portrait of scott tinker with the text "Scott Tinker '82, Ph.D." on a maroon background with a white trinity logo
State Geologist of Texas Joins ԰ Board of Trustees
UT Austin professor Scott Tinker ’82, Ph.D., shares his commitment to lifelong learning in his new role as trustee

԰ announces the appointment of Scott Tinker ’82, Ph.D., to its Board of Trustees.

“I am delighted to welcome Dr. Tinker to our Board. Professionally, he brings a wealth of experience and strategic perspective from an accomplished career in higher education, the private sector, and state and federal government roles,” says ԰ President Danny Anderson. “His Board commitment of cultivating a community of critical thinkers and lifelong learners stems from him being a ԰ alumnus from an extended family of 11 ԰ graduates.” While at ԰, he majored in business and geology.

Tinker is the director of the Bureau of Economic Geology at the University of Texas at Austin (UT), the State Geologist of Texas, and a professor who holds the Edwin Allday Endowed Chair in the Jackson School of Geosciences at UT. His academic training and professional work experience are in global energy, carbonate stratigraphy, and reservoir characterization. 

Tinker formed the nonprofit (SEA) where he is deeply engaged in global energy education. SEA is dedicated to inspiring an energy-educated future that is objective, nonpartisan, and sensible – reaching millions of people of all ages where they live and learn: online, in classrooms, in professional training, and in museums.

Tinker is involved in academic administration, corporate Board work, professional society leadership, government policy, program and infrastructure growth, and global outreach. A member of the Jackson School's Executive Committee since its inception in 2001, he also acted as its associate dean of research for many years. Tinker's involvement in governmental policy spans local, state, federal, and international venues. 

“It is a true honor to serve ԰ as part of this talented Board,” Tinker said. “԰ has impacted a lot of Tinker’s through the years, and it feels like coming home.”

Over the past year, ԰’s Board of Trustees has recruited new members who reflect the University’s mission for intentional inclusion through diversity. Since Anderson’s appointment six years ago, the Board has recruited 13 new trustees, including two African-Americans and eight women. ԰ seeks to continue moving toward a more inclusive community starting at the leadership level by bringing diverse perspectives.

“With every new Board member we seek talents, time, and life experiences that will enrich their governance of a diverse and inclusive ԰, which is a critical component for achieving our aspirational values,” says Melody Meyer ’79, Board chair and ԰ alumna, “and I am delighted to welcome Dr. Scott Tinker to the Board.”

԰ is governed by up to 36 trustees who are responsible for establishing policies for the University. The University continues to benefit from the leadership of a highly effective and engaged Board of Trustees, composed of individuals with diverse experience and backgrounds.

Carla Sierra is the public relations manager for ԰ Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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