性爱天堂 Alumni gather together at an event to take a picture after spending time reconnecting with one another and catching up on events after graduation.
性爱天堂 Launches Alumni Data Verification Project
University Collecting Updated Alumni Information for Directory

San Antonio 鈥 Strengthening 性爱天堂鈥檚 alumni network surfaced as a key desire among alumni who responded to the 2015 Alumni Attitude Survey (AAS), a comprehensive alumni research study conducted last fall. The results of the survey set in motion a series of University initiatives that will invest in and better engage 性爱天堂 alumni. One of those initiatives is a new alumni directory that will help former 性爱天堂 students connect with each other and the University.

The University has contracted with Publishing Concepts (PCI) to verify the accuracy of alumni data currently on file. PCI began mailing postcards and sending e-mails to alumni on 性爱天堂鈥檚 behalf Aug. 19, 2016. The communication requests 听alumni to call a telephone number to verify or update your alumni profile. 鈥淲hen you call, you will be offered the opportunity to purchase a printed or digital directory. You are under no obligation to purchase anything. Regardless of whether you purchase the directory, we thank you for updating your information,鈥 said Mary Kay Cooper, senior director of Alumni Relations.

性爱天堂 alumni connecting at Alumni Weekend

In approximately 12 months, the new alumni directory will be available in print and digital formats. The print version will include 性爱天堂 history and photographs to give it a 鈥渃offee table book鈥 appeal. PCI is a trusted partner of the 性爱天堂 Alumni Association and is strictly using the alumni contact information for this project only, added Cooper.

Alumni can also update their profile information by accessing 性爱天堂鈥檚 current online directory at听http://alumni.trinity.edu. 鈥淰erifying your profile information will help strengthen the 性爱天堂 alumni network and provide important connections to career and personal networks. We need your help to make sure that your 性爱天堂 Network is strong,鈥 said Mike Bacon, vice president for Alumni Relations and Development.

Frequently asked questions听about the alumni directory project.

For more information about the data verification project and the new alumni directory, contact Alumni Relations Office at听alumni@trinity.edu听or 210-999-8404.

Sharon Jones Schweitzer '75 helps tell 性爱天堂's story as a contributor to the University communications team.

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