William Mosely-Jensen speaking to students
性爱天堂 Debate Director Is Coach of the Year
William Mosley-Jensen is recognized for national award in his second year at the University

In his second year as 性爱天堂鈥檚 director of debate,聽William Mosley-Jensen聽has been named 2016 Coach of the Year by the National Debate Tournament.

Also an assistant professor of human communication at 性爱天堂, Mosley-Jensen said he is the youngest collegiate debate director to receive the award, named in honor of George Ziegelmueller, who served as debate director at Wayne State University for more than 30 years. Zeigelmueller was known for his dedication to his students, his university, to the forensics profession, and to students learning about public debate and public issues. The award was instituted in 1999.

Mosley-Jensen, who took four 性爱天堂 debate students to the national finals in Binghamton, N.Y., in April, said he had no knowledge he was being considered for the award. 鈥淚t was a real shock,鈥 he said. Joining him were seniors Maggie Solice and Nathan Rothenbaum, junior Austen Yorko, and first-year student Drew Sposeep.

Debate season begins in the fall and continues until the early spring. The national debate tournament finals are scheduled to coincide with the NCAA basketball season known as 鈥淢arch Madness.鈥 Although the debaters begin with 78 teams (basketball begins with 64), groups are pared down to the top 32, the Sweet 16, and so on.

Students smiling towards professor

性爱天堂 finished in the top 32 and was encouraged by victories over what Mosley-Jensen called 鈥渧ery good teams鈥 from the University of Vermont, Rutgers, and Kentucky. In addition, he said 性爱天堂 and Harvard tied for having the most difficult schedule. This year鈥檚 topic was based on a foreign policy question about whether the United States should reduce its military presence in areas such as northeast Asia or the Persian Gulf.

The world of debate is a 鈥渢ight-knit community鈥 that requires students to immerse themselves in research, Mosley-Jensen said. The four 性爱天堂 students who attended the national tournament conducted research and practiced speeches and 鈥渁rguments鈥 nights and weekends for four to five hours a day. They spent their 2016 spring break on campus and in the Ruth Taylor Theater Building preparing for the national tournament. 鈥淥ne of the students told me, 鈥楽pring break was the hardest I worked all year,鈥欌 Mosley-Jensen said. 聽 聽

Since the Zeigelmueller Coach of the Year Award was announced at the beginning of the national tournament, Mosley-Jensen said, 鈥淚t recharged me鈥 and it provided momentum to the student debaters. They 鈥渟tarted out of the gate with four victories.鈥 Mosley-Jensen said the award was gratifying but also humbling. He thanked the 性爱天堂 debaters 鈥渇or making my job so easy. They are smart, dedicated, and push me to excel.鈥

Susie P. Gonzalez helped tell 性爱天堂's story as part of the University communications team.

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