCognition andÌýEmotion, 8,Ìý313-327.

Hertel, P. T. (1994). Depressive deficits in memory:Implications of research and theory for memory improvement following traumatic brain injury.ÌýNeuroRehabilitation, 4, 143-150.

Miller, W. R., Hertel, P., Saucedo, C., & Hester, R. K.(1994). Effects of alcohol and expectancy upon episodic memory in individuals reporting alcoholic blackouts.ÌýExperimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2,Ìý161-166.

Hertel, P. T. (1993). Implications of external memory for investigations of mind.ÌýAppliedÌýCognitive Psychology, 7, 665-674.

Hertel, P. T., & Rude, S. R. (1991b). Recalling in a state of natural or experimental depression.Cognitive Therapy and Research, 15, 103-127.

Hertel, P. T., & Rude, S. S. (1991a). Depressive deficits in memory:Focusing attention improves subsequent recall.Journal of Experimental Psychology:General, 120, 301-309.

Hertel, P. T., & Hardin, T. S. (1990). Remembering with and without awareness in a depressed mood:Evidence of deficits in initiative.ÌýJournal of Experimental Psychology: General, 119,Ìý45-59.

Hertel, P. T. (1989). The generation effect:A reflection of cognitive effort?ÌýBulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 27, 541-544.

Anooshian, L. J., Mammarella, S. L., & Hertel, P. T. (1989). Adult age differences in knowledge of retrieval cues.ÌýInternational Journal of Aging and Human Development, 29,Ìý39-52.

Hertel, P. T., & Narvaez, A. (1986). Confusing memories for verbal and nonverbal communication.ÌýJournal of Personality and Social Psychology: Attitudes and Social Cognition, 50, 474-481.

Hertel, P. T., Anooshian, L. J., & Ashbrook, P. W. (1986). The accuracy of beliefs about retrieval cues.ÌýMemory & Cognition, 14,Ìý265-269.

Anooshian, L. J., Ashbrook, P., & Hertel, P. T. (1985).Self-esteem and beliefs about memory in environmentally stable and relocated students.ÌýJournal of Research in Personality, 19, 457-471.

Hertel, P. T. (1985). Isolation and adaptation in passage memory.ÌýDiscourse Processes, 8, 75-90.

Boggiano, A. K., & Hertel, P. T. (1983). Bonuses and bribes:Mood effects in memory. Social Cognition, 2,Ìý49-61.

Hertel, P. T. (1982). Remembering reactions and facts: The influence of subsequent information.ÌýJournal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 8,Ìý513-529.

Hertel, P. T., Cosden, M., & Johnson, P. J. (1980). Passage recall: Schema change and cognitive flexibility.ÌýJournal of Educational Psychology, 72, 133-140.

Tyler, S. W., Hertel, P. T., McCallum, M. C., & Ellis, H. C. (1979). Cognitive effort andÌýmemory.ÌýJournal of Experimental Psychology:Human Learning and Memory, 5,Ìý607-617.

Hertel, P. T., & Ellis, H. C. (1979). Constructive memory for bizarre and sensible sentences.ÌýJournal of Experimental Psychology:ÌýHuman Learning and Memory, 5,Ìý386-394.

Chapters and Reviews

Hertel, P. T. (2020). Editors cause academic forgetting: A reply to the Commentary by Berntsen and Rubin (2020).ÌýJournal of Applied Research on Memory and Cognition, 9,Ìý58-59.

Hertel, P. T. (2009). Memory processes. In R. E. Ingram (Ed.),ÌýThe international encyclopedia of depressionÌý(pp. 383-387). New York: Wiley.

Hertel, P. T. (2009). Dysphoria. In D. Sander & K. R. Scherer (Eds.),ÌýThe Oxford companion to emotion and the affective sciences. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hertel, P. T. (2004). Habits of thought produce memory biases in anxiety and depression. In J. Yiend (Ed.),ÌýCognition, emotion, and psychopathologyÌý(pp. 109-129).Cambridge, UK:Cambridge University Press.

