A close-up of a map showing the border of Texas and Mexico with the MAS logo in the bottom left corner
性爱天堂 Announces the 2023 MAS 脕lvarez Seminar
Meet this year鈥檚 three guest speakers

性爱天堂 is excited to announce the 2023 Mexico, the Americas, and Spain (MAS) 脕lvarez Seminar speakers. This spring, MAS and assistant professor of history Emilio de Antu帽ano Villarreal, Ph.D., will host three free public lectures on the theme of 鈥淕lobal Migration and Challenges at the U.S.-Mexico Border.鈥澨

The 脕lvarez Seminar is organized every spring semester by MAS to celebrate the history and influence of Mexico, the Americas, and Spain through art exhibits, lectures, film screenings, readings, workshops, and musical performances. The MAS series is made possible through the generosity of Carlos and Mal煤 脕lvarez. For more information, visit 性爱天堂鈥檚听.听听听

Meet this year鈥檚 脕lvarez Seminar guest speakers.听

鈥淲e are here because you were there: surviving civil wars and migrating from El Salvador and Guatemala"

Thursday, Feb. 2 | 6 p.m. | Holt Center

A portrait of Rachel Nolan

Rachel Nolan, Ph.D., assistant professor of international relations at Boston University, is a historian and journalist who writes mostly about Central America. Her book, Children for Export: International Adoption from Guatemala, will be published by Harvard University Press in January 2024.

In addition to her academic work, Nolan has reported from Guatemala, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, and the U.S.鈥攁mong other countries鈥攐n subjects ranging from Indigenous migration to abortion crimes trials and deportations. She contributes to publications including The New Yorker, Harper's Magazine, the New York Review of Books, and Salvadoran investigative news outlet El Faro.

鈥淔rom deterrence to protection: assessing U.S. policies towards migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border and beyond鈥

Thursday, Feb. 23 | 6 p.m. | Dicke Hall 104

A portrait of Maureen Meyer smiling

As vice president for programs with the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), Maureen Meyer works with WOLA鈥檚 program directors to develop policy priorities and strategies to advance human rights and social justice in Latin America.听

Meyer has extensive experience addressing human rights, security cooperation, border security, and migration issues. She works closely with various human rights and migrant rights organizations and networks in the border region and is a member of the Mexican-based Collective for Analysis of Security with Democracy. Previously, Meyer was an International Development Fellow with the Catholic Relief Services in the Dominican Republic and worked for five years in Mexico City, Mexico, primarily with the Miguel Agustin Pro Juarez Human Rights Center.听

"The Border: The Epicenter of Our Homelands"

Thursday, March 30 | 6 p.m. | Holt Center

A portrait of Alfredo Corchado leaning his elbow on a table

Alfredo Corchado is the Mexico border correspondent for The Dallas Morning News and author of Midnight in Mexico: A Reporter鈥檚 Journey Through a Country鈥檚 Descent into Darkness (Penguin Press) and Homelands: Four Friends, Two Countries, and the Fate of the Great Mexican-American Migration (Bloomsbury).

Corchado has reported on the reach of Mexican drug cartels into the United States, the plight of Mexican and Central American immigrants in America, government corruption on both sides of the border, and the debate about immigration. He began his career in journalism at the El Paso Herald-Post before working for the Wall Street Journal in 1987. Corchado was inducted into the Texas Institute of Letters in 2018 and named Texas鈥 Star Reporter of the Year in 2020.

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