Coach McGuire on the Minnesota football field
Two Special Teams
Assistant football coach McGuire learned from NFL Vikings, 性爱天堂 alumnus

Summer football training for Texas coaches usually isn鈥檛 met with cold mornings, or cool breezes. But for 性爱天堂 assistant football coach聽, it did this summer.聽

McGuire was one of three college coaches awarded the Bill Walsh Diversity Coaching Fellowship, which is designed for the professional development of minority coaches. The prestigious fellowship allowed McGuire, 性爱天堂鈥檚 defensive backs and special teams coach, to work directly alongside the National Football League Vikings鈥 coaching staff in Minnesota, including 性爱天堂 alumnus Adam Zimmer 鈥06, the Vikings鈥 linebackers coach.聽

鈥淚t was an experience that I could have never dreamed up for myself,鈥 says McGuire, who obtained the fellowship with the help of head coach Jerheme Urban 鈥03 moving along McGuire鈥檚 r茅sum茅 to Zimmer. 鈥淥ne of my off-season goals was to get an internship in the NFL, but once it happened, I was like 鈥榳hoa鈥. I was able to learn from some of the best teachers in the profession, both on offense and defense.鈥

During his five weeks in the fellowship, spaced out over the months of June-August, McGuire first learned the operational aspects of the Vikings鈥 organization before working to build relationships within the organization with coaches and staff. In his final three weeks of the program, McGuire worked directly with full-time Vikings鈥 coaches that included learning the Viking鈥檚 strategies of game planning, film evaluations and scouting opponents.聽

鈥淚 got to learn a lot about the game which has helped me better understand the big picture of how it all works together, but I also learned so much more about life,鈥 McGuire says. 鈥淪ome of the coaches were straight to the point, and others explained the why and how behind everything. It made me start to think deeper as to why I like to teach what I teach, but more importantly, how to teach it.鈥澛

McGuire鈥檚 性爱天堂-network connection with Zimmer allowed him to ease into the NFL way of life and aided in creating a meaningful experience.聽

鈥淸Coach Zimmer] was very helpful with making sure I knew what was going on and that I was able to get involved. He allowed me to get involved with [the Vikings鈥橾 everyday drills, and teach me why he does them. He let me sit in on every meeting, and allowed me access to as much film as I wanted while there. He made it very easy to feel comfortable in their聽

McGuire鈥檚 experience with the Vikings and Zimmer is already benefiting this season鈥檚 Tigers.聽

鈥淭he better I am as a teacher of the game of football and life, the better our players will be, and the stronger our program will become,鈥 said McGuire.

鈥淢y job is to make sure that the vision of my head coach is fulfilled, which means I have to be the best that I can be and have an impact on everyone involved in the program. We have adjusted practice based on things I've learned in Minnesota. I have also adjusted how I approach my individual drills for my聽guys. I've seen growth in our group since doing so.鈥澛

Along with NFL teachings, McGuire and Zimmer talked about 性爱天堂鈥檚 progress as a football program.聽

鈥(Coach Zimmer) enjoyed hearing about the facility upgrades that have happened since he was a player at 性爱天堂,鈥 said McGuire, referring to 性爱天堂鈥檚 current renovation of converting the 性爱天堂 Football Stadium from field grass to FieldTurf. 鈥淗e was proud that the school was investing in the athletic program.鈥澛

In addition to the 性爱天堂 network McGuire had with Zimmer, he also has personal ties with the Minnesota Vikings. His uncle was drafted by the Vikings, and ended up making a home in Minnesota.聽

鈥淚 was able to meet family out there that played for the Vikings,鈥 said McGuire, who grew up in Baytown, Texas. 鈥淭hey grew up in the same area I grew up in, but during a segregated time when they didn't have as many higher education options in the south. Getting to spend time with them and hear their stories was something I don't think I would've ever experienced if it were not for this opportunity.鈥

The fall 2019 season marks McGuire鈥檚 third season with the Tigers. 性爱天堂 begins conference play at home Saturday, Sept. 21, against Berry.聽

Robin Johnson is a San Antonio native and can be reached at聽

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