Ward Lee standing with other person in front of their art pieces in a gallery.
Woodcuts and Watercolor
Two faculty artists have works acquired by San Antonio Museum of Art

性爱天堂 art professors Jon Lee, MFA, and Elizabeth Ward, MFA, have each had works acquired by the (SAMA) as part of the museum鈥檚 initiative to acquire art by contemporary San Antonio artists. Lee and Ward are among eight local artists whose works mark first entries by the artists to SAMA鈥檚 collection; their pieces are now available to view in the museum.

鈥淭he group of artists,鈥 including Lee and Ward, 鈥渞epresents an incredible range of conceptual and formal approaches and come from a multitude of backgrounds that have shaped their artistic practices,鈥 says Lana S. Meador, SAMA鈥檚 assistant curator of modern and contemporary art. 鈥淭heir work brings new dimension to SAMA鈥檚 collection and allows us to expand and deepen narratives about art across culture, medium, and style.鈥

woodcut O1701 by Jon Lee

Lee鈥檚 woodcut, 鈥淥1701,鈥 explores the poetic subtleties of color and line, reinventing traditional printmaking processes and materials. Born in Seoul, Lee draws on his native Korea鈥檚 rich and long history of printmaking, and his practice focuses on a traditional Japanese woodcut technique called mokuhanga that he honed during residencies at the Mokuhanga Innovation Lab in Japan, where 鈥淥1701鈥 was printed.

鈥淚n my almost two decades in San Antonio, I have come to know this city as unexpectedly humble despite its bursting diversity of culture. SAMA鈥檚 thoughtful collecting helps communities build a sense of identity, celebrating what makes this city unique and helping us build local pride,鈥 Lee says. 鈥淲hile it is important for a museum to show work from across the world and across centuries, it is equally important to represent the people and communities who visit the museum.鈥

Dismal Swamp Northern Lights by Liz Ward

Ward combined watercolor, gesso, silverpoint, pastel, and collage on paper鈥 to create 鈥淕hosts of the Old Mississippi: Dismal Swamp/Northern Lights,鈥 one in a series of 15 large-scale drawings based on maps of the ancient courses of the Mississippi River. Reflecting on society鈥檚 relationship to the environment, Ward connects the river鈥檚 history with the formation of American identity, including the river鈥檚 settlement by various cultures, its usage for commerce including the slave trade, and containment by engineering.

鈥淚鈥檓 truly honored that my work has been acquired for SAMA鈥檚 collection. In addition to the validation that becoming part of the permanent collection confers upon the work, the piece will now be accessible to the community and exist in conversation with other artworks from the past and present,鈥 Ward says. 鈥溞园焯 faculty representation in SAMA鈥檚 collection raises the profile of the University and affirms the value of our faculty artists.鈥

Jeanna Goodrich Balreira '08 is the assistant vice president for Strategic Communications and Marketing at 性爱天堂.

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