Hertel, P. T., & Meiser, T. (2000).Capacity and procedural accounts of impaired memory in depression. In U. von Hecker, S. Dutke, & G. Sedek (Eds.),Generative mental processes and cognitive resources:Integrative research on adaptation and controlÌý(pp. 283-308).Dordrecht, The Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Hertel, P. T., (2000).Approche cognitive de la dépression:Pensées intrusives et contrôle de la pensée (G. Geschi, A. C., Juillerat, & M. Van der Linden, Trans.).Dans M. Van der Linden, J.-M. Danion, & A. Agniel (Eds.),ÌýLa psychopathologie:Une approche cognitive et neuropsychologiqueÌý(pp. 161-172). Marseille: Solal.

Parrott, W. G., & Hertel, P. T. (1999). Research methods in cognition and emotion. In T. Dalgleish & M. Power (Eds.),ÌýThe handbook of cognition and emotionÌý(pp. 61-81).Chichester:Wiley.

Hertel, P. T. (1996).Practical aspects of emotion and memory. In D. Herrmann, C. McEvoy,C. Herzog, P. T. Hertel, & M. K. Johnson (Eds.),ÌýBasic and applied memory research: Theory in contextÌý(pp. 317-336).Mahwah, NJ:Erlbaum.

Ellis, H. C., & Hertel, P. T. (1993). Cognition, emotion, and memory:Some applications and issues. In C. Izawa (Ed.),ÌýCognitive psychology appliedÌý(pp. 199-215), New York:Erlbaum.

Hertel, P. T. (1992).Improving mood and memory through automatic and controlled procedures of mind. In D. Herrmann, H. Weingartner, A. Searleman, & C. McEvoy (Eds.),ÌýMemory improvement:Implications for memory theoryÌý(pp. 47-65).New York:Springer-Verlag.

Hertel, P. T. (1988).Monitoring external memory.In M. Gruneberg, P. Morris, & R. Sykes (Eds.),ÌýPractical aspects of memory: Current research and issues. London:Wiley.

Wegner, D. M., Guiliano, T. & Hertel, P. T. (1985).Cognitive interdependence in close relationships.In W. J. Ickes (Ed.),ÌýCompatible and incompatible relationshipsÌý(pp. 253-276), New York:Springer-Verlag.

Edited Books and Special Issues

Hertel, P. (2020). Everyday challenges to the practice of desirable difficulties: Introduction to the Forum.ÌýJournal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 9, 425-427.Ìý

[Editor in Chief,ÌýJournal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition,Ìý2016 - 2020]

De Raedt, R., Hertel, P., & Watkins, P. (2015). Mechanisms of repetitive thinking [Special Section].ÌýClinical Psychological Science, 3(4).

Hertel, P. T. (Ed.) (2010). Current directions at the juncture of clinical and cognitive science. [Special issue].ÌýApplied Cognitive Psychology, 24 (3).

Hertel, P. T. (Ed.) (2006). Interpretive biases and ruminative thought: Experimental evidence and clinical implications [Special issue].ÌýBehavior Therapy, 37(3).

Reisberg, D., & Hertel, P. (2004).ÌýMemory and emotion. New York: Oxford University Press.

Hertel, P. T. (Ed.). (2002). Cognitive biases in anxiety and depression [Special issue].ÌýCognition and Emotion, 16 (3).

Herrmann, D., McEvoy, C., Herzog, C., & Hertel, P., & Johnson, M. (1996).ÌýBasic andÌýapplied memory research:Theory in context. Mahwah, NJ:Erlbaum.

Herrmann, D., McEvoy, C., Herzog, C., & Hertel, P., & Johnson, M. (1996).ÌýBasic andÌýapplied memory research: Practical applications. Mahwah, NJ:Erlbaum.


