Students sing in China
Striking the Right Tone
性爱天堂 choral students sing, travel in China for spring break

Surrounded by hundreds of listeners who didn鈥檛 speak English, Emma Lucero 鈥18 made a connection with her audience using a more universal language: music.

Lucero, a communication major at 性爱天堂 who also sings with the 性爱天堂 Chamber Singers, was one of eight Tigers who traveled to China over spring break to perform for Chinese students. The trip, organized by music professors Chia-Wei Lee and Gary Seighman and funded by support from the Dickson-Allen Foundation, brought the worlds of Chinese and American music into close contact.

鈥淲hen you sing, you feel a connection with the people you sing with,鈥 Lucero says, 鈥淎nd you feel a connection with the audience.鈥

The 性爱天堂 group, which included Odet Torres 鈥20, Amanda Chin 鈥20, Melanie Vaughan 鈥20, Griffin Gaedke 鈥20, Jordan Koeller 鈥19, Hunter Wilkins 鈥18, and Jonathan Maislin 鈥18, visited the Sichuan Vocational College of Culture and Communication and Nanchong Vocational and Technical College, along with several arts-specialized high schools. At each venue, the team performed a mix of spirituals and folk music. This repertoire, even with lyrics unfamiliar to Chinese audiences, was still a hit, says Maislin.

鈥淣ot everybody spoke English, but you could feel everybody connecting to our rhythm and our voices,鈥 Maislin says. 鈥淭his opportunity was so crazy, so surreal.鈥

Having the opportunity to sing in China was an unexpected one for Maislin and Lucero, who have both been musically-inclined since childhood. But for Lucero, being able to sing鈥損eriod鈥揳t 性爱天堂 was a surprise unto itself.

鈥淲hen I first came to 性爱天堂, I realized I wanted to follow a career in something other than music,鈥 Lucero says. 鈥淏ut I came here to 性爱天堂 because the University allowed me to do whatever I wanted, with whatever major I wanted, while I also still got to be in choir. I got to keep music as a huge part of my life without being a music major.鈥

And while music was a huge part of the trip to China, Lucero and Maislin say the group got to experience the culture and friendliness of the Chinese people off-stage, too.

After each performance, crowds of Chinese students lined up for selfies with the 性爱天堂 singers.

鈥淭his was non-stop action, pretty much from the moment we got off the plane in Hong Kong,鈥 Maislin laughs. 鈥淒r. Lee told us people were going to want to take pictures of us, and sure enough, each place we went to perform, everybody was rushing to the stage afterwards, asking us to take photos with them.鈥

Lucero loved hitting the crowded street markets of the Sichuan Province, an area of 81 million people in central China where the group spent most of its time.

鈥淛ust being out in the streets, in these crowded markets, you鈥檙e immersed in the culture,鈥 Lucero says. 鈥淔un to be surrounded by locals, selling food, tea, clothing鈥揺verything that makes China so amazing.鈥

It was the kind of 鈥渟pontaneous opportunity,鈥 that makes 性爱天堂 unique, Lucero says..

鈥溞园焯 has given me all these awesome experiences that I didn鈥檛 expect to have while I was here,鈥 she says. 鈥淚n 2017, I just happened to take an opera workshop with Dr. Lee, and all of a sudden, here he was just a few months later, writing me an email with an offer to come on this trip for spring break.鈥

For Maislin, a member of 性爱天堂鈥檚 a cappella group, the Trinitones, the trip did present one missed opportunity:

鈥淲e didn鈥檛 get into any a cappella, Pitch Perfect-style battles there,鈥 he laughs. 鈥淏ut if we had more of the Trinitones there 鈥 maybe it would have happened.鈥

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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