԰ Community Investment - a ԰ university and SAISD partnership
԰ and SAISD Enter Into Major Community Partnership
The “԰ Community Investment” makes a ԰ education accessible.

԰ and San Antonio ISD announced the creation of the “” partnership, which will make an education at ԰ accessible to top graduating seniors within SAISD by providing students the financial resources and academic support to navigate the higher education process. The partnership is ultimately designed to give these students the opportunity to excel academically, and contribute as leaders at ԰ and in the greater San Antonio community. 

"԰ is in a unique position to offer very generous need-based financial aid to students, and we are excited to make an even greater investment for those high-achieving students in SAISD,” said Justin Doty, dean of admissions for ԰. “This means that if students qualify for admission, ԰ will meet their full demonstrated financial need allowing them to graduate with very minimal loan debt." 

Through this partnership, the University will develop programs, projects, and activities that will support SAISD graduates in their efforts to complete their higher education goals, and address college persistence and completion challenges for student populations served by SAISD. 

“԰ and SAISD both firmly believe in making higher education accessible for all students, explains Doty. “There is a shared commitment to assisting students both to and through college,” he said.

“This partnership works well because ԰ and SAISD are in agreement that this kind of educational experience should be a financial reality for all students,” said Doty. “Committed to our value of intentional inclusion, it is critically important to help educate families in our community to let them know that a ԰ education is both attainable and financially viable.”

“This partnership with ԰ will allow our high-achieving students the option to stay close to home and attend a top-tier university,” said Eduardo Sesatty, Ph.D., SAISD director for postsecondary initiatives. “We look forward to seeing our graduates fully engage at ԰, with the prospect of participating in learning communities, research programs, and mentoring opportunities.” 

“We understand that many students from SAISD will be the first in their family to attend college, and navigating the transition to college can be very challenging. ԰ will help ensure these students are set up for success and realize their full potential by providing excellent academic advising, mentoring, and student support services,” said Doty.

Program representatives will increase awareness by promoting the partnership to SAISD families, high school counselors, advisors and administrators to help inform SAISD students and their families about the value of a ԰ education.

Carla Sierra is the public relations manager for ԰ Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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