student holding pen smiling in writing center
Tiger Tutors Strive to Be Their Best
Writing Center tutors receive CRLA certification

This fall, 性爱天堂 Writing Center tutors reached Level One Certification by the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA). The CRLA helps ensure that university tutoring programs adhere to the best practices, as established by the profession, by providing an internationally-recognized set of criteria for tutor training.聽

Breaking this down, CRLA training emphasizes collaborative and active learning, encouraging tutors to not simply tell students the information, but involve their peers in critical thinking. To achieve the Level One Certification, Writing Center tutors completed 10 hours of training, passed multiple observations and evaluations, and tutored for a minimum of 25 hours. Jennifer Rowe, director for Tutoring Programs at 性爱天堂, explains that 鈥渂y participating in this program, we hope to better equip our tutors to help students master class concepts as well as increase the likelihood that these students will engage in help-seeking behaviors.鈥澛

The CRLA certification represents completion of the first major stage of peer-tutor training at 性爱天堂. The Writing Center is now pursuing Level Two Advanced Certification, and Quantitative Reasoning and Skills tutors and course-embedded tutors are now applying for Level One Certification. Rowe is excited by the progress tutors across campus are making, explaining 鈥渢his is the first time that 性爱天堂 has undergone such an effort to improve and standardize tutoring practices on a campus-wide level.鈥澛

Rowe adds that the certification not only benefits students seeking help in their classes, but tutors as well: 鈥淭hese students are doing demanding, para-professional work; the certification recognizes the quality of that work and gives them a powerful resume item to take with them after they've graduated.鈥

One Writing Center tutor, Ariana Fletcher-Bai 鈥20, feels that this certification is a 鈥渉uge acknowledgement of the work we鈥檝e done and the work we're doing.鈥 It also makes it known that 鈥淭iger tutors are intentional about providing a truly helpful and well-informed resource for students.鈥

Congratulations to Fletcher-Bai, Robin Bissett 鈥20, Hannah Friedrich 鈥19, Tiffany Nguyen 鈥20, and Ariel DelVecchio 鈥20 for receiving CRLA certification.

Abigail DeNike 鈥20 helped tell 性爱天堂's story as a writing intern for Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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