Staff Professional Development Day Schedule
性爱天堂 Holds Inaugural Staff Development Day
Staff Engagement Committee organizes first-ever day of professional development for 性爱天堂 staff members

鈥淪taff are the foundation of 性爱天堂.鈥

These powerful words were spoken by聽Alfred Rodriguez, registrar, at the opening remarks of 性爱天堂鈥檚 inaugural Growing TUgether: Staff Development Day. And he鈥檚 not wrong: At about 750 strong, staff are involved in every nook and cranny at the University.

Alfred Rodriguez speaks at Staff Development day.

The聽性爱天堂 Staff Engagement Committee聽aims to advocate for each of these staff members, promoting their needs and interests to the administration. Looking to help the staff improve professional development skills, TSEC members such as Rodriguez spent seven months planning Growing TUgether: Staff Development Day, organized entirely by staff, for staff, and held on July 17. More than 150 staff members attended, doubling TSEC鈥檚 goal, according to TSEC president Trey Dunn.

"鈥媁e felt staff could use an opportunity to network with each other and strengthen skills that would benefit them in their current position and their career,鈥 Dunn explains. 鈥溾婳ur goal was to have 60 to 100 participants for the first year鈥, and were thrilled with a final turnout of over 150 staff members.鈥

President Anderson speaking at Staff Development Day.

Completely free and held at 性爱天堂, the event opened with remarks from 性爱天堂 President Danny Anderson, who spoke about staff being on the front lines of the rapidly changing landscape of higher education. Staff members then broke off into workshops, pausing midway for a keynote luncheon. The day ended with a happy hour and resource fair, where staff could put faces to names and learn about the different benefits available to staff members around campus.

For聽Esther Kim, assistant director for orientation programs, the chance to network with other staff members and learn from them encouraged her to attend the event. 鈥淚t allowed us to be in community and learn with and from one another about topics that are tangible for our everyday work in our offices or departments,鈥 she says.

Esther Kim talking at the Staff Development conference.

Those topics ranged from productivity tools to training on University software, with workshops including areas such as time management, email communication, meeting effectiveness, Google Drive usage, and TLEARN training.

Lupita Puente, an administrative assistant for the聽Department of Human Communication and Theatre聽and a staff member at 性爱天堂 for 34 years, says her schedule is particularly heavy during the school year. That鈥檚 why the time management session was her favorite. 鈥淎ttending [the] session helped me think about my time, where it goes, where I can get more of it, and how to improve it,鈥 she says.

Tess Coody-Anders gives keynote lecture at Staff Development Day.

After the time management session and other morning workshops,聽Tess Coody-Anders聽鈥93, vice president for Strategic Communications and Marketing, gave the keynote luncheon, titled 鈥淔inding Meaning and Purpose: Work and Identity.鈥 Her talk focused on aligning personal values to the work one does to find meaning in a job. Working at a university, she says, already makes finding purpose a little easier.

鈥淣o matter what the job function, we share an inspiring purpose,鈥 she explains. 鈥淲e don鈥檛 make widgets or sell toys; we actively shape and change young lives forever at 性爱天堂.鈥

At the end of Coody-Anders鈥 remarks, she echoed Rodriguez鈥檚 sentiments from earlier in the day:

鈥淭here is no 性爱天堂 as we know it without the contributions of staff,鈥 she says. 鈥淔rom the people who maintain our laboratories and residence halls, to those who collect revenue and distribute aid, to those who recruit and house students for our amazing faculty to educate, staff are involved in every aspect of this University."

View more photos from Growing TUgether: Staff Development Day.

Molly Bruni is a freelance writer and editor and the current editor of 性爱天堂 magazine. You can find her at .

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