Professor Jenny Brown holds class outside
What is a Poet Laureate?
性爱天堂 Professor Jenny Browne plans to use art as a tool for collaboration in her new position as poet laureate of San Antonio

Amid cheers and a standing ovation, Mayor Ivy Taylor invested 性爱天堂 English professor Jenny Browne as the 2016-18 poet laureate of San Antonio on Monday, March 28. The City Council Chambers were entirely packed. Felix Padron, executive director of the Department for Culture and Creative Development, notes that no former poet laureate has ever been invested with such an audience.

In spite of all this fanfare, Browne introduces herself to us simply. She tells the story of how she introduced herself to a group of Congalese and Somalian teenage girls in a refugee camp in Kenya. Knowing that her official introduction meant very little to them, she found a different way to tell them who she was.

鈥淢y name is Jenny and I鈥檓 a poet and a writer and reader and a professor. I鈥檓 also a wife and a mother and a sister and a daughter. I鈥檓 an American and I鈥檓 a Texan and I live by a river in a city called San Antonio.鈥

It鈥檚 a humble approach for such a prestigious-sounding title, one that prompts Browne鈥檚 daughters to jokingly refer to the investiture as her 鈥渃oronation.鈥 Browne seems determined to eliminate any mystery about the position, however. When people congratulate her on her award as poet laureate, they also quickly ask: What exactly is that?

The official job of a poet laureate is to promote literacy and the understanding of arts and culture in the San Antonio community, or as Mayor Ivy Taylor puts it, it means to have 鈥渁n endless determination in fostering greater cultural understanding in the San Antonio community.鈥

Jenny Brown receiving award from Mayor Ivy Taylor

As a student, I鈥檝e seen Professor Browne foster this kind of understanding firsthand. In my poetry classes, we frequently share poems and garner feedback from each other in workshop. Sharing work that is often personal could easily be an apprehensive experience, but Professor Browne has a way of making workshop a collaborative and supportive place rather than a 听critical one. Her trick is this: Every time she comments on a student鈥檚 work, she makes her voice very soft and begins, 鈥淚 wonder about鈥︹

I marvel at how this change of voice and this gentle approach makes it easier for all of us in class to be kinder to one another. About our modern world, one supposedly renowned for its connectivity, Browne says, 鈥淲e are profoundly empathy deprived. Empathy is the task of poetry, writing, art.鈥 From Professor Browne I have learned that when we encourage each other to wonder about how something can be different, our dialogue changes. Our communication opens up possibilities, whether that鈥檚 of a poem, or of someone鈥檚 creative potential.

鈥淲e don鈥檛 want to talk about how much language matters,鈥 Browne says in her poem 鈥淭he First Person,鈥 which tells the story of a seemingly harmless comment that carries immense weight. As poet laureate, Browne鈥檚 task seems to be to harness the power of language. Poetry can be a tool to open up the possibilities of our city in what she refers to as both the 鈥減hysical and imaginary鈥 spaces, to make the different voices of our community heard.

I am excited to see what we can 鈥渨onder about鈥 San Antonio, with the help of our new poet laureate and the power of language available to all of us.

Mariah Wahl '16 helped tell 性爱天堂's story as an intern with the University communications team.

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