Lauren Johnson holds a lizard
You鈥檝e Got Goldwater
性爱天堂 junior wins prestigious scholarship

When Lauren Johnson 鈥21 heard a buzz on her phone one morning, she expected a text from her friend.

Instead, it was a life-changing email that said she鈥檇 been named a听.

鈥淭hey had told us, 鈥榊ou鈥檒l be notified at 11 a.m. on that day,鈥 and I was texting my friend about something else because I didn鈥檛 expect it right then,鈥 Johnson recalls. 鈥淏ut, literally, as the clock turned from 10:59 a.m. to 11 a.m. I got the email notification saying, 鈥楥ongratulations, you got the Goldwater鈥︹ and I just yelled at my mom downstairs that I got it, and I even scared my dogs too.鈥

For students like Johnson, a biology major from Wichita, Kansas, winning the Goldwater Scholarship is cause for a lot of yelling.

鈥淎 lot of people at 性爱天堂 might not realize how big a deal this is鈥揵ecause at 性爱天堂 there are just so many great things going on鈥揵ut the Goldwater Scholarship is huge. Once you get it, your congressmen are gonna know about it.鈥

The scholarship, founded more than 30 years ago, is designed to 鈥渇oster and encourage outstanding students to pursue research careers in the fields of the natural sciences, engineering, and mathematics.鈥 This year, just 396 college students nationwide earned the honor. Johnson is the 24th 性爱天堂 student to join the Goldwater ranks since 1994.

听鈥淚t鈥檚 meant to build up the next generation of U.S. researchers who will keep the field at a high, rigorous level,鈥 Johnson says. 鈥淚t integrates our community together.鈥

Johnson enjoys research in the field.

An Exciting Focus

Johnson has focused her interests on ecology and evolution. She鈥檚 also interested in neuroscience and molecular biology. She loves the field of biology for its 鈥渋ntegrative aspects.鈥

She originally chose 性爱天堂 because she knew she wanted a university with a focus on undergraduate research.听

鈥淎t 性爱天堂, that seemed to be a really big message,鈥 Johnson says. 鈥淒r. [Christina] Cooley was the one who gave me a tour of听CSI听on my visit, and just seeing how excited she got about research, I thought, 鈥楳an, 性爱天堂鈥檚 a place I really want to come to.鈥 The research opportunities here are so top-notch.鈥

Johnson (center) on a trip to South Carolina

Opportunities in the Field

At 性爱天堂, Johnson didn鈥檛 have to wait to get involved with these opportunities.

鈥淔irst year, I was looking for research opportunities. And it wasn鈥檛 just a chemistry lab鈥搘e were encouraged to look at a bunch of different departments. I found that I was interested in biology, and that鈥檚 how I ended up meeting Dr. [Troy] Murphy.鈥

Johnson joined Murphy鈥檚 lab the spring of her first year and earned a听Murchison research fellowship听that following summer, which allowed her to do field work. Alongside representatives of Groningen University from the Netherlands, Johnson鈥檚 team studied male black-crested titmouse territorial behaviors at the Bracken Cave Preserve just north of San Antonio. Since then, Johnson has continued working with Murphy over the past few semesters and is now part of a group waiting on paper publication in an ecology journal.

Johnson in swamp water

Competitive Advantage

Plenty of schools offer undergraduate research. But having these early research opportunities, Johnson says, serves as a major advantage in earning honors such as the Goldwater Scholarship.

鈥淚 think 性爱天堂 and the surrounding community really help students get to the level where we can be competitive for these types of scholarships and fellowships and honors,鈥 Johnson says. 鈥淚t can be hard to apply for these awards when you don鈥檛 have as much research done as someone who鈥檚 older, but being encouraged by all our faculty with all these research opportunities, both here on campus and abroad, that makes a difference.鈥

Johnson knows a thing or two about award-winning work: she was awarded the听听for Excellence in Independent Research in 2019 for her work at the Marine Biological Laboratory.

Johnson with bird

Creating New Knowledge

Right now, Johnson is transitioning to Michele Johnson鈥檚 lab, which examines the evolution of lizard behavior. She also wants to complete a biology honors thesis, perhaps in animal physiology.听

鈥淚鈥檓 already talking to [Johnson] about what I can start doing from home to get started,鈥 Lauren Johnson says.听

Even during a time when 性爱天堂 operates remotely鈥揳nd discoveries, eureka moments, and triumphs are marked by the buzzing of texts and email inboxes鈥揓ohnson says her drive to conduct research never stops.

鈥淚 don鈥檛 just want to take knowledge that other people are discovering and apply it, I want to contribute to new knowledge and science,鈥 Johnson says. 鈥淩esearch will always be my thing.鈥

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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