Students look through telescope
Through Different Lenses
Physics and mythology collide during trip to McDonald Observatory

Deep in the underworld, Isaiah Mitchell 鈥20 still had a clear view of the stars.

Mitchell, a classical studies major who spent his summer researching the myth of Orpheus鈥攁 tragic Greek hero who traversed the depths of Hades 鈥攚as part of a 5-day 性爱天堂 experiment in May that sent a mix of classical studies and physics students to the McDonald Observatory in Ft. Davis, Texas, home to the massive, 160-ton Harlan J. Smith Telescope.

The trip served as a 鈥渃reative space鈥 for both sets of students to collide.

鈥淏eing around that telescope, no matter what you鈥檙e studying, gives you a sense of perspective,鈥 Mitchell says.

During the trip, the physics bunch鈥擬atthew Jenkins 鈥18, Brian Guerrero 鈥20, Jordan Koeller 聽鈥19, Jared Tincher 鈥20, Marshall Tickner 鈥19, and Frances Stone 鈥19鈥攈elped Pooley study supernovae, or titanic explosions from dying stars. The classical studies duo of Ariana Fletcher-Bai 鈥20 and Mitchell, on the other hand, launched an ongoing project to catalogue thousands of classical literary references, such as names, places, artifacts, or larger themes, in modern science fiction books, movies, and other media.

鈥淢y physics students got to see how world-class physics is done with this huge telescope,鈥 Pooley says, while Stevens notes his pair of young researchers got experience 鈥渟ifting through massive amounts of data.鈥

Beyond this research, both teams got a chance to look at the universe through different lenses, says Koeller, a physics major.

鈥淚n sciences you think about spatial distance, but Ariana and Isaiah approach the galaxy from a viewpoint of the mythology behind the stars,鈥 Koeller explains.

Both groups seemed starstruck when they arrived at the remote, West Texas observatory, Fletcher-Bai says. At night, there are no man-made lights within eyesight.

鈥淵ou can see these stars that are millions of miles away, but it鈥檚 so black outside you can鈥檛 see your hands,鈥 Fletcher-Bai said. 鈥淚t was a kind of spiritual moment.鈥

The trip wasn鈥檛 all glamorous. Just getting to the observatory required the 10-person group to pile into a van for a 10-hour round trip from 性爱天堂, says physics major Frances Stone.

鈥淎nd once you get there, the actual site is on top of this 鈥榖aby mountain,鈥欌 she groans. 鈥淛ust stairs, stairs, stairs - and once you get up the hill, more stairs.鈥

The observatory itself, dubbed by the 性爱天堂 group as a 鈥渟ki lodge for astronomers,鈥 made for an intimidating locale. Looming over both sets of students, like a monstrous cyclops of classical myth or armored behemoth from a sci-fi blockbuster, was the telescope: a 32-foot high, 50-year-old giant, imprisoned for eternity in a 70-foot-tall, glistening-white rotunda.

After the trip ended, both groups went on to 10 more weeks of research as part of 性爱天堂鈥檚 summer undergraduate research program, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the McNair Scholars Program, and the T. Frank and Norine Murchison Faculty Development Fund Research Corporation, among other grants. During this period, long after the trip was over, Pooley and Stevens saw the true benefits of their journey to the observatory shine through.

鈥淲orking next to these physics students, watching how rigorous their work habits were, that was enlivening for my two classics students,鈥 Stevens says.

Pooley says his physics students found ways to make their research more accessible.

鈥淪eeing these two very different groups of students come together, and be able to explain their research projects together to the point where everyone could understand each other, that鈥檚 incredible,鈥 Pooley says.

Mitchell says he鈥檒l always remember to take a break from the grind of research to look up at the stars.

鈥淲hen I went home this summer, I started stargazing with my family,鈥 Mitchell said. 鈥淎s long as it鈥檚 dark, you can do that wherever you are.鈥

Jeremy Gerlach is 性爱天堂's Brand Journalist, and he only gets the chance to stargaze during his yearly holiday trip to his parents home in rural North Carolina.

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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