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Lab Members

Grant Kramer, Faith Padgett, Kristen Wilson2023
Christina Pantino2022
Emily Crucius and Will Price2021
Paola Herrera and Palavi Shamapant2020
Jessica Hernandez, Paola Herrera, Pallavi Shampant, Rebecca Sanchez2019
Chase Acuff2018
Ashley Ogilvie, DPT and Samantha Wilkinson, MPP2017
Julia Cottle, Kristy Hamilton Ph.D., Amaris Maydon, and Sara TouchstoneÌý2016
Tarryn Pollard, MA2015
Nupur Agrawal, Jeffrey Hayes, MD, and Amani Piers, Ph.D.2014
Alex Barrionuevo, MS, Jackie Bowes, Jonathan Gallegos, Ph.D., and Olivia HuntÌý2013
Chiara Ferrari, Molly Holmes, MS, Thuy Anh Ngo, Ph.D., and Rachel OlsonÌý Ìý Ìý2012
Amanda Benbow, Ph.D., and Elizabeth Stephens, Ph.D.2011
Amy Braid, MLIS, Ellen Dahl, Dpt, Megan Hughes, MD, Allison Levy Ìý Ìý2010
Sara Champlin, Ph.D., Daniel Large, Ph.D., and Elaina Vasquez2009
Ahra Cho, Leda McDaniel, DPT, and Casey Strickland, Ph.D.2008
Eric Robinson, Ph.D.2007
Rebecca Grider, MS, Amy Mahan, Ph.D., and Emily Stanley, Ph.D.2006
Lyla El-Messidi, Ph.D., Allison Jessee, Ph.D., and Cari Zimmerman, Ph.D.2005
Brett Munjas, MS, and Kathryn (K-Lee) Patterson, LPC2004
Faith Brozovich, Ph.D., and Gina Calcaterra, MA2003
Melissa Gerstle, Ph.D.2002
Kathy Kintner, Demitra & Samanthe Peterson, and Frank Tamborello, Ph.D.Ìý2001
Ajay Satpute, Ph.D., Johanna Bick, Ph.D., and Suzanne Bick2000
Stephanie Lee, MAÌý1999
Colleen Parks, Ph.D.1998
Doug Brown and Buck Holden (Bug and Duck)1997
Annemarie Southwell and Cindy Wang1996
Jason Crain and Apryl Rogers, PhD1995
Pete Gautier, Sean Hurley, Ph.D., and Amy Wiseman, Ph.D.1994
Carrie Dodrill, Ph.D., Alicia Knoedler, Ph.D., and Stephanie Milan, Ph.D.1992
Patti Boulanger and Meg Johnson1991
Brian Burrell, MAÌý Ìý1990
Jim Debner, Ph.D.1989
Tammy Hardin and Elaine Reese, Ph.D.1987
Alice Narvaez, Ph.D., and Barbara SpeziaÌý1983
photo of members of the Spring 2023 Hertel Lab

Spring 2023 Lab Members

Left to Right:ÌýGrant Kramer, Andrew Tyler, Madison Metzger, Natalie Cornejo, and Faith Padgett

Fall 2019 Hertel group photo of five students

Fall 2019 Lab Members

Left to Right:ÌýNabeel Gaber, Will Price, Ruth Varner, Emily Crucius, Jessica Hernandez

Photo of six members of the 2019 Hertel Cognition Lab.

Spring 2019 Lab Members

Front:Ìý Mariale Torres (2020), Pallavi Shamapant (2019)Ìý
Back:Ìý Eliza Poppe (2020), Julia Reyes (2020), Becky Sanchez (2019), Jessica Hernandez (2019)

Outdoor photo of the four female members of the 2016 Hertel Cognition Lab.

2016 Lab Members

Left to Right:ÌýJulia Cottle, Kristy Hamilton PhD, Amaris Maydon, and Sara Touchstone

Spring 2008 Hertel Cognition Lab group photo

Spring 2008 Lab Members


1995 Hertel Cognition Lab group 15 year reunion photo

1995 Lab Members 15-year reunion

Left to Right:ÌýAlums Jason Crain, and Apryl RogersÌý




Paula Hertel, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Department of Psychology
ÐÔ°®ÌìÌÃ, 1 ÐÔ°®ÌìÌà Place, San Antonio, TX 78212, USA

Voice:Ìý (210) 999-8380 Ìý|ÌýEmail:Ìý
