two students looking at grass on roof
When Green Equals Green
性爱天堂鈥檚 Center for the Sciences and Innovation鈥檚 green roof project receives SA Tomorrow鈥檚 Sustainability Award

When it came time to design 性爱天堂鈥檚 Center for the Sciences and Innovation (CSI), who better to collaborate with than the scientists who would be inhabiting the space and the University鈥檚 sustainability experts who would be maintaining it? It took this team of experts coming together to create a rooftop utopia that today was awarded an SA Tomorrow Sustainability Award from the City of San Antonio鈥檚 Office of Sustainability.

CSI鈥檚 green roof project has been recognized for its holistic building design, as well as meeting the objectives of sustainability that are at the forefront of combating global warming not only on the world stage, but also within our San Antonio community.

The CSI green roof was an integral part of 性爱天堂鈥檚 science program goals from the start of the CSI building鈥檚 design process. Beginning in 2008, the University set out to build a facility that brought the scientific disciplines into closer and more regular engagement; showcased the excitement of science, technology, and natural history; maintained the integrity of the campus鈥 O鈥橬eil Ford architecture and its roots in a barren downtown quarry as well as Texas鈥 ranching tradition; and integrated design into the interactions between faculty members, students, the learning environment, and the learning tasks (pedagogy). This design also contributed to LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification attainment in 2018.

In addition to being a stormwater quality best management practice, the green roof functions as a successful gathering place on campus, an outdoor classroom, a sustainable design demonstration garden, and an urban wildlife habitat.

students at table on green roof

The green roof water catchment system and adjacent bioswale manage stormwater onsite, reducing runoff pollutants such as metals, oils, grease, sediment, pet/wildlife waste (E.coli), grass clippings, herbicides, and pesticides that would otherwise be carried into the storm drains and eventually into the nearby San Antonio River. 性爱天堂 uses the collected rainwater to irrigate the green roof plants鈥攁ll native species that are drought tolerant and require very little supplemental irrigation. The green roof also provides a habitat for wildlife and supports the conservation of native species biodiversity, such as native grasses and flowering plants that attract pollinators that include butterflies and hummingbirds, all of which are constant visitors to the green roof.

Increased green space sequesters carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas pollutant, and the green roof does the same鈥攊t insulates the building so it requires less energy and lower carbon output for heating and cooling. In addition, the plants on the green roof absorb incident radiation, mitigating the heat island effect, which can affect communities by increasing summertime peak energy demand, air conditioning costs, air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, heat-related illness and mortality, and water quality.

The green roof鈥檚 natural effects on sustainability and wildlife are obvious, while the health benefits are subtler鈥攕imply put, 鈥溞园焯免檚 green roof is a calming place to be,鈥 says Kelly Lyons, professor of biology at 性爱天堂, and also associate editor for Invasive Science and Management and president of the Society for Ecological Restoration in Texas. 鈥淚t is a place of contemplation to combat daily stress and nature deficit disorder, and increases awareness of the value of natural capital.鈥

grass on green roof

性爱天堂鈥檚 team of experts who helped bring this project to the forefront with the City of San Antonio includes:

  • Bobby Eichholz, Rialto Studios, landscape architect, concept/design
  • Kelly Lyons, 性爱天堂 professor of biology
  • David Ribble, 性爱天堂 associate vice president for Academic Affairs, professor of biology, and CSI building shepard
  • John Greene, 性爱天堂 former director of planning and sustainability
  • Leopoldo Vasquez and his team, 性爱天堂 grounds supervisor
  • Leslie Bleamaster III, 性爱天堂 CSI facilities manager
  • Ernesto Gonzalez, 性爱天堂 associate director of Facilities Services
  • The many students who have helped weed this very special rooftop paradise

Carla Sierra is the public relations manager for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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